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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3173

    I currently have bbpress .9.0.1. installed as well as wordpress 2.3.3. The user databases are integrated (I have mouldy old cookie and reverted back to the md5 hashing system). The only difference from a normal installation is that my table prefix for wordpress is nothing, not wp_. Now I set this correctly in order to integrate the user databases on the wordpress admin page, however I heard sambauers mention in another post that this could cause an issue with the bbpress role integrator? What is even wierder is if someone registers through bbpress they still do not get a role, and cannot post.


    I currently have bbpress .9.0.1. installed as well as wordpress 2.3.3. The user databases are integrated (I have mouldy old cookie and reverted back to the md5 hashing system). The only difference from a normal installation is that my table prefix for wordpress is nothing, not wp_. Now I set this correctly in order to integrate the user databases on the wordpress admin page, however I heard sambauers mention in another post that this could cause an issue with the bbpress role integrator? What is even wierder is if someone registers through bbpress they still do not get a role, and cannot post.


    Good question GoeffF, looks like it used to be here:

    But clicking on it just refreshes the page. Clicking on the author’s link takes you to a rather nebulous blog which for all I know has the code for the theme (if it’s even still the blog of the original guy) but good luck finding it.

    Was there a legal issue with posting that theme? Did bbPress not approve?



    I just released my third bbPress theme! Let me know what you guys think!

    Live Demo


    Matching WordPress theme on the way.


    In reply to: Prblem upgrading


    I don’t know the proper way to fix this. Is the user in the database someone you created or is that someone else? If it is one of your users, I think I would change the email on that account and then request a password reset for that account. Then you can change the password and change the email back. That would only help if the user is a keymaster/admin. If not, this will not help.

    There used to be a way to create a new keymaster account by adding a line to the config.php (now bb-config.php).

    I would backup your database first because I have no idea what this actually does and I don’t want you to lose anything.



    Now integration is ok but there are 2 profiles for all the users: wp profile and bb profile. I see people prefers bb profile (, but I want to link the wp profile instead.

    Any idea? I need a long explication because I’m beginner.



    In reply to: Plugin problem


    This one had me stumped but I just figured it out. I should probably document the solve it here in case others encounter the same problem.

    Like many people, I have bbpress installed in a subdirectory below wordpress:


    I also use the popular wp-super-cache plugin for wordpress. It turns out, you really need to add your bbpress directory to the list of rejected URI’s for wp-super-cache. For the above example, you’d want to add this line to the Rejected URI’s field:


    Otherwise, your bbpress board and the administration panel will be semi-randomly showing you old cached pages. Unsurprisingly, this can cause all sorts of strangeness including apparently activating/de-activating plugins, showing plugins that you’ve deleted, etc.



    not sure what is going on here, but i am also a bit of a newbie with bbpress.

    i created 9 main forums and when i went into the admin section > content > forums i only had 5 listed. i messed around with the “position” number, and now i have three. i have 2 questions:

    1) what does the position field actually do

    2) how can i get to see all of my forums

    for the record, i am the only admin user and the rest of the users are members only. therefore i assume (always a good idea) that i am the only one who could make any edits.

    also for the record, i now realize that i didn’t have to change the “position” number to change the order of my forums!

    thanks in advance!


    In reply to: WP-mu and bbPress 0.9


    yes it’s working with all the bells and whistles full bang on.

    excellent work guys.


    Topic: bbOrg?

    in forum Themes

    I have seen mention of the theme the site uses on this forum and on a theme preview site. The theme is called bbOrg I think.

    Where can I download this?


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    At least I’m not the only one with problems. :)

    I have the plugin activated, and if you type the shortcut, the image does appear. But you can’t click on the image links to make them appear in your post.

    Sam Bauers

    OK, so it looks like you have matched the domains and paths correctly. Have you matched the bbPress “BB_SECRET_KEY” in bb-config.php to the WordPress “SECRET_KEY” in wp-config.php?

    Do the secrets stored in each database match?

    In bbPress it is the “secret” meta_key for topic “0” in bb_topicmeta.

    In WordPress it is the “secret” meta_key in the wp_options table.

    (Keep in mind that the cookie contents aren’t meant to be the same as they are hashed against the login time.)


    In reply to: invision board?


    I can’t edit the previous post but before I hire for this project, should I do it straight from IPB to bbPress (which is what I need) or should I have a current phpBB to the latest bbPress created instead? The latter assumption being it’s easier for most to convert to phpBB first, from various others with the phpBB community being so active.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Doesn’t work for me in 0.9.x either!!

    Its time someone built a plugin here..


    Sam, I have both of these plugins running on the latest version of bbpress .9.0.1 and I’m using wordpress 2.3.3. Even before I installed any of your plugins, the user databases transferred between the two but the user roles have never been assigned correctly. Ever since I installed the moldy cookie plugin, I can login on my forums and go to wordpress but when I got from wordpress to bbpress it logs me out. In addition, I can only log onto bbpress now and not wordpress, wordpress says my password is invalid. So I can login through bbpress and go to wordpress fine, but I can’t do it vice versa. Any suggestions?


    Scratch that, it works perfectly now, the problem was that I setup a subdomain and it only carried the cookie if I made it



    If it’s not a WordPress blog (I didn’t even really consider that), integrating with bbPress really won’t work out of the box. Integration just utilizes the wp_users and _usermeta tables. If you don’t have those tables since you don’t have a WordPress blog, then integration at this step doesn’t matter much. There is more work to do if you want an integrated look and integrated user logins.


    Posts work now.

    No longer have the admin option, I went to


    clicked upgrade, posts in forum now work

    I no longer have admin privileges

    Listed as member

    Thanks, getting closer.

    So when integrating with wordpress we use bb, not wp.

    I also lost admin priv. in wordpress

    I get: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Doesn’t even give me choice to log in. I had no problem logging in as admin either place before changing the tables, etc

    I did use the wordpress secret key phrase.

    Used downloaded fresh copy yesterday


    Okay, I see what the trouble is — I’m using bbOrg, the bbPress theme (the one that looks like this site).

    Any tutorials on how to easily adapt a theme to work?


    Thanks Chris, I’ll give that a go.

    Sam, I’m planning for bbpress to be part of an existing website, so I think (sorry, learning as I go along) that it means I need to integrate the two together.

    Thank you both for your input.

    Sam Bauers

    You should skip step 2 unless you are specifically integrating your bbPress installation with a WordPress installation.

    If you don’t know what a blog address is, then you don’t have one. There are lots of notes in the installer telling you exactly what the options are.


    In wp-config.php, there is this line:

    define('SECRET_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');

    Whatever value you have there is what you need for bbPress.

    For WordPress address and Blog address, log into your WordPress control panel and under “Settings” you will find these two entries. Whatever is here is what you put into your bbPress installation.

    They are entries three and four I believe.


    In reply to: Prblem upgrading


    I just reinstalled BBPress. Now the forum appears with the correct style. But I still can not log in. I’m using WordPress 2.5. I installed the latest version of BBpress. I’m using the same password that I use with WordPress.


    Is the secret different between WordPress and bbPress? I’m not sure how this works, but, I’m “willing to learn“.


    I just tried to upgrade by forum and it is now broken. I see the forum but the style does not show. When I log in I get the message:

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’


    “bbPress includes built-in support for Gravatars, you can enable this feature here.”

    …so I have, but I don’t have the Gravatars plugin. Do I need it with 0.9 to make this work, or is support supposed to be native?

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