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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #4653

    How is this achieved? how can you see the logs? And are IP’s logged on each post and comment so they can be tied to the user’s ID? Can this be ported to work in all of WordPress MU? Thsi would be very handy. Thanks!

    Ryan Hellyer


    I’m running the latest 1.0 Alpha release.

    I’ve set up deep integration which works okay. However, for some reason wp_head does not seem to be working at all.

    Any ideas on how to use wp_head within bbPress?


    Topic: Vcard in bbpress?

    in forum Plugins


    the vcard system is on bbpress or with a plugin?

    i’m interesting to integrate the informations of jabber profile on the user’s profile in bbpress.



    Same is happening on my board that I just recently installed. It is a fresh install of WP 2.7 and bbPress 1.0-alpha-6.

    Its all running on:

    Win XP SP3 (please dont kick me ;) )

    Apache – 2.2.4 (Win32)

    PHP – 5.2.3

    MySQL – 5.0.37


    But why would you ever do such a thing?! :)



    Still sounds like a cookie issue. I would retrace your steps, make sure you’ve got the WordPress Integration plugin installed on the WordPress side of this. Make sure you’ve added all of the cookie info to your config files as specified, etc…

    In my opinion, for usabilities sake, it may make sense to route your log ins and registrations through 1 platform anyhow.


    Thank you ganzua. I appreciate your help! :)


    2. Delete entries from db… which ones?

    -> those that start by bb

    Remove the wp plugin and undo any change to the wp config.php. Actually these changes don’t do any harm as far as I know.



    How do I uninstall bbpress from my WordPress site? wp 2.7, bbpress 1.0 alpha 6

    1. Delete folder

    2. Delete entries from db… which ones?

    Anything else to completely remove the forum?

    Thank you.


    actually… I spoke too soon.

    all of the different combinations work okay apart from this one…

    if i log in through wordpress, but log out of bbpress, i stay logged in to wordpress


    Cheers Nightgunner, it seems obvious now but that was indeed the problem. With your help AdSense for bbPress is now available at


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    Newly started Swedish cycling webzine and forum… WP and BBPress integration and I have also integrated phpwebgallery though that one is still under development as I have to figure out how to make it fit into the design of the site… (Uhm, yeah, the private blogs on the site are extra installations… can’t run wpmu on the current host and the subdomain hack didn’t work – should change host but can’t afford it atm…)

    Keeping it minimalistic… Though quite feature-packed.

    Ben L.


    You would need to have the link put into the post at the time of display, not at the time of posting. I already emailed you the plugin you asked for. ;)


    integration works perfectly for me now, with this new version.

    i can log in and out of bbpress or wordpress, and it automatically logs in and out of the other one. i could never get that to work with the last version.

    one tiny little thing though…. i’m not even sure that this is a mistake… but when you go to the log-in screen you always get the “Enter a username” message appear next to the username box.

    I am guessing that that is actually supposed to be an error message, and should only appear if they try amd submit without filling in the box — like it does for the password field


    In reply to: wp function error


    getting the same errors as criketos

    I’m guessing that one of the php function used in the new release of bbPress only supports PHP5 =(


    I would like to install bbpress but at the second step (

    I have error “Warning: can not yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode ()! in / home / vinblog / www / forums / bb-includes / wp-functions.php on line 113. “

    someone would have the solution?




    In reply to: Importing from vanilla


    paste the code into the SQL field in phpmyadmin

    export the result to a CSV

    import the CSV to your bbpress forum tables.


    In reply to: Single topic only


    I was able to achieve most of what I wanted to do with almost no core hacks.

    I editted my template front-page.php to basically be topic.php but without the re_permalink() ; call and statically setting $topic_id = 2.

    The core hack I made was to change functions.bb_templates.php to modify all location query functions to trick it into thinking ‘front-page’ is topic-page instead (these are mostly case statements inside functions like is_front() and is_topic()) , meaning that post.php, post-form.php and /bb-post.php all fuinctioned on my new front page in the same way they would on topic.php. I would prefer to develop a plugin that did this modification, but I don’t have time to make one.

    So it essentially does what I wanted it to do, albeit with a core hack that will have to be manually maintained in future releases unless a plugin is developed.

    In the last few days, I’ve basically discovered that neither WordPress or bbPress can do more than 60% of what I want, and it’s a different 60% in each case. bbPress has one major advantage for me over WordPress right now, and that is bbPress Moderation Suite. WordPress has nothing remotely resembling it and I doubt I’ll be able to find someone willing to build it, even for cash. But even bbPress Moderation Suite is missing one key thing for me, and that’s email notification to the users, but Nightgunner is working on that one already.


    In places where something is entered into the users_meta table, it might be a good idea to prefix ‘bb_’ in front of your added values.

    Honestly I’m surprised there isn’t a strict standard about something like this. WordPress modifications are the same way, often times emitting the ‘wp_’ which in my mind feels like it could cause some complications in the future.

    Also, I noticed that there’s even places where both WordPress and bbPress don’t follow this in the core as well. I realize that it was never the intent to allow plugin access to those areas, but now that the proper hooks are in place and things are sharing that same space, it seems like the logical thing to do.


    Has anyone got search results to work ok with this plugin?

    The post_link() on my search results are missing the base directory and forum slug (ie: they look like http://domain.tld//topic-slug#id)

    Also, the My Views plugins don’t seem to work properly, has anyone else noticed this?


    Yes, you should use absolute pathing. Try this:

    Redirect 301 /bbpress/register.php

    You want bbpress/register.php and NOT your theme because the main register.php is actually what gets called.


    Well, I tried…it validated, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything. The file in question is:

    the contents are:

    # Use PHP5CGI as default

    AddHandler fcgid-script .php

    Redirect 301 /bbpress/my-templates/my-kakumei/register.php /wordpress/wp-login.php?action=register

    Do I need an absolute pathname for the last parameter? Both of these are relative off of my public_html directory.



    (Nevermind this stuff below. WP does this even without bbpress, it may be the template.)

    Removed the cookie code from wp-config above.

    Checked “must be logged in to post comment” option in WP Discussion options.

    Logged in with a Subscriber account. Posted comment. Tried to click “Logout” on comments page. Continue to get error:

    “You are attempting to log out of The Site

    Please try again.”

    Difference between the URLs in admin vs comments page.

    Admin “logout” url: ****/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=stringofcharacters

    Comments “logout” url: ****/wp-login.php?action=logout



    Installed wp2.7 in root dir, and bbpress alpha 6 in sub-dir. Enabled permalinks, added code to htaccess in sub-dir.

    Test 1. Logging in to wordpress admin.

    Navigate to comments: shows logged in as admin user

    Navigate to forum: not logged in

    Navigate to forum admin: not logged in

    Test 2. Logging in to bbpress admin.

    Navigate to comments: does not show as logged in as admin user

    Navigate to wp admin: logged in as admin

    Is this how it’s supposed to work?

    More info:

    After adding the following lines of code to the wp-config file:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    This does not change anything except, if I am logged in to the WP Admin, I can not log out. Clicking Log Out presents:

    “You are attempting to log out of The Site

    Please try again.”

    Am I missing something with the code above? Should I be adding the domain name somewhere?

    I appreciate your help.

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