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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • Nola1974

    I was using the Display Name plugin, and now I can’t add new forums to the bbpress. Is there anythingI should do to reverse whatever it did to screw up the permissions?

    After a couple of weeks and double checking I did everthing you outlined up there,, I *still* can’t get the cookie thing straightened out. I just cant seem to get single-login to work.. I’ve tried just about everyting I’ve found on the forum. (maybe that’s it… too many things?)


    It worked when I did it.

    BTW – I just gave it 20px of whitespace on the sides. This forum here has 40px of whitespace on either side of the content. I always thought this forum looked too narrow, so I didn’t add that much whitespace when I made yours 560px wide.


    Find the elements in the page that you wish to apply new styles to, then add those styles to the style.css in your bbPress template folder.

    I find the web developer toolbar by Chris Pederick invaluable for this sort of thing. You can hover over the item, find out the class or ID, then edit the CSS while still viewing the page. Then, once it does what you want, make the edit permanent in your style.css.


    So what I did was take my original WordPress template and put it in the templates folder and it gave me this:

    This is what I want except I want to center it, add some grey boxes behind it and that is pretty much it. How do I do this? Because I’m using the same CSS I used for my original blog template which is at


    I think you might want to get on IRC and try to raise sambauers.

    I’m not sure what the best bbPress revision is for using WordPress 2.5RC1. I think when WordPress 2.5 comes out, there will be a new bbPress release to match up with it. I know WordPress 2.5 was scheduled for March 10th but that’s been held up just a little bit.


    In reply to: No Input Specified.


    You need to determine if your host supports an .htaccess file, and if it does, you need to know if it supports mod_rewrite in the file. Maybe your host has a support page where you can find that information out. Since your website is running on Apache, it is possible you can use mod_rewrite and pretty permalinks or slugs.

    Did you already try both methods of setting up permalinks described here?



    as the password is stored in a different way in WordPress 2.5 (RC1) you can’t log in with bbpress anymore (if u integrated both which i did).

    Until the next version of bbpress comes out, what do I need to update to make this work again?

    Thanks so much in advance!



    Thanks _ck_! That worked sweet. Didn’t even need to touch .htaccess.

    I just donated $20 through your donate button. Sweet bbpress site by the way.

    Thanks again so much.

    Also, thanks for the offer, chrishajer, I really appreciate it.

    For anyone who wants to know how to do that quickly, just go to your config.php file and make the following line of code look like this:

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    (problem code was: $bb->mod_rewrite = slug;)


    Topic: how to inset avatar

    in forum Plugins

    I’m using plugin avatar upload .

    I want to insert avatar under username .

    EX :


    where i must insert code.

    sorry if my english isn’t good.Because I’m thai people.


    Oh, goodie! I’ve already upgraded one of my sites to 2.5 and I love it, but another is integrated with WP (after much heartache and pain) and I don’t want to upgrade if it’s going to break it!


    Is it possible the files were corrupted upon uploading? Seems like it’s a server configuration thing, not even related to PHP or CGI. You should be able to view this file, for example, but you cannot:

    In fact, it’s an internal server error code 500, but the server is configured to show this error message, which might be misleading. If you have access to error logs, that will help determine what’s causing the 500 error.

    If it’s something applying to that directory and all lower lever directories, maybe there is a problem with the .htaccess file (if you are using one) in the forum directory. Do you have a proper .htaccess file? Please post the content here. I am starting to think an error in the .htaccess file is the problem for it to cause a 500 error on the forum directory or any subdirectory you try to access.

    Permalinks on false is good.

    bbPress does not need its own database, but it does need a database, and the table prefix will be bb_ by default. So long as that doesn’t conflict with any other tables you already have, it’s OK to use an existing database.



    i have installed how it will be described in the documentation.

    When i go to my install.php ( I am getting this:

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Your administrator may not have enabled CGI access for this directory.

    I have CGI on my webserver. I looked in my database. There are no new tables. This is the same database where my wordpress is.

    What can I do? I have the permalinks on “false”.

    Must I install bbpress in a own database?



    I’ve had problems with godaddy hosting and with other applications in the past. (caching of htaccess files)

    What if you took a copy of bbpress/db and created a local test site and see if things work properly? (xampplite)


    Hey Chrishajer;

    1. Yes, the conversations are still there – topics are listed and viewable in phpmyadmin – see this update post:

    2. Host is Godaddy – not sure if they changed any php configs… I tried adding “Options +Multiview” to the .htaccess – no luck. Again please see this update post:


    Hello All;

    I have posted my problem in this post:

    …but I’m not getting any help, the problem is getting weirder and I need this fixed ASAP, so I’m willing to pay anyone who can help me.

