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  • #63585

    wich data i have to include to use wordpress functions? and

    when i only login bbpress i have to type my data in wordpress to write a comment :( ( is that “fixable” ?



    In reply to: Beta Problem


    1. Yes it’s possible to make bbPress and WordPress look the same.

    2. I don’t know about the widgets. I suspect if you include the WordPress functions in bbPress you could probably do that.

    3. You probably want to redirect all your bbPress logins through WordPress since the WordPress registration function is more robust.

    The level of integration you’re looking for is beyond what most people will help with for free. It’s all possible though (I think: not sure on the widgets since I never used one.)

    Mark Barnes


    You need to make sure you have backpress installed also:


    That plugin didn’t work quite right for me, but I was able to hack together my own hard-coded version for both bbpress and wordpress.



    You’ll have to create your own custom theme for bbpress in order to make it look like it’s part of your site.


    Well I just uploaded the latest nightly build of 0.9 and I can’t get it to install so I would just wait for the official one if I were you.



    What are you expecting from integration? Integration here means the user information is shared, that’s about it. If you want your bbPress installation to look like your WordPress blog, there is more work to be done. I’m guessing that’s what you’re expecting: you want your forum to look like your blog?


    I added the code but nothing changed:


    Hello everyone!

    I have a few important questions.

    I want to make a theme for wordpress and bbpress . Is it possible that i can make it so that no-one can see when he is in bbpress and wehen in wordpress?

    Is it also possible to show the wordpress widgets in the bbpress sectionß

    The login menue must be in both pages and wehen you login you are logged in in wordpress and bbpress automatically.

    Can someone help me?

    greetz sensi

    // sorry for my bad english


    Hi, I’ve installed the version into the wordpress v2.3.2 directory.

    I tried to localise bbpress in french using the found in

    But when I add the french mo file in bbpress/bb-includes/languages, and the line

    define(‘BBLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);

    into config.php file

    I’ve the Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class cachedfilereader in E:wampwwwhyporecrs_next2bbpressbb-includesstreams.php on line 163

    After many hours of research and tests, the problem seems to be due that there is a confict between wordpress fr mo file and the bbpress one.

    Note that to use the header and the footer from wordpress in bbpress, I’ve added:

    define(‘WP_BB’, true);

    if ( !defined(‘DB_NAME’) ) {

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wp-config.php’);


    into the config.php file

    (the bbpress template could then use get_header(); and get_footer(); of wordpress which is very convenient)

    Please how can I solve this issue ?

    thanks in advance


    crazlunatic: did you try it? That looks like what you need to do for integration, to me. Oh, except I think you need to do that before you install, so that your user tables are integrated. If you changed that after installation, install again.

    Integration next week will be different with the release of WordPress 2.5 and the latest bbPress 0.9.


    rahul286: the false option always works for all servers. The other options work but require some configuration on your end. So, setting it to false is the quickest and easiest way to get going. It’s not a problem with bbPress, it’s a problem with configuration on a lot of servers.


    That is great. I really appreciate your help but now I want to integrate it into wordpress. How can I do this?

    This is how I edited my config:

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘craz_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    /* Stop editing */


    It looks bad because the path to your style.css is wrong. The stylesheet should be here, but it’s not:

    So, where is it really? I suspect the path in the config.php and the URL you are using to access the forum are not the same, and that’s why you see the forum without any styling.

    Wait – it’s actually here:

    So, in your config you called the directory forums but you actually installed it in the directory bbpress. You need to fix your config.php.

    You have this:

    $bb->uri = ‘’;

    It needs to be this:

    $bb->uri = ‘’;

    (or, you can leave the config alone and change the name of the bbpress directory to forums.)

    Fix that and everything will look as it should. You may need to do a hard refresh or clear the cache in your browser to see the effect of the changes. CTRL SHIFT R in Firefox.


    Separate db vs one table is something new for 0.9 I believe.

    Those are constants that have to be defined in bb-config.php just like any of the other constants. ie.


    If you are just now installing bbpress and not already integrating an existing install, if you wait for the 0.9 release on monday, it will do most of the integration for you.

    There are endless instructions for integration, I’ve gathered most of them here (though that list is getting outdated for 0.9)


    Hmmm. I think that might have helped but my forums looks reallly bad =(

    Edit: Actually now when I log in, it takes me here:

    And yes I did make changes like adding the functions code, but I don’t think I need to use it, do I?


    I know the idea of integrate. When I check the documentation on the BBpress site about integrate I find this:

    “If you would like to pull user information from a different database, define USER_BBDB_NAME, USER_BBDB_USER, USER_BBDB_PASSWORD, and USER_BBDB_HOST.”

    Now I don’t how to do this. I should add this to the config.php file, but how and where exactly to put this is not clear to me. A visitor doesn’t seem any difference and I will not have big MySQL databases.

    When I find out in a later stage that I have a lack of visitors I can remove all the data within an eye wink instead of the big adventure of finding everything concerning BBpress in the WordPress database.


    With integration, you are sharing the wp_users table. Even if bbPress and WordPress are in different databases, there is going to be some shared data – that’s what the integration does. So having bbPress and WordPress in different databases doesn’t actually help with that. If you have them in the same database, just drop the bb_ tables and edit the users to remove any bbPress users. I don’t think using different databases helps you down the road.


    I try to integrate BBpress and WordPress. I’ve already read that it isn’t a problem to have BBpress on a sub-domain. So that is something I will do. Another problem I have is that I want to have two different databases. In a later stage I want to be able (doesn’t say that I will do it) to remove the forum with all his database information. Is there a simple way of doing that?


    can the .09 version be downloaded from the nightly build thing and used? is it the version that will be released? and, most importantly; will it work without wordpress 2.5?


    What plugins are you using? And, is one of them, “Admin Can Post Anything”?

    Sam Bauers

    We are sitting on our hands until WordPress 2.5 is released.

    It would be a mistake to release before them as the new integration methods pretty much require WordPress 2.5


    WP 2.5 has been moved apparently to Monday the 17th,

    so the assumption is bbPress 0.9 will be too.

    I think upgraders will be quite pleased with all the subtle bug fixes by Sam and MDA, and new installers will be helped along nicely by the much enhanced installer (with built in integration!)


    Today is March 14th. <3

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