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  • #84484

    I get a lot more than 3 good posts in my spam queues every day… but my forum does 3.5k-5k posts/day, so on a percentage basis I can’t complain. The real problem is when a long-time user gets stuck in spam – they get SO upset! That’s why I wrote some code to let them skip the spam software completely…

    @onthebeach96 – Dunno much about phpbb… sorry I can’t be of more help! I used to really struggle with undeleted spam posts, before I installed this batch edit plugin which made life so much easier!


    Interesting info @johnhiler wow you’ve been a Akismet user for awhile now. Is there a way to delete individual posts on PHPBB?


    Awesome info @kevin thanks for all that! I’m using PHPBB and there is no way to manually delete posts, you can only wipe out entire forum content which isn’t good because it’s not usually all spam. Any way around this? Or maybe there is a way to manually delete each post individually, I just wasn’t able to figure that out. Seems like bbPress is much easier to use though.


    Glad to see things are still moving here. This thread was started 2 years ago, and is still active as of 3 months ago!

    We’re trying to move from phpBB that we’ve had for 5 years to bbPress. obviously, the 2 databases don’t match at all. We found this script. Can someone please update on the best way to migrate from a very active phpBB forums to bbPress? Has there been any new updates to this script?



    I’m currently using PHPBB for my forum software but I get SO MUCH spam. I’m considering either putting a recaptcha code on there for each post, or I’m looking into other software like bbPress. I love WordPress and so I would really like to use bbPress but I see there is no code that must be entered before posting so I wonder if spam will again be a problem.

    What are your thoughts people? How do you control spam in your forums? I’ve had to lock my forums until I get a good solution.

    Milan Dinić

    Another thing to consider is to find converter that converts from Wotlab to some other software like phpBB and then use existing converters for bbPress. This is how I converted on SMF forum.


    Sorry to sound impatient, but I’ve had my forums on hold for months betting that some of the little bugs would get worked out and it seems like things are just a big stall at the moment. I can’t really tell from the dev sites if anything’s going on. Does anyone have a real idea as to when bbpress (plugin or not) is going to make its next phase? I’m kinda tempted to go back to the drawing board with phpbb or something like that unless something is imminent…


    I’m trying to install bbpress 1.0.2 into my site and later integrate it with wordpress. Right now I can’t seem to get the installation process to start unless I have the files in a directory specifically labeled “bbpress”.

    Otherwise I get an error that reads “An old config.php file has been detected in your installation.” I’ve never installed bbpress on this site before.

    I’ve tried installing the directory as “bbpress” and then renaming the directory to “boards” (I already have a set of forums phpbb that I’m unhappy with). Renaming is breaks the install. I have NOT gone ahead and put in any DB info yet into bbpress.

    Markus Pezold

    Hi Thomas,

    if you have some deeper knowledge in php, mysql and regular expression – you can use the phpbb3 converter and make some change to the code. The code of the phpbb3 converter is understandable – you only must change the tables and row to match the database structure of the Woltlab Burning Board. Its only the question of understanding …




    In reply to: Plugin for forum


    Sounds like you should be asking at the phpBB forums?


    Topic: Plugin for forum

    in forum Plugins


    i am using PHPBB forum. I want to post my blog posts to my forum, is there any plugin to do that


    Not working with default settings + no help from community = rm -r bbpress/ .

    phpBB here I come.


    Be better going over to the phpbb forums to ask this question :P


    “It’s time for Drupal to take on vB4”

    (Some interesting thoughts from Drupal community)

    “vbulletin 4 was released late last year and there seems to be a consensus that it’s a disappointment. Jelsoft (the company that brought us the original software) was bought out and the current developers are, imo, more concerned with quick turnover than delivering a solid project. This thread is not to bash the current programmers, as I’m sure they work very hard. But since vb4 comes with a CMS (a buggy, feature-anemic one at that), now seems like the perfect time for Drupal to take the charge.

    There has never been a fully functional integration between vbulletin and a robust CMS. If a webmaster wants a great CMS and a great forum, we have to settle for a buggy bridge/plugin/module (Drupal/Wordpress to vbulletin). If a webmaster wants true user and content integration with no bugs, we have to settle for the inferior forum (Drupal). A complete solution has been in high demand for years, but I suspect it’s never come to fruition because it would require months of hardcore coding to duplicate the functionality of vbulletin. Maybe programmers feel their time is better spent developing paid services, or contributing to an open source forum like phpBB.”

    Full post:


    I just wanted to chime in and say that I choose bbpress as a stand alone forum system because I don’t like the bloat of phpbb or vbulletin or any of the other bb softwares out there. Its light, simple setup, and anybody can jump into the discussion without having to learn a lot of new things.

    I support where ever this all goes, but I hope it stays standalone.


    You’ve done an awesome job with this! :)

    This is what I LOVE about bbPress – you can do almost anything you like with it. I almost confused your forum for phpBB. Very nice :)


    I installed bbpress with integration. Is it possible to import phpbb3 users into bbpress!?



    @dailytalk – thanks for posting your real world experiences. I would like to ask that you also include the version of bbpress that you are using?


