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Upgrade to 1.0.1 breaks registration

  • aberrantphoto


    I recently upgraded to 1.0.1 from 9.0.5 and my registration broke. What happens is, when trying to register, the page just refreshes and there is no confirmation. A registration email is not sent as well. I thought it might have been a plugin conflict, so I deactivated all my plugins and tried again, but it still did not work. I had to revert back to 9.0.5. Not sure why this is happening, but any help would be great as I would like to use the new version. Any ideas on how to remedy this problem or is this a known bug?

    Also, after upgrading, I noticed that when trying to logout from the admin backend, I would get a number of errors. I noticed that I was only able to logout successful on the homepage of my site.

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  • Sam Bauers


    Is this the case with the default theme?



    Yes, Kakumei Blue. All i did was change some CSS.

    Just to be sure, try a fresh copy of the default theme and see if it works?



    Tried that. Replaced the Templates folder with the original and still did not work.

    Ah ok.

    While we wait for someone to weigh in on this, quick obligatory question: are you using WordPress as well? If so, what version… and have you integrated signin?




    I do not have a WordPress install attached to bbpress. The upgrade went smoothly except for one error that said I already had forums. Other than that, everything seemed to work fine except for the registration. For registration, I am using the plugins “approve user registration”, “terms of service”, and “human test”, but I had deactivated all of these prior to upgrade and then again when testing the default theme.



    The standard version of approve user registration does not work in V1. This may be breaking registration.

    There’s an updated version of this plugin here:

    I’ve got V1.0.1 working great with that and human test. But if you’ve tested with the plugins disabled I can’t really offer anymore help. Sorry.



    Hmm, that’s interesting because I did use the updated version of approve user registration. Guess I will just have to try this again and see how things go. I’ll update here after.



    Ok, so I tried upgrading again following the upgrade instructions and without my altered kakumei blue theme. The upgrade took me a couple times however, as the first time it said that I was supposed to run the upgrade script and after clicking on that link it said there was nothing to upgrade. The second time around, I pointed my browser to the upgrade.php file and it took me to the install window…was this correct? After filling in the database details and what not, it completed successfully but then said “nothing to upgrade” again and took me to the forums. However, it DID update to 1.0.1. Should I be concerned that this may have not been a clean upgrade and I could run into problems? Or should I roll with since it seems to be working?

    Not sure why i’m having so many problems with this upgrade process….



    Any opinions on this? Didn’t want this to get lost in the sea of other posts here…



    I am having the same problems with registration, and tried everything. I have no plugins that have to do with registration. The page just refreshes and nothing happens when you hit the register button. Does anyone have any suggestions or fix for this?



    Forgot to mention…I’m upgrading to 1.0.2.



    OK…I figured out that when nothing happens after hitting the ‘Register’ button, it’s because that email was already in the system. I swapped out the new register.php file from Kakumai default theme and when performing the same function, the email turned red and said it was already in the system. My old regiter.php file did not do this.

    So, I think it’s fixed now.

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