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  • #4822

    I integrated WP 2.7 with BBPress 1.0.6 alpha using my wp theme. The problem I have is that I have thumbnails on bbpress using a wp plugin in the sidebar but the thumbnails dont show on content area below bbpress

    My WPTheme / BBPress template is like this

    1. WPHeader then

    2. BBPress – WPSidebar <=== thumbnails here, finally…

    3. WP-Content <=== but No thumbnails here

    4 WP-Footer <=== but No thumbnails here, the excerpts from the post you can see as usual, but the thumbnails dont appear

    Do i have to add some functions on bbpress or bbheader? @_@ I am clueless why it does show the thumbnails on the sidebar but not on the content area below bbpress.

    Thanks for your help! Any hints, suggestions, etc. highly appreciated : )


    I integrated WP 2.7 with BBPress 1.0.6 alpha using my wp theme. The problem I have is that I have thumbnails on bbpress using a wp plugin in the sidebar but the thumbnails dont show on content area below bbpress

    My WPTheme / BBPress template is like this

    1. WPHeader then

    2. BBPress – WPSidebar <=== thumbnails here, finally…

    3. WP-Content <=== but No thumbnails here

    4 WP-Footer <=== but No thumbnails here, the excerpts from the post you can see as usual, but the thumbnails dont appear

    Do i have to add some functions on bbpress or bbheader? @_@ I am clueless why it does show the thumbnails on the sidebar but not on the content area below bbpress.

    Thanks for your help! Any hints, suggestions, etc. highly appreciated : )


    I integrated WP 2.7 with BBPress 1.0.6 alpha using my wp theme. The problem I have is that I have thumbnails on bbpress using a wp plugin in the sidebar but the thumbnails dont show on content area below bbpress

    My WPTheme / BBPress template is like this

    1. WPHeader then

    2. BBPress – WPSidebar <=== thumbnails here, finally…

    3. WP-Content <=== but No thumbnails here

    4 WP-Footer <=== but No thumbnails here, the excerpts from the post you can see as usual, but the thumbnails dont appear

    Do i have to add some functions on bbpress or bbheader? @_@ I am clueless why it does show the thumbnails on the sidebar but not on the content area below bbpress.

    Thanks for your help! Any hints, suggestions, etc. highly appreciated : )


    Just thinking of a place to link to places I’ve found that are using bbPress, as I found one recently and was happy to see them using it.


    It would be nice if the /forum/ could be totally removed :)

    …and to be given the option to be changed to be the name of the forum you are viewing when viewing a topic, similar to WordPress…


    On the site you’ve included above, you have a “current_page_ancestor” class. I have never seen that before, and it also isn’t what the bbp and wp sites use, making this even curiouser. You also have “page_folder” for the pages that have sub items, and again, I’ve never seen this before.

    Looks like I have homework to do?


    The main difference that is coming is the ability to change the directory names, e.g…

    Can potentially be…

    It would be nice if the /forum/ could be totally removed :)


    I am looking forward to design my college website with WordPress as CMS and bbPress for forums. The fact that they can be integrated is superb as it solves one of my purpose of only allowing registered users to comment (having the same username and password throughout the site) but I am also in need of providing user accounts to students and faculty members. I was wondering if WP or bbP can be moded or there is any plugin that can add additional functionality to user accounts. If not how can i retrieve the username & passwords from bbP database? Any workaround will also do.

    Waiting for your replies!


    I disagree on the WordPress page function not being powerful enough to understand parent/child. It always seems to work for me. For example, check this page:

    Those are WordPress pages, grandparent is machine-shop, parent machining, child risers. Check the left nav for the current page highlighted, and check the top tabs for the grandparent highlighted. So, it’s certainly possible to do whatever you want with the current class in WordPress.

    On this site, when you are on the blog page, they are probably just using the WordPress current_page_item class to highlight (home, about, documentation, blog, download.) When you click forum, you go to bbpress. So, in your bbPress template, you hard code that nav item as current. I’m not certain how the extend section works, if it’s bbPress or WordPress.) But, basically, you hard code current for the forum/forums/bbpress tab since once you click it, you’re outside WordPress.

