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  • #64909

    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    You definitely need to post examples of bugs you encounter. There are numerous bug fixes in 0.9 vs 0.8

    Perhaps you are simply encountering plugin incompatibilities?

    “numerous link revisions” ???

    How can your url’s change unless you disabled slugs or visa/versa? That much didn’t change in 0.9


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    I think it would be best to list the bugs you encounter and then fix them one by one. I can tell you that the developers are hard at work based on the traffic generated on the development list. But if they don’t know of the problems, they can’t fix them. So, please, list your problems in the forum, preferably one post per problem if they are unrelated, with a good subject for each problem.

    Some problems undoubtedly have solutions that have already been incorporated into the trunk release. Some will be bugs that need to be addressed in trac tickets.


    I upgraded from the previous .8 version to the new .9.0.2 version. After struggling to get it to work at all, it now seems to be running in a stable manner (?). I must admit, I am more than a little disappointed in this new version. It is full of bugs that must be worked around and require numerous link revisions from my various web sites to get to the proper pages.

    There are so many bugs, I don’t know where to begin. If you want me to, I will begin to list them as encountered. If you do not reply to this post, I will assume your priorities are somewhere else other than smoothing out this version.

    Thank you.



    Okay, I think I got it working.

    I was able to fix the redirection issue by modifying the get_user_profile_link() function in the template-functions.php. I added the following line towards the end of the function, right before the last line of code in the function:

    $r = str_replace('forums/profile/' . $user->$column , "profile/" . $user->$column, $r);

    This is the full code:

    function get_user_profile_link( $id = 0, $page = 1 ) {
    $user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $id ) );
    $rewrite = bb_get_option( 'mod_rewrite' );
    if ( $rewrite ) {
    if ( $rewrite === 'slugs' ) {
    $column = 'user_nicename';
    } else {
    $column = 'ID';
    $r = bb_get_option('uri') . "profile/" . $user->$column . ( 1 < $page ? "/page/$page" : '' );
    } else {
    $r = bb_get_option('uri') . "profile.php?id=$user->ID" . ( 1 < $page ? "&page=$page" : '' );

    $r = str_replace('forums/profile/' . $user->$column , "profile/" . $user->$column, $r);

    return apply_filters( 'get_user_profile_link', $r, $user->ID );

    I noticed that if you did not install bbPress with WordPress cookie integration, then this hack will cause bbPress to always think you are logged out. I think it has something with it not being able to retrieve the cookie because of the path change.

    However, if you have WordPress cookie integration enabled, then everything seems to work. Not exactly sure why. But I think it must be something to with the path that’s being set in the cookie.


    If you have a WP profile (like the author archive or some other profile) you can redirect the bbPress profile using this hook:

    //add_action('bb_init', 'profile_redirect');

    function profile_redirect() {
    if (is_bb_profile() && $_GET['tab'] != 'edit' && $_GET['tab'] != 'favorites') {
    $user = bb_get_user($_GET['id']);
    if ($user) wp_redirect("" . $user->user_nicename);

    I did this using this plugin for WordPress profiles, so even users who don’t have published posts have a profile. It works but you miss the profile edit messages (like “your profile has been updated”).


    Hi, i have a plugin that will support this soon :)

    The plugin is named Gaming Codes. It’s for WP, but i have a stripped down version for bbPress. I’ll post it here soon.


    In reply to: Reply Bug


    Uh oh, it looks like my bb-attachments is modifying other forms which makes no sense.

    I’ll have to investigate this.

    update: please try 0.1.1, see this post:


    I think bbpress should have a theme editor like wordpress.


    The code he pasted, above, is missing the <?php … ?> tags, so I’m also getting compiler errors.


    In reply to: Rewriting?


    Hey I’m been trying to get this to work also. And have posted to some other similar threads here, but there haven’t gotta a solution working.

    Here’s what I’ve learned.

    1. From what I gathered, the problem is with how bbPress redirects its pages. Even if you have the proper mod_rewrite rules, bbPress will automatically redirect the rewritten URL to the full URL that it thinks the page is supposed to have. This basically makes custom mod_rewrite useless.

    2. You can prevent bbPress from redirecting by fooling bbPress into thinking it should have a different URL than its supposed to. You can do this by modifying the get_forum_link, get_topic_link, get_user_profile link, etc. functions in the template-functions.php file. The idea is to use pattern matching to strip out the base directory from the URL.

    function get_user_profile_link( $id = 0, $page = 1 ) {
    $user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $id ) );
    $rewrite = bb_get_option( 'mod_rewrite' );
    if ( $rewrite ) {
    if ( $rewrite === 'slugs' ) {
    $column = 'user_nicename';
    } else {
    $column = 'ID';
    $r = bb_get_option('uri') . "profile/" . $user->$column . ( 1 < $page ? "/page/$page" : '' );
    } else {
    $r = bb_get_option('uri') . "profile.php?id=$user->ID" . ( 1 < $page ? "&page=$page" : '' );

    $r = str_replace('forums/profile/' . $user->$column , "profile/" . $user->$column, $r);
    return apply_filters( 'get_user_profile_link', $r, $user->ID );

    3. If you strip out the base directory from the URL however, it makes bbPress think you’re no longer logged in, and you can’t log in. I still can’t figure out a fix yet.

    Seems like a lot of people are having issues with mod_rewrite in bbPress. Hopefully the next update will resolve some of these issues.


    In reply to: Rewriting?


