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  • #167912

    I know its been 3 years but just wondering if theres been any development on this? @trobee your code a script still work. Just wondering if you still after 3 years, have the single list shortcodes available? I would really appreciate it!


    I found now a solution with bbp Stylepack and the provided shrotcodes:

    [bsp-display-topic-index show=’5′ forum =’10’ show_stickies=’true’ template = ‘short’]

    now only the topics from one forum are displayed

    thx for help !

    Pascal Casier

    Technically possible as Robkk indicates, ok, but just make sure to keep it under control.
    I’m not sure what maximum number of forums has been tested for visualization and handling inside the different shortcodes and functions.



    There is a shortcode you can put in a page to allow users to create forums.



    You can also use this PHP code snippet, and place it in your child themes functions.php file or in a functionality plugin to allow admins/keymasters to create a forum right from their bbPress forum profile.

    function ntwb_bbp_forum_form() {
    	if ( bbp_is_user_home() && current_user_can( 'edit_others_forums' ) ) {
    		echo do_shortcode( '[bbp-forum-form]' );
    add_action( 'bbp_template_after_user_profile', 'ntwb_bbp_forum_form' );

    To delete and edit you have to do it in the backend for now. There are plans to add more frontend moderation tools though.

    Pascal Casier


    If it can help, check shortcodes. The 2nd one could be your starting point:
    [bbp-topic-tags] – Display a tag cloud of all topic tags.
    [bbp-single-tag id=$tag_id] – Display a list of all topics associated with a specific tag. eg. [bbp-single-tag id=64]




    Does the plugin not work as intended @utahman1971, or you haven’t tried it because it hasn’t been updated for a while? From what I see, it probably hasn’t been updated because bbPress hasn’t changed enough to warrant the plugin being updated (ie, it stills works with the current version).

    If that’s not the case and it simply doesn’t work or has some sort of vulnerability, you could always ask which templates to paste your ad codes in. I prefer doing that over adding yet another plugin that might break during upgrades. With ad codes being touched so little, template edits seem appropriate enough for the job.


    Are you trying to use the bbPress shortcodes in pages for logging in and registering??

    These forms are really incomplete in functionality, they don’t redirect back to the login form and show error messages above that form, it just redirects to the default WordPress form to show the error messages. I think using the default WordPress forms or other frontend forms are better for now.


    Use wanguard for a question captcha. Manually approving users can be done with a plugin listed in this guide or if you use BuddyPress too, a plugin listed in their guide possibly. Approving based on a certain field, I am not sure.

    Theme my login is probably the best to use for frontend forms. bbPress has some form shortcodes you can use but they might not work as great because there is functionality missing.

    Dealing with Spam


    I tried various permutations and combinations. Following codes worked for me.

    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'forum', 'topic' ) );
    	add_post_type_support('post', 'thumbnail');
    	add_post_type_support('forum', 'thumbnail');
    	add_post_type_support('topic', 'thumbnail');

    tested commenting out above part several times which gave me correct titles and wrong titles when active. Did a systematic check then by deactivating plugins one after one and custom codes one after one and reversed, also refreshed the page title via backend (no caching in use). Nothing found to make the titles correct except commenting out above part.
    I cannot reproduce it as well.


    I think this plugin will allow you to customize how the notifications look in Settings > Forums. There might be shortcodes to change the content to use excerpt instead.

    Kasi Salyer


    Here is what I see using codestyling localisation :

    Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.



    In reply to: Groups and Forums


    [bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id] – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.



    just want to add that

    editing bbpress/includes/common/shortcodes.php method resolve our problems of cloud size is too big


    bbPress uses the WordPress registration process, they are unified. THe bbPress shortcodes for lost password, registration, and login are there for frontend forms but they are incomplete in functionality, there shouldn’t be a problem with using the default WordPress registration form by default.

    You can customize the default the WordPress forms by a plugin, or using some PHP functions too.


    Hi, thanx but what I want is to not to have to select a forum when create a new one. Like in wordpress admin panel. Just create the new forum with short codes at the same level that others. On top. Is it possible?


    See if this plugin helps/still works.

    bbp additional shortcodes

    Also Robin’s other plugin might have the same functionality somewhere in it.


    I am making a new website for a parent group which would use a forum in its core design. The site would consist of a main page with a blog which has comments that are tied to a forum topic. Similar to something like It would also have custom permission levels beyond the generic moderator, sub, and admin roles via plugins, and be locked with access codes. We are also planning on making a custom App for iOS and Android, or maybe even Windows using core tools like Xcode and Android Studio, Visual Studio, or Xamarin down the line. Right now I am trying to decide on what would be the best foundation for our site. Does bbPress have some sort of API that we could use, or do we need to look elsewhere?