    I am under the impression that most of the plugins do not work properly with the current version, so a fresh install today is even MUCH further away from the basic functionality of smforums, phpbb, vbulletin, etc.

    A serious problem that plagues wordpress, bbpress, and I should mention similar projects including phpfox, is companies that develop new releases often leave lots of broken plugins and themes – most users get so frustrated not knowing to upgrade and lose functionality – or stay downgraded and have possible security issues. This is a major problem that has me admiring the way vbulletin posts whether or not plugins / extensions will be supported by the core company.

    The main thing that keeps me using bbpress in a few sites is the price, along with the glimmer of hope that since it is integrated into buddypress. Certainly at some point there will be functioning photo, attachment, moderation and other functions, that the WP / BP /BB community will have to have – even if new versions of one break the other. – Unfortunately it’s tough to hold one’s breath with these projects, and seeing the nightmares of bugs, lost functionality, and the time it takes to get back to square 2 after one of the other projects has been upgraded to square three – it’s devastating.

    I for one would love to see image and file attachments, along with something like tinymce incorporated into the core of BBpress – but even if they are not, I would like to see important plugins like these and moderation, etc, all be maintained and tested and upgraded along with any new releases by the bbpress developers.


    The thing is, I converted my Phpbb3 into bbpress sucssefuly and the I integrate it with wordpress. Shoul i try the other way? Integrate WP with BBpress, and the convert my phpbb3 to BBpress?



    Happy new year from Finland.

    I found a topic to you:



    I’m trying to use bbpress instead of phpbb. I’m already running 2 forums with phpbb. Now I want to import my Topics, Users etc. to a new bbpress installation. I only found a way to export the data from phpbb, is it also possible to do this with version 3.0.4. oder 3.0.6?

    Excuse me for my (hopefully not bad) English, I’m from Germany.


    I move from SMF to phpBB, because my SMF was spammed dayly. phpBB3 is slow and very difficult to use. Then i open bbPress and I like the ease of use, speed and excellent spam protection and basic operations. Now I am more than a year bbPress user, and I’m happy about that.


    I have to agree. I want all of CKS plugins included into the new bbpress. I know some people like simple, but I for one don’t. I want all the features of a normal message board like phpbb etc. Otherwise, what is the point of a forum if you can’t post photos, easily bold/underline etc all within a little bar for each posting, have new post notifications. Why not just include the majority of them and have them turn on/turn off able for people who want a more simple forum and people who want dozens of features? If there isn’t the same plugins available for 1.1 and beyond like there is with 9.6 ….I won’t upgrade the forum, I will simply leave it as it or start another one using phpbb etc.


    I see this is an old thread, but I’ll explain anyway. I also see that subtlegusto has moved to phpBB.

    The difference in URI’s is this:

    When logging out of the admin panel, the re tells the script to go back to the forum itself (after logging out).

    When logging out of the forum, it doesn’t need to change the page. All it needs to do is delete the login cookies, which is what logout=1 is for. That’s why there’s no re in the path.

    I don’t see why an error like that would appear – but it could possibly be that the installation was corrupt (least likely) or that permissions for the file may have been incorrect.




    We don’t agree on these things, but its very cool we can discuss them openly, and in a manner such as this. My hats off to ya’.

    On my site I offer Twitter and FB login via IntenseDebate and get people to use them all the time for commenting.

    That’s awesome. Could you garnish us with some figures please mate, because the other figures and stats that i could find (Alexa etc.) all point to a poor take up of FBconnect, and a very low “new user” clickthrough – unless replying to a post from facebook (have to get that caveat in there because those stas look good).

    Number of Users?

    Number of Users who used to signing normally and now use FBconnect?

    Number of Users who have never signed in normally but have only used FBconnect?

    That would be really useful to us all i think, to put it in context.

    You may call it the flavor of the week, but Facebook has more than 350 million active users.

    It doesn’t, it has over 200million unique accounts, but it doesn’t have even 200million unique people (i personally run 17 FB accounts between myself, my company, and the charities i help out).

    Dont get me wrong, the site is both huge and popular, but its not gotten the number of people that some folks claim. Heck according to Facebook’s Mark Z in February, when it overtook MySpace as the #1 social networking site in the US (again – in the US), that half of its userbase logs in once a day, and 80% of its userbase logs in at least once a month. Now in the month that it overtook MySpace, Alexa claims for 350million page views, its imply cant have 350million people. But that slightly off-topic, so lets bring it back.

    If number of possible users is the main positive for FacebookConnect then it fails, as it actually comes 4th. So does that mean we should build FBconnect after writing the other 3 into the core? Or are we going with FBconnect because you use it…

    1. GoogleFreindFinder (or whatever its new branding is: apparently GoogleSingleSignon) has access to everyone with a (specific type of) gmail account and everyone on Okurt – it covers a ridiculous number of people (worldwide).
    2. MSN passport has access to everyone with an MSN or Yahoo email address for single signin.
    3. MySpace uses OpenID so OpenID has access to the third most users.
    4. Facebook comes in fourth (and there’s a big big gap betwen 3rd and 4th)

    Also, its not so much that Facebook is the “flavour of the month”, its just that we’ve seen this all before. The dominant website in its field, looks like no-one will ever topple it and BAM, yesterdays news. The long you spent developing for the internet (this is my 15th paid year), the more you see the simple fact that content is what engages people, regardless of systems or context.

