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  • #64497

    In reply to: Uzbek localization should work for you now. You’ll need to authenticate with your username (“shooh”) and password.


    the way to do add bbpress functions into wordpress is to add:

    if ( !defined(‘BBDB_NAME’) )


    into the wp-config.php file, just before the closing ?>


    When installing bbpress I was asked if I wanted to integrate. I successfully added the secret keys and such.

    But, when I went to enter the database info so that the users would be synced, it said my database info wasn’t correct. So I went on without doing that part.

    Then when I logged in to bbpress for the first time I went to Manage>integration (or something like that). I tried entering the database info again. It took me to the login page. I tried to login and it said that my username is wrong.

    So, I tried to register a new account and I got the following error:

    Warning: mysql_insert_id(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/webmagne/public_html/ on line 156

    How can I fix this?

    Should I just start over with a new install?


    Topic: 404 errors

    in forum Troubleshooting


    I installed bbpress with wp and it all went smoooth. Now when I am trying to view the demo post which is created by default I get: “Error 404 – Not Found” and that of Word Press and not bbPress. Please help me fix.



    In reply to: IE 6 breaking tables.


    This fix is not applied, and when I apply it to your CSS, the background is white as expected. If you cannot wait for the new theme, I think I would just make this minor change.

    I think you might have some things cached in your browser that is preventing you from seeing changes. Can you use a different browser, or a different computer, or clear your cache? I think once that’s done, you will see some problems fixed. Both this one and the JavaScript error appear fixed to me.


    Well, I only installed the BBPress about 2 days ago…


    Trunk means the error has been fixed in the code repository but it hasn’t been packaged into a new release yet.

    You can get the latest trunk code here:

    I have no idea if there are any problems with that release though. You only need one tiny fix for this problem.

    Also, it seems like you have a lot of interesting things going on with your installation based on the number of threads posted here. I suspect there is more going on than just a couple tiny, unrelated problems. If you can afford to do it without losing any work, you might want to try a fresh installation and start from scratch.


    I want to show the login form/status from bbpress in my wordpress site.

    but if I get put in “login_form();” I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function.

    How do I add the bbpress functions into wordpress?


    Wow you are right. Well that’s one for Trac to be certain!

    Do you know how to file a bug in or would you like me to do it?


    Hi all

    Plz help me, I’ve read everything there is to read about problem emails & have also tried installing sambauer’s bb_mail fix plugin with no luck.

    I had bbpress 0.9 installed on a previous hosting provider & the system would send out emails to new registrants without any problem.

    However, I have moved to a new hosting provider that requires authentication for the mail to be sent, and will not allow “localhost” as the outgoing mail server. Where do I find the php file that allows me to change it from localhost to a specific “outgoing mail server” domain?

    Is it even possible?

    Thanks :)


    In reply to: Uzbek localization

    The bbpress-i18n repository is organized by {language}_{COUNTRY} directories.

    Is the correct directory for your translation



    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    There is no email like that sent by anything in core bbPress. I don’t know of any plugins that do that either.

    The only email sent by bbPress is the one containing the password for the new user.


    Our bbpress forum does roughly 20-25k pageviews per weekday. We also have a WordPress blog (with caching) that does around 75k pageviews per weekday. The boards and blog are integrated, and share the same database.

    The database is the only thing that runs on a (mt) dedicated server with 1GB of RAM (the Extreme package), and its my.cnf is a slightly tweaked version of a my-huge.cnf.

    The database was really running ragged a week ago, with a load average between 2.5 and 4.0. The first change I made was described in the first post (indexing topic_slug in bb_topics, tag in bb_tags and forum_slug in bb_forums). That really helped a lot, because on a popular forum, there are apparently enough new topics that the query cache gets invalidated frequently. By making this query a lot more efficient with an index, the load average fell to between 0.4 and 0.7.

    Then, after adding the 4-column index, the load average plunged to between 0.03 and 0.20. It’s pretty amazing.

    Indices are AWESOME! :-)


    I just realized that when a new user registers, they are sent an email with Gravatar information.

    I see nothing in the bbPress admin panel under the Gravatar plugin that lets me customize this email. Unfortunately, the wording of this email seems to confuse people.

    “New Gravatar Email is

    New Verification Code is *******

    It is an 8-letter string. Note that before you successfully verify your new Gravatar Email, your Gravatar will not work. “

    Anyone know how to customize this email…or send out an automatic welcome email so I can be more clear?



    In reply to: Sidebar


    Nick, are you talking about something like this?


    This doesn’t do any magic integration with WordPress, it just lets you put a sidebar.php file in your theme directory that can be invoked from multiple pages. I actually ended not using this approach (despite writing the plugin). Instead, I just added some PHP/xhtml at the end of header.php.



    Currently I am translating bbPress.po (.pot) file into Uzbek [language]. Soon I will post an URL for live demo site.

    For now I would like to know how one can add a language to bbpress-i18n at Automattic?


    Topic: Integration?

    in forum Plugins

    I have everything installed, Fixed the 404 errors.

    Now I cant get wp and bb talking. In the integration section it already is done but. My plug ins bbpress post, BBpress Latest Discussions arent working Fatal error every time I activate.

    Also the bb video installed correctly but If I click on it from the admin area it takes me to my homepage?


    In reply to: IE 6 breaking tables.



    I am the developer of this theme, and I also saw your post in my forums (will answer shortly.)

    First: This was my first theme and an old one, it needs to be updated. Which is probably why you are having issues. I plan to update all of my bbPress themes this week.

    Second: As a temporary fix, try:

    #front-page #discussions {
    width: 590px;
    overflow: hidden;
    float: right;

    Let me know what happens.



    I would appreciate it if I could get a few of you to review my latest bbPress theme before I release it: Demo

    Let me know if you have any suggestions.

    Thanks in advance.




    I have a strange problem, at you have a point in the sidebar wich is called “Neues aus dem Forum”. this is an standard wordpress rss widget with the rss feed of the bbpress forum:

    the feed itself is working fine, also the other rss widgets, but for the forum feed in the widget, it doesn’t show the newest topics/posts.

    wordpress 2.5 & bbpress


    Sam, yes, you’re totally right, sorry I wasn’t thinking. mysql can only use one index per query, and a multi-column index is much more restrictive for this common query, and hence much faster. This will really speed things up, so I’ll add these indices tonight (when server load goes down). Thanks!

    I also think it’s worthwhile to add this multi-column index to the core. What do you think?

    EDIT: I was too curious, so I added a 3-column index just now. When I did an EXPLAIN statement on my mysql 4.1 database, this 3-column index was listed as a possible_key, but not used as a key. The query with a 3-column index thus didn’t use an index and required a “where” and a “filesort” (for topic_time). I then added topic_time to the index, making this a 4-column index, and mysql started using the 4-column index as the key, which also eliminated the slow “filesort”. This is the probably the most common query bbpress does, so making it faster is very exciting!


    Here is the trac ticket:

    Looks like it’s fixed in the trunk release, but I haven’t seen a date for a new release yet.


    In reply to: Hidden forums?


    This is old, no idea if it still works:

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