    I’ve been trying to get this but I don’t really know what would allow this as I’m relatively new to websites, and I don’t know if this is even possible. Does anyone who knows what I’m talking about above know if this is possible for bbPress right now?


    TheSage, there’s a solution for your problem now at this thread:

    nicer slug url rewrite plugin (done!)

    and someone’s turned it into a plugin here:


    Perhaps this idea of a single profile page for both WordPress and bbPress will be part of the recently accounted backPress.

    It would great to have a profile link such as:

    that works for both WordPress and bbPress. Instead of separate ones at: or



    I’ve finished integrating 2.5 WP with BBpress and everything was working fine, until I changed something and broke my bb-admin page.

    I have require_once('../wp-blog-header.php'); in my bb-config.php which was working correctly at one point in time.

    Now I see that /bb-admin/ doesn’t work because the relative path is broken.

    This is where my knowledge fails me, how do I find the Absolute Path to blog-header or how do I trick /bb-admin/ to reading the relative path properly?

    Thanks a bunch.


    Is there a version 1.0 development plan anywhere? I’m curious what new features we’ll be seeing in bbPress.

    Additionally, are there plans to update the web site design (like and add a Codex?

    That “future of bbpress” announcement in January was very exciting, but it doesn’t seem like much as happen since then. Other than the WP 2.5 integration of course, which is great don’t get me wrong.


    Fixed it. There was a problem with the secret key. I entered it in the field during installation, but for some reason it wasn’t written correctly in the bbpress config file.


    I’m having a problem with a fresh install of After last step of installation…

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 - Creating database tables
    >>> Create table bb_forums
    >>> Create table bb_posts
    >>> Create table bb_topics
    >>> Create table bb_topicmeta
    >>> Create table bb_tags
    >>> Create table bb_tagged
    >>> Added index wp_users UNIQUE KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)
    >>>>>> Duplicate key name 'user_nicename'

    Step 2 - WordPress integration (optional)
    >>> WordPress address (URL): MYURL
    >>> Blog address (URL): MYURL
    >>> WordPress cookie secret key set.
    >>> WordPress database secret set.
    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 - Site settings
    >>> Site name: MYSITENAME
    >>> Site address (URL): MYURL
    >>> From email address: MYEMAIL
    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user
    >>>>>> Username: admin
    >>>>>> Email address: MYEMAIL
    >>>>>> Password: Your existing password
    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community
    >>> Forum could not be created!
    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    I should note that I assigned the key master as my admin user in WordPress. When I go to my forum I receive the following error….

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /MYPATH/bb-config.php on line 22


    mod_rewrite and wp_redirect don’t seem to like each other. I’m running into problems with the wp_redirect functions in bbPress redirecting the page after the URL has been rewritten, so that the URL changes back to the longer form.

    For example, this mod_rewrite rule:

    RewriteRule ^profile/username forums/profile/username [L]

    will rewrite:


    Except, that after its been rewritten, bbPress forces a redirection via wp_redirect, causing the URL in the browser window to change to the longer form. Any suggestions?

    Commenting out lines 2061 and 2062 in the bbPress functions.php file will stop wp_redirect from redirecting the page.

    if ( $check != $uri && $check != str_replace(urlencode($_original_id), $_original_id, $uri) ) {
    //wp_redirect( $permalink );

    But this breaks authentication, and causes bbPress to think you are not logged in, even if you are.


    I just installed bbpress on my site with a username “jen”. After it was installed, I went into the settings and integrated it with my wordpress user database. However, now I cannot log in — “jen” no longer exists and my “admin” wordpress user doesn’t exist either. What did I do wrong and how can I log back in?



    In reply to: Second name


    It’s been asked for before, but I don’t think anything has happened with it.


    Has anyone seen profile spam like this? In the past couple days, I have been getting a different sort of spam registration. Instead of cramming just one link in their occupation and interests fields, they are cramming 4, 5 or 6 links in there. When you view their profile page, the links all appear there. If you go to edit their profile page (which is where I go to delete the user) you can’t see the links displayed in those fields, but the links do appear in the source of the page. Take a look here:

    This is the source of the user’s profile page (caution, porn links in there.)

    That is the profile view showing the data they crammed into the occupation and interests fields.

    That is the view you get when you click the [Edit] tab link. The only data shown in the occupation and interests fields is “My lovely sites:”, but if you view the source, it’s all there.

    When registering a new user, the max length is 140 and the display length is 30 for the occupation and interests fields. When viewing the profile, the field lengths are the same. But here are 577 characters in this spammer’s occupation and interests fields, but when viewing that page, all you see is “My lovely sites:”.

    It’s trivial to get around a form’s field length restriction with something like the Web Developer Toolbar, or maybe they’re doing it in a different way. I have an integrated install so the value is held in the wp_usermeta table, and the field is defined as longtext, which is a LOT of characters.

    Has anyone else seen this, and does anyone think there should be some validation done on the data that’s input to ensure that it’s less than 140 characters before inserting it into the database?

    This was Firefox on Windows XP SP2, running bbPress 1.0-alpha from around March 2007, PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 4.0.27, Apache 1.3.34.

    Thanks for reading.


    In reply to: User languages?


    Yea, well, me and the SVN running at is not friends :-)

    I will give it a try later!



    WP-Chunk ported to bbPress, inserts a break into long links so they wrap:


    Hi, installed newer version of bbpress 0.9.2.

    Problem: text entered between backtricks`treated as code. Width is larger than page width. look here


    There should be a scrollbar for the purpose of restricting width and hyper links shouldn’t be active. How can I do that?

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