    The reason we’re so adamant about this subject is not because we’re being stubborn, its because we’ve had this conversation before. We had it with AoL, we had it when Microsfot rolled out MyPasspost/Hailstorm, we had it when Microsfot rolled out Live, we had it with OpenID, we had it with myspace, We had it with GoogleSingleSignon. I, and in deed we, are not knocking Favebook or FBconnect – its just that its software owned and maintained by a company outwith BBpress, and sooner or later they are going to dip in popularity or make such a large change to the API that the standard BBpress will fail with no notice.

    We know this, becuse they already did it 3 times this year :)

    Imagine (as a user…please separate yourself from the admin process) visiting a forum and knowing you can immediately log in and join the discussion with your FB account.

    1) You’re going to need a facebook account. There are not as many people with FB accounts as i think you think there are. Not to mention, Non-white, Non-North-America, Non-College-Educated, Non-Under-25s, Non-broadband-users are FAR FAR FAR less likely to have one (80% of FB users tick all those boxes).

    2) If you are so engrossed/captivated/moved by the content of a forum post that you feel the need to add to the conversation, is registering really a deterant? As a user, if i really want to comment/reply/converse, i usually see what the registration process is like. I know from my phpBB forums, the drop off after the registration page is loaded is HUGE, and the drop off after a failed registration is over90%. I suggest you check your stats too. Alot more poeple go to registration pages than its presumed, but the registering process is where it ends.

    3) Surely, if registration is the problem, our time is better suited on making that easier for the user.

    4) Purely from an end user perspective (and not an admin), i dont want to use FBconnect, i can just use anonymous posting and thats the even easier option! FBconnect is a half way house for you as both a user and an admin, but it requires a massive amount of work for the BBpress team – again for a feature that not common, not worldwide, nor often-used.

    Matt’s made a comments re: bbPress and forums a while back along the lines that forums really haven’t changed that much in the past ten years. Exactly. Allow stuff like FB connect to encourage conversations and bring them into the next century!

    Surely good conversation and topics encourage conversations and not FBconnect. I doubt many people find a forum very boring, but feel compelled to join in just because the website lets them log in via FBconnect.

    You know, when somethings been the same for a long time (is basic, usable without too much instruction, and does exaclty what it says on the tin) there usually isn’t a whole lot you can do to make it better; and on the rare occasion when there is… its usually come form a total overhaul and not adding to the original.

    I say that because much smarter people than you and I have been using Forums for a greater number of years that either of us, and no-one has yet came up with a better format. There’s an inate desire in humans to make things better, but that does not mean that something can always be improved greatly simply because its worked the same way for a great amount of time.

    Also, single signons became availible last century, heck last millenium, and they didn’t take off in the last 10 years because people didn’t want or like them; so somehow integrating FBconnect isn’t going to magically make forums current or “this century”.

    I do not understand the opposition to making FB’s core more robust feature wise.

    What is the harm in including additional features

    We’ve had 1 developer (working close to part-time) on BBpress for 2 years.

    We’ve had NO developer working on BBpress since July 15th.

    The two main plugin suppliers have left the project.

    The wiki / developer documentation is now a loans/spam/porn website

    So, who are these magical little elves that are going to build and then maintain all these features??

    It kind of reminds me of the Gnomes in South Park

    1. Features

    2. ???

    3. Kill vBulletin

    It seems like step 2, the bit where the work actually comes in, is just presumed to happen magically. Which is the only way it would happen, given that right now our development team consists of… no-one.

    Adding more features to the core standardizes those features so they do not break in future builds

    Adding thigns to the core doesn’t automatically stabalise them, a developer stablises them.

    Again, that developer is currently… no-one.

    Thats the issue BBpress has had for the last year. Sam added loads of things to the core, changed loads of functions, hardcoded alot of template functions into the core, and has now gone without telling anyone until months after (N.B. This was Sam’s pain emplyment, and is not a criticism of the man himself – merely a statement of the facts).

    These things dont stabalize themselves, they need development, and adding them to the core does not guarentee that, all it does is guarenteee that time is taken away form other things.

    allows even better plugins to be unveiled to customize them further.

    BBpress 1.0.2 has bee a stable RC release for over 6 months now. Where are all these plug-ins? Where are all the plugin developers rushing to add functionality? Where are all the massively different customisations? *tumbleweed*

    Let’s help bbPress evolve and become more robust featurewise so it buries vBulletin

    Robust is the polar opposite of harcoding reliance on an extrnal and ever-changing API into core.

    And mate, we’re not here to bury vBulletin, thats not the goal; we’re here to make forum software in accordance with the Philosphy and Features on the about page. IF you’re ever wondering if something fits into BBpress, always check and see if it fits into those 5 design philosophies. If it doesn’t, chances are, it wont be going into BBpress.

    Take care, and good health.


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