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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • johnhiler

    Akismet seems extremely sensitive to boards posts with links in them, so many valid board comments get moderated into the spam queue on a regular basis. That’s fine – but what’s troubling is that the moderated users often post and repost their comment over and over, flooding my spam queue! They have no idea they’ve been moderated, because (as I understand it)… bbPress doesn’t give any message to the user when their post has been marked as spam/moderated.

    This reposting by users makes it a lot more work to clear the spam queue. I have to unspam one of them, and then delete all the others. Is it possible to somehow improve the user experience when a post has been marked as spam, so that a user knows they’ve been moderated and that an admin will review their comment soon? That will at least get rid of most of the re-posts, which would be a godsend…


    If your _config.php does not have a table prefix specified, that means it’s hard coded in the software, or there is none. (oscommerce is like that: no table prefix.) Can you look at the database with something like phpMyAdmin and see if there are tables with no prefix, or if there are some for this software all with the same prefix?


    And how would you get that relationship?

    More direction please. 8)

    I’m trying to link my wonderful WordPress blog and bbPress Forum(live @ with some wonderful tournament management code(testing, but live @ and have already quite shyed away and scared myself at the thought of trying to connect any two databases, so direction at all would be great.

    Here’s what the tournament management _config.php file consists of:




    //This is the new config file, almost all settings have been moved to the database.

    //You no longer need to edit this file,

    //unless the installer is not able to edit this file because of permissions.

    //Just run the installer at /install/install.php

    //Database server connection settings

    $database = ‘mysql’;

    $database = ‘apltest’;

    $database = ‘?????????????????’;

    $database = ‘apltest’;

    $database = ‘’;

    //Do not change strict_mode, unless you know what you are doing

    $database = -1;



    ^ There is no table specification!? wtf, but that’s not how you link databases, by giving them the same table prefix, right? But does it have to do with the table(s)?(I’d think so, but that’s all I can fathom)


    Here is the link to the site which gave me the tournament management code, “Autonomous LAN Party”:


    Any hint at making that relationship would be most excellent.

    Thank you for your time and input.


    Sam Bauers

    The “” type chaining is not on the cards, nor is completely removing “forum” or “topic” identifiers.

    If anything, I think it dilutes SEO value to shove the forum slug into every single topic and it also causes problems for permalinks if the topic is moved between forums. Not to mention the fact that it can make topic URLs quite long.

    Those two plugins that chrishajer has linked to will probably be incompatible with 1.0 alpha 7.


    bbPress 1.0-alpha-6

    Yes I did “simple” integration with WordPress 2.7

    Everything else seems to work fine on the site. I can view posts, edit posts, edit profiles of regular users.


    1. What version bbPress did you install?

    2. Did you integrated with WordPress? If so, what version?

    3. Do other things work on your forum, like viewing existing topics? Trying to eliminate a permalink problem.


    I am the keymaster for my bbpress forum, and I want to change my email address, but it won’t let me.

    When I am logged in as the keymaster, in the front end, when I go to “View your profile!”, the edit link is “; and if you click on that you get the error “User not found.”

    Also, if I go to the admin area and click on Users, and then click Edit for the keymaster there, it also says User not found. (And the link there is too)

    For a normal user test account I made, the link is “; and when you click it it lets you edit the profile.

    Even if I type in the URL manually, filling in the keymaster’s username instead of test, it still says user not found.

    Is this normal?


    In reply to: trusted roles


    This would be huge for my forum… some of my best members are getting their posts regularly marked as spam, and it’s really upsetting for them!

    Does anyone know if bbPress 1.0 has built-in support for this? Or if a plugin along these lines has been built in the past year?


    The rest of the problems I was able to fix by putting

    <!–[if IE]>

    <style type=”text/css”>

    #thestyleswithproblemsinIE { yadda yadda…

    and for IE6 I used this “_width: ” hack to solve another problem.

    So yeah, all in all these are not BBpress issues, just css issues, but I originally posted because I’ll take help wherever I can get it. And my replies to the post are to help anyone in the future who may be searching. (Since I hate finding a post on the web of someone who had the same problem as me, and then seeing they replied saying “nevermind i figured it out” and not posting the solution they found!!)


    There was this:

    If post_status 2 is a reply marked as spam, then that query would take care of it. But I think it could strand information in other tables that is related to that reply. I’m thinking specifically where the last reply is attributed to a topic or a user. Not sure what happens when you delete the reply that is referred to in another table.


    I wasn’t able to get WP 2.7 + bbPress 0.9 in sync but when I tried WP 2.7 with bbPress alpha 6, I am able to get a sync but not fully.

    Dividing this into 4 cases :

    CASE I

    Logged in from : WP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Logged Out from : WP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Complaints : None so far


    Logged in from : bbP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Logged Out from : bbP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Complaints : None so far


    Logged in from : WP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Logged Out from : bbP

    Reflected in other : No

    Complaints : Unable to logout. Doesn’t reflect anywhere.


    Logged in from : bbP

    Reflected in other : Yes

    Logged Out from : WP

    Reflected in other : No

    Complaints : Unable to logout. Doesn’t reflect anywhere.

    I guess the only problem is that logging out from other than where you logged in doesn’t logged you out.