    @robkk , thanks for everything. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to read my ideas and such. The BuddyPress and WordPress community does not seem to notice my suggestions.

    Your summary is right. However, when I say “topic auto-suggestion”, I am referring to the “bbPress Live Topic Suggestions” plugin (

    1. As for the oEmbed cache code that I use, the code is below. This is not a real fix/solution since I remove/disable auto-embedding and three shortcodes. Basically, I am making it impossible for oEmbed cache to form.


    By the way, the BBPress developers may want to consider designing the “bbp-topic-description” to look similar to the code below. I use that format on my website; the code snippet below was taken from . The below code uses Microdata (like Hentry/Hatom and others) and is used by many search engines.

    <p class="bbp-topic-description">This topic was published by <em><span class="p-author h-card fn author post-author" itemprop="author">DevynCJohnson</span></em> and viewed 201 times since "<time itemprop="datePublished" class="dt-published published entry-date uploaded" datetime="2015-07-28">July 28, 2015 @ 06:00UTC</time>".</p>

    The BBPress developers are more than welcome to ask me for code or ask how I created/added some particular feature.


    This codes does allow both admin and normal user to search for both wp and forum contents fine.

    However normal user with no permission to certain forum could search for those articles in hidden forum too! and they could view the full fine from click link on search results, this is privacy alert!


    we run WP 4.3 and bbpress 2.5.8
    This codes does allow both admin and normal user to search for both wp and forum contents fine.

    However normal user with no permission to certain forum could search for those articles in hidden forum too! and they could view the full fine from click link on search results, this is privacy alert!


    BBCode Deluxe ( adds BBCode markup (and other shortcodes) to WordPress and BBPress. This plugin is a fork of the unmaintained (but well loved and used) “bbPress2 BBCode” plugin by Anton Channing (

    This plugin includes code from the below listed developers and their plugins. More BBCodes/shortcodes will be added (such as the rest of the BBCodes from “Video and Audio BBCodes”).

    • Copyright (C) 2013 Anton Channing (“Video and Audio BBCodes” and “bbPress2 BBCode”)
    • Copyright (C) 2010 b0ingBall (b0ingBall BBCode plugin)
    • Copyright (C) 2008 Viper007Bond (the original BBCode plugin)

    The BBCodes are (or try to be) HTML5-compliant.


    Sorry for the late reply, I just approved your topic.

    Does it not work like this if you enabled the forum prefix??


    Also if you used the view shortcodes, it should be that specific page url.


    These two bbpres shortcodes I added to my Main Menu are not working. They were working fine yesterday but not it says ‘That page can’t be found’.

    My website:


    Sorry I didn’t see approve the topic you created last week, but I did approve this one.

    Right now I am just going to go through this list real quick right now, but I might discuss more later today or after you reply again.

    • 1 – THere is an option to enable/disable oembeds, maybe disabling feeds could be useful though. SEO options may stay in a seperate plugin, but it depends on what specific things, maybe custom titles since you mentioned that.
    • 2 – SEO might be best if it was a seperate plugin like Yoasts plugin. The most important meta tags for your forums are the title and description tag, all the others are handled by either WordPress/your theme or another SEO plugin.
    • 3 – I can’t really say much about bbcodes, you can already use the html tags. You probably want something like spoiler tags I bet.
    • 4 – I can’t really say much about this either, it’s really a toss up. There needs to more people wanting this feature in core possibly? It might be better to have the autosuggest feature in the forum search instead.
    • 5 – Toss up for the external links plugin. I really like the Report content plugin.
    • 6 – bbPress already does this and the devs have this in mind for users. There probably shouldn’t be options for everything possible though, the settings area might become cluttered.
    • 7 – Yeah, maybe.
    • 8 – Not sure, I need a devs opinions on this.
    • 9 – There was a plugin that use to customize things like this, and it seems to be removed from the WordPress plugin repository.
    • 10 – I think I made a trac ticket about this, this might be possible with some other pieces of code implemented into bbPress 2.6.
    • 11 – You can easily do this with an SEO plugin.
    • 12 – I don’t think those plugins require flash to be used?? BuddyPress already has an upload avatar function. Heck it might be good for WordPress to implement something like this but they want users to use the Gravatar service, which is pretty handy though.
    • 13 – Grunion Contact Form is in the Jetpack plugin now. I don’t think bbPress should have a contact form module in it.
    • 14 – I think this might matter more in your theme. I think the bbPress templates are fine though.
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