    Our forum at has been working for months, now when you click to view a topic you get a “No input file specified” error. I tried reinstalling, shutting off plugins, everything, with no luck. I then thought there might be something in the most recent post that was causing the problem. So, I went into the database with phpmyadmin and deleted the most recent post (titled: “Eidolon finished?”) Now, as you can see – that post is still in the list – AFTER I deleted it from the DB???

    So, if anyone can figure this out and get our forum running – I’ll pay your price.

    Please reply here and I’ll get back to you.


    Please help me!

    I need the help or i cant finish making my new project!

    The login menu must be in the “wordpress section” and in the “bbpress section” of my homepage!.

    Thanks for the help


    Most of this code was taken directly from the bbsync plugin (I’ve attempted to remove need for configuration, and some of the bbsync functionality/flexibility).

    There are really truly NO errors logged anywhere for this.

    here is my plugin in it’s entirety:

    define('CRBBFORUMID', 1);

    function cr_post($post_id) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb, $current_user;

    require (dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/config.php');
    // get the post
    $post = wp_get_single_post( $post_id );

    if(!$current_user) {

    $post_title = $bbdb->escape($post->post_title);

    $bb_topic_arr = get_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $true);
    $bb_topic_id = $bb_topic_arr[0];

    // if bb has this post already, update the topic
    $topic_exists = false;
    if ($bb_topic_id) {
    if(bb_update_topic($post_title, $bb_topic_id)) {
    $topic_exists = true;
    $reply = bb_get_first_post($bb_topic_id);
    bb_update_post($post_text, $reply->post_id, $bb_topic_id);

    // if not, create a new topic
    if (!$topic_exists) {
    $topic_id = bb_new_topic($post_title, CRBBFORUMID, $tags);
    $reply_id = bb_new_post($bb_topic_id, $post_text);

    $r = false;
    if ($topic_id && $reply_id) {
    bb_update_topicmeta($bb_topic_id, 'wp_post', $post_id);
    if (!update_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id)) {
    add_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id, true);
    $r = true;
    $oldcoms = get_approved_comments($post_id);
    if($oldcoms) {
    foreach($oldcoms AS $oldcom) {
    if($user = bb_get_user($oldcom->comment_author)) {
    $time = strtotime($oldcom->comment_date);
    $text = '<em><strong>This comment was originally posted at ' . date('G:i', $time) . ' on ' . date('jS F Y', $time) . ".</strong></em>nn" . $oldcom->comment_content;
    bb_new_post($topic_id, mysql_real_escape_string($text));
    return $r;

    function cr_comment($comment_id, $approval_status) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb;
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/bb-load.php');

    $comment = get_comment($comment_id);

    $topic_id = get_post_meta($comment->comment_post_ID, 'bb_topic', $true);
    if(($topic_id) && ($approval_status == 1) && ($comment->user_id) && bb_set_current_user($comment->user_id)) {
    //topic linked, genuine comment, actual user, bb likes user
    bb_new_post($topic_id, $comment->comment_content);
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;

    add_action('publish_post', 'cr_post');
    add_action('comment_post', 'cr_comment');


    Thank you for the help. So what I did was take my original WordPress template and put it in the templates folder and it gave me this:

    This is what I want except I want to center it, add some grey boxes behind it and that is pretty much it. How do I do this? Because I’m using the same CSS I used for my original blog template which is at



    WordPress 2.3.3

    bbPress latest from yesterday

    Wordpress Integration

    I’ve created a very simple wordpress plugin to attempt to allow wordpress posts and comments to also be put in a bbPress forum.

    When I make a post and my plugin attempts to:

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/bb-load.php');

    I get a blank page, and the post/comment does not get sent to bbpress. I’ve have traced this to the point where bb-settings.php calls this line:

    require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'template-functions.php');

    but no matter what I put in template-functions.php (even writing to a file), I get the blank page.

    I’ve checked all my error logs, and there are no errors being logged, not even a 500 error. I’m at my wits end, and late on this project, please help.





    Can i add the bbpress login menu un my wordpress theme?

    The login is in the header of my wordpress blog.


    and please tell me how!


    Did you see this post by sambauers?


    When running the install script, after only changing the config.php I encounter the following:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ in /home/ on line 10

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ in /home/ on line 1910

    I can complete the installation but every page I visit starts with 

    and other errors sometimes occur.

    What is causing this, and how can it be fixed?


    I think if you wait until bbPress 0.9 is released and integrate it with WordPress 2.5, things will be a lot easier.


    I think if you wait until bbPress 0.9 comes out, integration with WordPress 2.5 will be much easier, according to sambauers.

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