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  • #240991

    In reply to: Email template edit

    Milan Petrovic

    Since bbPress sends emails in ‘bulk,’ every recipient gets the same message; there is no way around that. There was some discussion of changing how emails are sent, but that is a very complex issue right now.

    The only way to resolve this is to override the bbPress code for sending emails and write a new one to do what you need. But, that needs to be custom-coded, and it would not be cheap to do.


    In reply to: Email template edit

    Robin W

    Because bbpress sends a single email with all the recipient email address in the BCC, this is not possible.

    Robin W

    I am not a bbpress author, so cannot do that – sorry


    Hello Robin,

    Shall check with 6.5.5 + bbp style pack. Thanks for the suggestion.

    However , I would like to suggest you to integrate bbp style pack within bbpress itself. So that users wont have to take an extra step and install bbp style pack.

    Kindly let me know if that’s possible.



    In reply to: hide ip address


    I understand wanting some privacy online! Here on bbPress, IP addresses are generally hidden from regular users. They might only be visible to admins or moderators for moderation purposes.


    Hey n3wjack,

    There aren’t many actively maintained like-button plugins for bbPress specifically. But, check out “Like for bbPress” – it might do the trick for simple upvoting!


    Yeah I just deployed the first version. Once it’s been tested and gotten some user feedback I’ll update if necessary, then I think I’ll make a free version for the bbPress community.


    Hey antoineu,
    Sounds like a good plan! Akismet does a great job of this already, and it’s really easy to set up with bbPress. You might want to check that out first.


    In reply to: Email template edit

    Milan Petrovic


    Both things are available in my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin: You have additional notifications for admins, and every email sent by bbPress can be customized and you can change the text of the email.



    Topic: Email template edit

    in forum Plugins

    bbPress – notify forum admin by email of new forum posts?
    how to edit the email template of bbpress


    I have a forum on BBPress and I get a lot of spam messages.
    I’m looking to apply this anti-spam strategy:
    I’d like a plugin to automatically check when a new post is created (creation of a new topic or reply to an existing topic) if there are any blacklisted keywords in the title or message (example: viagra…).
    If the plugin detects a blacklisted keyword, the post must be manually validated by a moderator before being published.
    Could you please tell me how I can set this up?
    Thanks a lot!


    For a long time links from twitter have previewed in bbPress topics and replies. Now that the name has changed to, the previews don’t work. Is there a solution?


    Ive recently installed bbpress to a wordpress website and behind the forum there is a white box, i have eddited bbpress.css and the box is still there, any ideas on how to remove it?


    Running into conflicts with new versions can be a pain. Have you tried checking the bbPress forums for similar issues with the new version and BuddyPress? There might be a workaround.


    I would like to set up a page for my members who can publish their annoucements,
    Can I creat this page in using BBPress ? and how I will do it ?
    thank you very much !


    I feel you on the 700 clients! Hopefully a bbPress update is coming soon to address compatibility. In the meantime, BP Classic might be a temporary solution for some.


    In the new version, I am encountering a major issue where all AJAX functionality, as well as BuddyPress and other plugins, are not working properly.

    I have checked every scenario, including using the default WordPress theme, and consistently face issues due to the new version of bbPress.

    I kindly request you to resolve this issue as soon as possible, as my client has raised a refund request because of this problem.


    @houd, thanks for your help.

    I tried your code but the ‘span’ tag does not work as expected.
    Strangely, I think the code itself is correct because ‘strong’ tag (bold text) does work when I added it in the code for testing purpose. Like this:

    function wp_bbpress_allow_tags(){
        return array(
            'span'=> array(
                'class'     => true,
                'style'     => true,
            'strong'     => array(),
    add_filter('bbp_kses_allowed_tags', 'wp_bbpress_allow_tags');

    Don’t know what go wrong.


    Whew, that’s a lot to catch up on! Thanks for the info, Milan. Updating bbPress now.


    Hello, the general forum stays on the left and with a reduced size. I would like to center the entire forum box on the page and make it wider. Is this possible? I have seen in several forums that it is.

    For example, this one:

    Mine looks like this, but aligned to the left and without the box, directly with the reduced width:


    You need to pick the allowed html tags that the users can use in your “functions.php”, like so:

    function wp_bbpress_allow_tags(){
        return array(
            'span'=> array(
                'class'     => true,
                'style'     => true,
    	// add other tags to allow here
    add_filter('bbp_kses_allowed_tags', 'wp_bbpress_allow_tags');

    Keep in mind the tags you pick here are the only tags that will be allowed, so list all of them here.

  • Don’t ask me why the default allowed tags are different than the default shown TinyMCE buttons.

Topic: View the topic title

in forum Themes

Hello ,
I hope I can explain clearly what I want.
The topic title from the last post should be displayed

As can be seen in the following picture:
Bild 1
this picture is from my Woltlab forum. I specifically mean what I marked yellow!
I would like to have the same thing in the bbPress forum!
At the point I marked in the following picture.
bild 2
So the name of the last topic is displayed above the date and time.
What should the code look like here?

I hope you can help me .

greetings from simsdreams


Security risk: privesc. It could be possible to elevate a user’s privileges to a higher permission level.

Severity: critical

Fixed in: 2.6.5

Security risk: privesc. It could be possible to elevate a user’s privileges to a higher permission level.

Severity: high

Fixed in: 2.6.5

Security risk: xss. Data from an attacker could be interpreted as code by site visitors’ web browsers. The ability to run code in another site visitors’ browser can be abused to steal information, or modify site configuration.

Severity: medium

Fixed in: 2.6.0

Security risk: xss. Data from an attacker could be interpreted as code by site visitors’ web browsers. The ability to run code in another site visitors’ browser can be abused to steal information, or modify site configuration.

Severity: medium

Fixed in: 2.6.5

Security risk: sqli. The plugin contains a vulnerability wherein unauthenticated visitors could inject SQL statements into WordPress. SQL injection could allow an attacker to gain control of your site.

Severity: low

Fixed in: 2.0

Security risk: xss. Data from an attacker could be interpreted as code by site visitors’ web browsers. The ability to run code in another site visitors’ browser can be abused to steal information, or modify site configuration.

Severity: low

Fixed in: 2.5.9

Security risk: sqli. The plugin contains a vulnerability wherein unauthenticated visitors could inject SQL statements into WordPress. SQL injection could allow an attacker to gain control of your site.

Severity: low

Fixed in: 2.0

Security risk: xss. Data from an attacker could be interpreted as code by site visitors’ web browsers. The ability to run code in another site visitors’ browser can be abused to steal information, or modify site configuration.

Severity: low

Fixed in: 2.5.10

Security risk: sqli. The plugin contains a vulnerability wherein unauthenticated visitors could inject SQL statements into WordPress. SQL injection could allow an attacker to gain control of your site.

Severity: low

Fixed in: 2.5.13

Robin W

ok, you are doing stuff with combinations of old versions of software – I can only help with current.

Wordpress 6.x dramatically changed how WordPress works, and Twenty Twenty-Two is one of the new FSE themes.

So on WordPress 6.5.5 with Twenty Twenty-Two you will need the fix mentioned above. BBpress 2.6.11 is the current version of bbpress and should also be used.



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