I’m working with bbPress in some languages with special characters, but I think that the way those are being handled when making for instance topic_slug isn’t the best way. Is it something which might be changes in the core, or which function should I “change” to add the nicer translation. The following three examples are handled the same way in both bbPress and WordPress.
Some examples from the Danish alphabet:
– æ/Æ > ae (not changed at all)
– ø/Ø > oe (not changed at all)
– å/Å > aa (changed to a at the moment)
Hi, I installed the alpha release 1.05, everything is working perfect. But the language file de.mo doesn’t work anymore. I there a known bug. I think especially the standard translation should work, right?
bb_lang is added to the config -file and /bb-includes/languages/de.mo is installed.
Thanks for the fix Sam.
What’s really scary is the code it replaced.
I can’t believe what I was seeing – did they really build the $table on EACH and EVERY call instead of making it static? That’s some serious non-performance thinking.
I mean just look at it, ugh:
function htmlspecialchars_decode( $str, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT ) {
$table = array_flip( get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style ) );
$table = array_merge( array( ''' => "'" ), $table, array( '&' => "&", '&' => "&" ) );
return strtr( $str, $table );
on EVERY call it builds $table?
Well it’s gone now so I guess that’s what counts.
I hope the error catching routine doesn’t slow things down too much.
Personally I am waiting for PHP 5.3 to finally “upgrade” from PHP 4
It won’t be worth it until then.
I’ve created the Ukrainian translation for bbpress, it’s here:
bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha Galician translation
bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha traducido ó Galego. Se queredes descargalo tedelo aqui
¡Bo Nadal!
I’m finishing my new forum (latest was made with SMF). I’m using bbPress 1.0 alpha 4 with the default theme (in blue and customized) and several plugins (a lot):
– Akismet
– Attachments
– Favourites notification
– Registration notification
– Temporal Ban
– bbcode buttons
– smileys buttons
– Related topics
– Signatures
– bbcode lite
– bbvideo
– post count plus
– support forum
– mass edit
– hidden forums
– active users
– bbpress karma
– terms of service
– human test
– report post
I’ve made the translation of bbPress 1.0 to spanish ( http://ayudawordpress.com/bbpress-espanol-alpha-104/ ) and the forum URL is …
Buen trabajo! (automatic translation; Good job!)
great thanks M.Abdel-Shakour , I am in need of this language pack
This is just a suggestion;
I noticed that there is a lot of stuff in functions.bb-template.php file that should be moved to templates. There are h2 tags in post_form function plus a lot of words that need translation in localization cases.
Besides, I can’t find information on building custom loops. Is there any literature available?
Ehhhh. Languages (i.e. translations) should be added to trunk IMO.
I see. So the preferred solution is to route anyone who wishes to use SMTP with bbPress, and is not happy with the default PHP behaviour, to use the SMTP plugin. Fair enough.
There is another solution for Windows SMTP systems for those who control PHP; live with setting ‘sendmail_from’ server-wide in php.ini. This overrides the value passed to the mail() function ‘From:’ header argument for use with the SMTP ‘MAIL FROM:’ command (where the problem lies), but retains that value for use with the mail message body ‘From:’ header (where a complete textual name may be used).
BTW, the reason that the (SMTP) MTA on Windows rejects the email address is not due to the MTA, but due to PHP on Windows:
A long-standing discussion is here:
The current value for the PHP mail() function ‘From:’ header (“User name” <uname@domain.com>”) is an RFC2822 compliant format suitable for parsing by a library (like PHP mail()) which *should* generate separate strings for SMTP (the ‘MAIL FROM:’ command, which must be RFC2821 compliant) and the message body (the ‘From:’ header field which can be RFC2822 compliant). RFC2821 format (user@domain.com or <user@domain.com>) differs from RFC2822 format. PHP mail() on Windows does not do this translation.
Thanks, I’ll be waiting for adding Arabic to the language repository.
Also i’ll work soon on making the final patches for rtl text support.
Except unicode for usernames, that will be fixed by allowing unicode display names in bbPress 1.0
I’ll contact you about adding this to the language repository.
Also, any changes that you need made to core to get full RTL working please add patches to Trac https://trac.bbpress.org/
You shouldn’t be forced to make a modified redistribution just for RTL text. I’m sure the changes required wouldn’t be overwhelming.
Hello bbPress Community Members,
This is the Arabic translation for bbPress, I’ve done it 5 months ago with
I was a little bit lazy about posting it here, dunno why
Till i checked out this post mintues ago , #thanks _ck_
All that i do know that alot of people love it in Arabic and already using the Arabic version of bbPress.
Also, I’ve made a complete RTL version with heavy modifications on template files and a completely new Admin Page Design (CSS Edit).
This is the last version of Arabic Translation for with slight modifications.
Hope that the moderator add this translation officially with other bbPress translations.
Arabic Support Forum: (part of my blog itkallem.com)
Project @ Google Code:
Arabic Language Files ar_AR:
bbPress Arabic Pack only (language files + RTl modifications,..etc)
bbPress Arabic Version (ready to use complete bbPress in Arabic version)
[+] Annoying Problems:
– unicode support for usernames
위 URL을 통해서 글을 찾았습니다.
저는 wordpress 한글 번역을 맡고 있는 세이군입니다. subversion의 사용법을 조금이라도 아신다면 번역물 저장소에 viamedia님이 접근할 수 있도록 해드리고 싶습니다.
Step 3:
Do you need to install a language other than English? If so, you can find a list of language files here:
If you need to use a language other than English, you need to navigate to the folder bb-includes and create a folder inside that folder, called languages
, then put the language files in there.
Step 4:
If your website is http://www.example.com, and you put your forum in a directory called forum
, you would open a browser and go to http://www.example.com/forum/ and the installer will start for you.
I am in the middle of the install of bbPress (latest alpha as of today) and I get asked for the user database table prefix. Looking at my wp-config.php file, all I see is the following:
// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix
$table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
Does that mean that I don’t have a WP user database table? What do I need to do? This is my first site and I don’t have any users yet except myself as admin – translation: I am an extreme newbie and just want to get the rest of this install finished.
I am using WordPress 2.6.3
Updated Korean Language file based on bbpress 9.0.x
Installation is same as described in the above post.
비비프레스 한글 번역 파일입니다.
비비프레스 9.0.x 에 맞춰 번역했습니다.
설치 과정에 나타나는 내용은 시급하지 않다고 판단하여, 부분적으로만 했습니다.
번역에 대한 의견이나, 고칠 점 등을 제안하시면 반영하겠습니다.
번역 내용은 이후 예고 없이 변경될 수도 있습니다.
설치 방법은 위에 있는 설명과 같습니다.
I just get 404 errors when I try to retrieve your feeds using curl.
I suspect it has something to do with a bad translation string. Try switching your forum to english to test if that fixes it, if so then it is a problem with the language file you are using.
It also may be a problem with the date or time format in your settings.