    Now, with integration, and including the WordPress nav, I have no idea how it would work. I always thought if you had a Page called “forums” and then you installed bbPress in a directory called “forums” that the directory will override the WordPress Page, so the forum is shown, but I don’t know what happens in the nav, i.e. if WordPress still thinks you’re on a Page called “forums”.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Have just read another post advising to check – apparently that fixes it. I will try after lunch and let you know.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I have the same issue as detailed in this post. As far as I can make out, the cookie names aren’t matching. My current /trunk/ install of Buddypress/MU names the cookies “wordpress_”. BBPress’ cookies are named “wordpress_HASH” where HASH is a long hash that doesn’t match any of the various keys in the wp-config.php.


    I know this is a question geared more towards the forums, but because it also could be a bbPress integration question, I figured I’d post it here.


    1.) When you are within the Blog area of the site, that the Blog tab always displays a “current” class.

    2.) When you are within the bbPress/Forum area of the site, the “Forums” tab also always shows “current.”

    To my understanding, the WordPress page function isn’t powerful enough to understand the parent/sub relationship. Curious if anyone knows of a way within WordPress to make this act in a similar fashion apart from hard-coding it. I don’t believe the site is hard-coded that way, but of course I could be wrong.


    johnhiler, you are awesome. that is exactly what he is asking. =)


    Can you disable the CAPTCHA plugin temporarily and see if cookies are shared properly between bbPress and WordPress?


    Ah, a bbPress version of the wptuner plugin for WordPress. I follow now.

    Sam Bauers

    Well, for what it’s worth it doesn’t look like I’ll be changing any filenames. The main difference that is coming is the ability to change the directory names, e.g…

    Can potentially be…

    Or some other langauge. Also there are going to be a few additional permalink styles like…

    And I’m experimenting with URL driven intersections, so…

    …might be something we see in the future.

    The newer styles are very hard to detect with existing functions which are available to plugin devs, but I am trying to supply the tools required for easy detection and interaction with the new setup.

    Stephanie Leary

    I’m having the same problem with a new installation. In addition, I have an error message in my Latest Activity box on the Dashboard:

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column 't.topic_id' in 'on clause']

    SELECT p.* FROM bb_posts AS p JOIN bb_topics as t ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_status != '0' AND t.topic_status = '0' ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 5


    I successfully integrated WP and BB and mapped the user roles and everything was going swimmingly. A user went in today (roughly 24 hrs later) and noticed that the forum was asking him to login to post a reply even though he was showing as logged in on the WP and BB sites. I went into the CMS (was recognizing me as being logged in as admin obv) and noticed that the User Roles had been reset to default, as if they had never been mapped.

    So, I remapped the User Roles between WP and BB and now everything works as it is supposed to on the front end, but on the back end BB is now telling me that I have “No Users Matching That Request” under the Users page and no matter what search I run there are no Users listed anywhere on the back end.

    Thoughts? I have integrated bbPress within the framework of WP, so maybe that is the issue, but it seems to be a DB disconnect.


    I’m a not-quite-noob on WP/WPmu, and a total noob here on bbPress. I’m attempting my first integrated install, from scratch. WPmu latest (2.7 trunk as of a couple weeks ago) and bb 1.0 alpha 6. I thought I’d share a new-user experience… knowing that this kind of stuff is hard to remember later.

    I’m wanting integration of users and logins, and went through the install with that in mind.

    Anomalies, strangeness and bugs found:

    1) It asks for both the site URL and blog URL. WPmu doesn’t have both items, so that’s confusing. Should mention that the same value can be copied in.

    2) It doesn’t suggest the URL needs “http://&#8221; attached until after you save settings and get an error.

    3) [suggestion] why not ask for the location of the WP/WPmu install, and pull the keys etc from wp-config.php??? That would save a ton of typing and confusion.

    4) Once I got everything entered, it let me login ok… HOWEVER:

    5) It quickly LOST all my settings and the database appeared broken. Here’s how:

    * I clicked on “Admin” to go to the admin panel

    * Went to Settings->WordPress Integration

    * Set up role mappings and saved

    * Either at that point, or with one more click (Save in User Integration), I was suddenly locked out and getting mysql connect errors in the header.

