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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #49651

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    i didnt want ti install wordpress just for the smilies…


    Topic: Dummies Guide

    in forum Themes

    I have just installed this and I am an amateur if not total dummy at htlm, php and css. Is this a Pro Product or do you expect home users to use it as well? To use this I need to: (a) remove the “hot tags” section on the left. (b) Remove the Forums section. (c) Remove the Views Section. Sitting here staring the the php and the css is crazy. Where is the dummies guide that says how to do these simple things? Also this thing has no search on it which makes no sense. I can handle that with a google site search box on there but where is the code/theme for this please? Many Thanks…

    Oh man forget it it’s crashing now at: Click on anything and it says topic not found. I am totally lost


    I tried this and it has not gone. I downloaded .rar file at

    (thankfully winzip can open .rar files), and copied the two files “.htaccess” and “remft.php”, and then run the plugin from admin but it made no difference. The first time I ran it I may have forgotton the .htaccess file. Any suggestions what now please?

    My forum is at

    Also, I am totally new to this but searching for “remove hot tags” got me nothing. Not sure why they have added that by default but obviously I have to remove it. Can anyone tell me how to do that please?

    Ahh gee, you can’t delete a post. I think I have totally messed up. This pluging does not remove the forum it does something else.

    Man I have been done! The default install is hopless and there is no info on how to change anything. This is a pro product only but it did not give that impression at all. I though I would have a simple little forum like the one here and it would all be easy. Instead I lost two hours of my Saturday.

    “So let’s get started. Download, install, and you’re on your way!”. Yea right


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Is this actualy working by now or is there no way emotions could be impelmented in to bbpress? Thats a big shame I gues …



    Has anyone tried finding a bbPress theme that is similar to the Mandigo WP theme


    WP/bbPress session integration only works if the installs are on the same domain/subdomain. This is limitation of cookies, and a good thing. Not a wp/bb issue.

    From the docs:


    Integrating cookies allows your users to log in to either your WordPress blog or your bbPress forums and be effectively logged in to both. This feature requires your WordPress and bbPress installations to exist in the same domain name, or at least in sub-domains of the same domain name.

    Take a look at:


    In addition, I found the problem only happens when you install bbpress in a subdomain of wpmu 1.5.1 site, I changed to install in a subfolder, the cookie problem is gone.


    bbpress should have some plugins intgrated,

    – Hidden Forums

    – PM

    – Quote

    – Group creating (doesnt exist)

    – Private Forums

    – Forum Moderators

    – Report Post

    its annoying to check if these standard Plugins are up to date.


    In reply to: bbSync


    is there a way to migrate all wp posts (made before activating bbsync) to bbpress?

    And.. a way to show the comments in bbpress in the wordpress comment template?



    I have my blog and just started setting up a community for it here:

    My problem is this, when I’m logged in as an admin in the community (bbpress), I go to login to the wp-admin and it keeps refreshing the login page and saying to re login again.

    I looked for a fix or another post like this but couldn’t find it. Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you,



    Solved… of sorts. It was something in the theme that manifested itself on an upgraded DB but not a fresh install! Very odd.


    Update: Got the template working for some strange reasons but still getting the overflow error when clicking through to a topic:


    Hi All,

    I upgraded our forums to . after testing a new theme etc. extensively on a fresh install elsewhere. After all was worked out, I went in to update the existing forum and while it sort of works (for some reason the well tested .9.0.2 theme is not working), the server is returning “PHP has encountered a Stack overflow” whenever you click any topic on the index page. Could it be a server mapping issue?

    I also upgraded WordPress on the same DB and no issues at all.

    Any ideas?

    PS: The upgrade reported no problems)


    In reply to: upgrade error


    I got this on an IIS server too.

    The simple fix seemed to be to cut and paste the following into the new config file after the line “$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!” …

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ‘http://mydomain’; // Example: ‘’

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. ‘/’ is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = ‘/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’

    Once the upgrade was done, I could go back and remove the lines and it all seemed to work.


    In reply to: Where is ThemePress?


    Is there a list of matching WordPress and bbPress themes anywhere? I’d like like to find a nice starting point for some modification.


    In reply to: php_e() issue


    Youhou I think I found a more simple solution than merging bbpress and wordpress language file:

    – Download your bbpress language file (for me fr_FR) then rename it using another name than the language file you use for wordpress (in my case my wordpress language file is fr_FR and I renamed it in ru_RU) then put it inside your /wp-content/languages folder.

    – duplicate wp-blog-header.php and rename the copy as wp-blog-header-bb.php

    – duplicate wp-config.php and rename the copy wp-config-bb.php

    – open wp-blog-header-bb.php and replace the two occurences of wp-config.php by wp-config-bb.php

    -open wp-config-bb.php and replace the line define (‘WPLANG’, ‘yourlanguage’);

    by define (‘WPLANG’, ‘newnameofyourbbpresslanguagefile’); (in my case I replaced define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’); by define (‘WPLANG’, ‘ru_RU’);)

    -In your bb-config.php replace wp-blog-header.php by wp-blog-header-bb.php

    You’re done now each time bbpress loads wordpress will load your bbpress language file instead of the wordpress one.

    I hope my explainations were clear.



    I’ve searched and searched for this on the forum, but I can’t find anything on it.

    I’ve been trying to set up a BBPress system for my WordPress blog. I figured WordPress was easy, so BBpress should have been too. And it was. I installed it all and it worked nicely – I even posted a few things on the forums I created.

    The problem came when I tried to integrate my WordPress blog’s users with BBpress. I added in the proper field (I can’t remember what it was) the wp_user file, but it simply crashed the whole thing, and now I can’t see any of the BBPress system or pages – I just get the following message:

    “Your user table prefix may only contain letters, numbers and underscores.”

    I’ve tried Googling it and seraching on your forums, but I couldn’t find a similar event – so am I a techno nitwit or is this a genuine problem? The URL of the site is:

    Cheers, I look forward your reply.


    In reply to: php_e() issue


    I tried that but there is apparently a problem when mergin because when I open the merged file there is nothing from bbpress language file inside.

    Can I use copy paste to merge the two files ??


    I’ve been trying to update my profile. Nothing is changing but it is giving me an error where it says Keymaster under it says Invalid Role.

    I’m using the WP Version 2.5.1 and BBpress same database.


    In reply to: bb-config & wp-config

    Sam Bauers

    That may not be possible at this time.

    bbPress is supposed to “move out of the way” of WordPress, but WordPress is not as polite.


    In reply to: bb-config & wp-config


    Chris you’re right. In BBpress I can use all the WP functions (ex. sidebar) but I can’t use any BBpress function (ex. Simple Online list code) in WordPress.

    <?php login_form(); ?> <—BBpress code in wordpress will not work.

    Thanks sambauers but I want the opposite/reverse. I want BBPress to load in full when people are in wordpress.

    My theory is if this work I can put BBPress code in the WPsidebar .

    require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); <– to put in BB-config

    require_once(‘path/to/????????????.php’); <– to put in WP-config


    In reply to: bb-config & wp-config


    Sorry Sam :(

    Sam, I read that page you linked, but I didn’t see instructions on loading bbPress functions inside WordPress which is what gerikg seems to be looking for (maybe call it reverse integration.) I see the instructions for accessing WordPress functions inside bbPress.

    Do I just need to read it again?


    In reply to: bb-config & wp-config

    Sam Bauers

    The original post is pretty much wrong.

    Read the whole page there.

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