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  • #75344

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    If anyone can get WPMU 2.7.1 + BB1.0 working with:

    – SSL

    – Subdomains

    – main Blog is the root of the mu install

    Let me know because out of the box I don’t think it’s possible. What am I doing wrong?


    Is is advisable to use the shared database between wordpress and bbpress?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    At the moment, WP and WPMU are separately maintained. But there are plans to merge the two codebases into one, don’t expect that in the next couple of months. More like next year sometime.

    So if you’re planning on using BuddyPress in a few months, I would recommend getting acquainted with WPMU 2.7.1 since it works with the latest version of BuddyPress. This is just my advice, but I wouldn’t upgrade to WP 2.8.

    Moving over from WP to WPMU is not that straightforward. You have to do a number of things in order to get things right.

    Since this is straying away from the original topic, create a new thread about this and others can chime in.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Ok, yeah… The thing is that I am running a regular WP 2.7.1 and I wanted to upgrade to 2.8.

    Now, snce I know that in a couple of monthe I’ll need BuddyPress integration to my site, my question is: should I upgrade to regular 2.8 and than switch to WP MU 2.7.1 to integrate BuddyPress.

    Actually, I am confused by the fact that WP is now 2.8 while WP MU is 2.7.1, and don’t know if it’s a good idea to go from WP2.8 to WP MU 2.7.1.

    Otherwise, I post this here, because I got a bbPress forum up (alpha 6) with the current site, and wanted to upgrade to WP 2.8 and bbPress 1.0…

    I hope sometime soon WP, WP MU, bbPress, BuddyPress will install and work one in another in an easier way.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    It totally depends on your needs.

    If you need WPMU for multi-user blogs now, then upgrade.

    If you don’t need multi-user blogs now, then don’t upgrade.


    i need that,i’m running a punbb1.2 forum.


    In reply to: Getting Plugin URL


    You can submit plugins here:

    Once they’re approved, you’ll get a bbPress URL for your plugin. :-)


    I am a big fan of bbPress. One thing that has been missing has been in depth documentation. With that in mind, I have created an un-official bbPress Codex. You are welcome and encouraged to add to and help edit the information there.

    It is currently rather raw and incomplete, but with help we can get going.


    Topic: Getting Plugin URL

    in forum Plugins

    I am creating a bbPress Plugin (actually editing a wordpress plugin). I want to get the plugin url link. How to get that? I am stuck there…….


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Considering that I need to upgrade my WP 2.7.1 site into WP MU in the near future, is it worth it to upgrade to WP 2.8 already?


    In reply to: Navigation error


    Ah, that may have been the issue. Are you guys using the latest version of Hidden Forums (v 0.0.9)? There was a patch for a related issue there (this patch is incorporated into the latest version of Hidden Forums):

    This fixed my pagination…


    WordPress & bbPress can be made to use the same database with shared user tables. bbPress requires at least MySQL 4.0


    Nothing special to be done if you are using bbPress 1.0 as position-1 will be added as a div id to the first post in each thread.

    So you only need to add something like

    #position-1 .threadpost { background: #FF9; }

    to your theme css file to style the first post.


    In reply to: MD5 Password Hashes


    i’ve deleted login, registration and edit profile on bbpress, so i’m using only the wp plugin to reverse password to md5…seems work good


    In reply to: Navigation error


    Thank you. I will try that.

    Still bbPress should count pages right, so I believe it’s a bug…


    Rather than editing or removing core files, I wrote this simple plugin:

    Plugin Name: Disable Registrations
    Description: This plugin disables access to registration.php and blocks any registrations.
    Plugin URI:
    Author: Simon Wheatley
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.1

    // Fires every time bbPress inits, a bit ick but it's super quick string ops
    // (which is what PHP is good at).
    function da_disable_registrations()
    // Shame there isn't a hook to grab before the new user is registered on register.php
    // In the absence of that, we will check whether we're on register.php
    if ( ! da_str_ends_with( strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] ), 'register.php' ) ) return;
    // We are on register.php? Stop executing (with a message).
    bb_die( "Registration is not allowed on this website. Please contact the site administrators." );
    exit; // Never reached, unless bb_die fails for some freaky reason

    // Checks whether string a ends with string b
    function da_str_ends_with(& $str, $end)
    return ( substr( $str, - strlen( $end ), strlen( $end ) ) == $end );

    add_action( 'bb_init', 'da_disable_registrations' );



    Do I use a WordPress Database so that BBpress shares with WordPress or do I create a new BBpress Database. If new BBpress Database what version of MSQL is it?


    You mentioned this was your own machine. Is this a localhost installation? What server software are you installing this on?


    I don’t see what the problem is here. If you like 1.0 and like bleeding edge, use 1.0

    No one is asking for a single new feature in 0.9, just if there is a security issue found, release a fix. Such fixes usually take a trivial amount of time to produce once a problem emerges.

    Some people who make money charging by the hour enjoy the idea of constant changes, upgrades, rebuilding things from scratch, etc. because it keeps them busy and in business. Other people have better things to do, and having made a significant investment in time to setup a working forum with bbPress over the past few years or they don’t have the extra performance required to run 1.0, can just give up all the new “features” in 1.0 and just keep using 0.9 while they plan a migration in their spare time.

    All I am saying is if a security problem is found with 0.9 it should be addressed until the end of 2010. Based on WP and bbPress history that will probably happen once or twice a year. Otherwise feel free to let 0.9 gather dust.

    Something else to consider is now that 1.0 is based on the WordPress core (ala BackPress) it is potentially vulnerable to any new attack vector that is found in WordPress (including at least one serious issue currently in the wild) while bbPress 0.9 might remain immune.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    @vlovers , would you kindly share how you fixed it? Thanks a bunch


    bbPress has several fathers. :-) Matt did a lot of the early work… and Michael (mdawaffe) took over for a while too:

    Sam Bauers

    Some people simply won’t be able to use 1.0 on shared hosts with several plugins. Their host will terminate their account for excessive resource use

    WordPress is much more resource heavy than bbPress in this regard. This is the only place I think we might have a use for an output caching plugin like wp-super-cache.


    I resolved this problem by adding “./” to the file names “admin-header.php” and “admin-footer.php” in the file /bbpressforumname/bb-admin/includes/ They appear on lines 6 and 13 of that file. The modified version of the first 14 lines of the file should read…


    function bb_get_admin_header()


    do_action( ‘bb_admin-header.php’ );

    include( ‘./admin-header.php’ );

    do_action( ‘bb_get_admin_header’ );


    function bb_get_admin_footer()


    do_action( ‘bb_admin-footer.php’ );

    include( ‘./admin-footer.php’ );


    perhaps this could be added as a bug fix for 1.0.1.


    In reply to: Navigation error


    Make sure to follow all the instructions here!

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