    Let me try and get back. < WP 2.7 + bbPress 0.9 >


    WP 2.7 and bbPress Alpha 6 works fine for me – no issues


    I’m trying to convert the theme “bbpress-forum” to look like my wordpress theme here:

    I’m having problems getting it to look right. You can see it here:

    It looks slightly different in FF than in IE. For FF, it has this strange problem where the top left logo is being “crushed down” a couple pixels. Also the 3 menu buttons are being crushed down too. I understand HTML and even have a pretty good understanding of CSS and the box model, but I have no idea what’s causing these problems and I can’t figure out how to fix them.

    Also, the thin side bars have a gap in them under the header, which I’d like them not to have, and I just cannot figure out how to fix it.

    If anyone has any ideas or expertise on this, I’m all ears.


    I thought I read in these forums that the problem with eliminating “forum” or “topic” from the URI would make it hard for bbPress to know if you are talking about a slug or a forum. I can’t find that reply now though. I though the comment was from _ck_.


    Update: although there are four topics on the front page with the same slug and same title (WP Thumbnails on BBPress – Integration), you can’t access any of them now. They all result in a 404.


    In reply to: install for beginner


    WordPress 2.7 and bbPress don’t integrate. But that’s not why you’re having trouble integrating the two. If bbPress can’t connect to the database, it’s because one of the connection details is incorrect, or was left out. People sometimes forget to enter the hostname in the database connection details since I think it’s called “advanced database settings” or something. If you need to enter a hostname and have not, that’s likely the connection problem.

    You do not need to create a different database for bbPress, and integration is easiest when you use the same database.


    That appeared 5 times in the latest discussions. Each topic has the same slug. I deleted one of them, and was going to do the others which were duplicates, but now I get a 404 error for each one.

    This has happened a couple times in the past. Normally I think Sam just comes by and fixes it. But why is it happening?


    Hi Guys

    I have installed wordpress 2.7 and now bbpress, I would like to intergrate bbpress with wordpress.

    Now I have tried putting in the database info used by wordpress but bbpress tell me that it had a problem connecting to the database.

    Do I have to create a different database for bbpress?


    Hi Warren

    I am working for WP + bbPress for my college website and I will create accounts in one go. There won’t be open registrations. I just need to have the functionality of using same login credentials at both place and logged in at both WP & bbPress at the same time. Students will need to login before they can comment on posts on WP. Can I achieve this with WP 2.7 and bbPress 0.9?



    I just need a CMS and forum functionality with possible solution for added accounts where they can have access to certain content like download links and I want the login credentials to be same throughout the site. This way I will make everybody a account and they will then need to login into the account even for posting comments.

    Either I use some plugin (if it exists) or write my own code that can use the same username and password from the WP or bbPress database. I think that is pretty much feasible but I am concern about the security as I am not an advanced user.

    Please guide in some direction.


    That sounds like very good news!

    Always found the a bit wicked :)



    First Post here. Looking for much needed help and assistance.

    Latest version of RapidWeaver and WP2.7x, haven’t downloaded BBP yet. Experience, beginner.

    WP sits in my blog domain, nothing has been done to it at all since downloading.

    Working on 4 sites, we’ll call them sites A, B, C and D. Have not uploaded any of the sites to my server yet so none are live. Sites B and C have the same RW theme. Site A is 80% complete with a RW theme, B and C are only 5% done, but could be finished this weekend. Site D holds the WP blog with no RW theme, just the base WP theme at this time.

    What I want to accomplish:

    Central Blog and Forum that sites A, B and C are all linked to.

    What I think I would like:

    Forum based in site B, with the RW theme, Blog based in site D (only because site D, has the domain name of my blog)(it would be great if I could have the same theme for the Blog and Forum). Integration of the Forum and Blog. All sites linked to the Forum and Blog.


    How to best accomplish this. Should Blog and Forum reside on same Site (like site D)., and A, B and C link to it via an offsite page? Or is there a better way to do this. Where should I download BBPress to, site A, B, C or D?

    I’m very open to any thoughts and ideas. I’m kind of at a standstill right now, as I want to make sure I start off doing the right things and having WP and BBP loaded to the right places. And I’m anxious to get started.

    I hope I have explained this in a clear way and it’s not to confusing. I would like to download BBP and get started on this project this weekend. If we forget about the RapidWeaver part of this. The real question would be, if I want 3 sites to be able to access and be linked to both bbPress and WP, what is the best way to do this.

    I’m also a little confused about integration with WP 2.7x and bbPress. Is there some problems with doing this at this time. I’m really closed to having my sites up and running, but I’m at a standstill right now. I just want to make sure I do things the right way, the first time.

    Please offer any advice you think might be helpful. If I need to explain this better, let me know. I’m really hyped on using bbPress, and WP, just want all three sites to be able to function with them equally. If nothing else, can anyone offer, what I need to do next.

    Thank you all for your time and assistance on something that is very important to me.


    I integrated WP 2.7 with BBPress 1.0.6 alpha using my wp theme. The problem I have is that I have thumbnails on bbpress using a wp plugin in the sidebar but the thumbnails dont show on content area below bbpress

    My WPTheme / BBPress template is like this

    1. WPHeader then

    2. BBPress – WPSidebar <=== thumbnails here, finally…

    3. WP-Content <=== but No thumbnails here

    4 WP-Footer <=== but No thumbnails here, the excerpts from the post you can see as usual, but the thumbnails dont appear

    Do i have to add some functions on bbpress or bbheader? @_@ I am clueless why it does show the thumbnails on the sidebar but not on the content area below bbpress.

    Thanks for your help! Any hints, suggestions, etc. highly appreciated : )

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