    * Examining the page I was on showed the “advanced database settings” had defaulted to different info: apparently it used my admin login (user admin) rather than the WP db user/pass I had provided.

    * It was impossible to reset this info on that page due to the DB connect error. [suggestion: maintain ‘admin’ login/pw in a bb_* table for emergency admin use of the WP connection breaks!]

    * Confusingly, the DB info in bb-config.php is correct and I could not find the (wrong) wp DB info in any text file. Presumably it is stored in the bb-* database?!

    My workaround, which is now in use: hand code the settings ($bb->user_bbdb_user etc) into bb-config.php. That works.

    Bottom line: either the integrated installation process, or perhaps the settings->Integration page, is busted.

    Hope that helps!

    [PS: I’m the author of the wptuner performance analysis/debugging plugin for WP/WPmu. Would a BB version be helpful?]


    In reply to: User Registration


    awesome. Will give a try tonight. hopefully that helps to get rid of all spamers.

    btw, anybody know a better and quick way to mark user as bozos?


    This did not work for me. In fact, it was the thing that hindered my integration from working properly. That is just my experience, though.

    Following these instructions:

    I finally have WPMU-bbPress integration working.

    There are several tips and an additional plugin mentioned there that are essential with WPMU integration.

    Sam’s screencast helped with everything else.


    BadBehavior is one of my favorite plugins for web-apps, EVER. You can insert it on pretty much any php driven site, even SMF and IPB, so I went one extra step and slapped the ‘standard’ bbpress plugin header to make it a plugin.

    I do not support BadBehavior, so if these directions don’t work, I can’t really offer much help, and for that, I apologize. That said, it’s really straight forward, and using this and Akismet, I’ve had very few spammers on my blog/forum since I co-mingled them in November.

    1) Download Bad Behavior (current version 2.0.26)

    2) Put the file bad-behavior-generic.php and the subfolder bad-behavior into your my-plugins folder so it looks like this:

    my-pluginsbad-behaviorbad-behavior(many files)

    3) In bad-behavior-generic.php change this:

    Bad Behavior - detects and blocks unwanted Web accesses
    Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Michael Hampton

    to this:

    Plugin Name: Bad Behavior
    Version: 2.0.26
    Description: Deny automated spambots access to your PHP-based Web site.
    Plugin URI:
    Author: Michael Hampton
    Author URI:
    License: GPL

    Bad Behavior - detects and blocks unwanted Web accesses
    Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Michael Hampton

    4) Activate bad-behavior as a plugin in the bbPress admin side.

    Now, this DOES NOT give you the tracking like it does in WP. I tried to find a way to make all that work, but it kept telling me things existed. It’s probably because I’m sharing DBs, but that’s okay by me. I’ve been using it this way with the 1.0-alpha string of installs without issue.

    I hope this helps someone else out :)


    in topic.php in your theme folder use

    <?php bb_topic_admin(); ?> instead of the ‘<?php topic_delete_link(); ?> <?php topic_close_link(); ?> <?php topic_sticky_link(); ?>

    <?php topic_move_dropdown(); ?>’ (line 55)

    Come to think of it I may have updated a core file.

    and topic-tags.php becomes

    <div id="topic-tags">
    <p><?php _e('Tags:'); ?></p>

    <?php if ( bb_get_topic_tags() ) : ?>

    <?php bb_list_tags(); ?>

    <?php else : ?>

    <p><?php printf(__('No <a href="%s">tags</a> yet.'), bb_get_tag_page_link() ); ?></p>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php tag_form(); ?>


    (just replace the entire page)

    This does break the improvements I suggested in though. Although I have edited the core files (which is not encouraged) to bring back the functionality of showing who posted a tag to moderators.


    After doing the bbpress integration on my wordpress 1.7 the registration captcha has stopped working on my wordpress page. After entering in the captcha and clicking register I get “ERROR: You didn’t correctly enter the captcha, please try again.” Any thoughts?

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