You’ve done an awesome job with this! 
This is what I LOVE about bbPress – you can do almost anything you like with it. I almost confused your forum for phpBB. Very nice
Thanks guys,
Yes, i like bbPress. At First I tried it with the Simple:Press forum plugin for wordpress and it did work well. But the Simple:Press plugin has two downsides, There are a lot of functions and therefore, it is very big. Plus it is very slow. While bbPress is “Simple, fast, elegant”. And this is definitely the reason why I choose bbPress. I am happy with everything except the lack of a simple possibility to add pictures and the SEO friendliness. It would be better for instance if it was combinable with a SEO plugin to change the forum links. What I also see, bbpres has problem to be indexed in Google, the indexing is very slowly. While Simple:Press plugin is much more faster get indexed in google. I don’t know, maybe it’s because of that simple:press is plugin of wordpress.
I have read that bbPress wil be in the future also a wordpress plugin (canonical). I am wondering about it.
bbPress does have support for Pretty Permalinks, which are SEO friendly. Just go to your admin panel > settings > permalinks. You can change it there. 
Simple:Press is developed externally – so more effort has been put into bbPress to make sure it integrates properly with WordPress.
Yes, I know about it.
What I mean is that this kind of link: _ is a little bit better for seo en much more beautiful than this one: _
And therefore this: _ instead of that: _
But my priority is to get faster indexed in Google so I do not worry much about it.
I see. There is a thread somewhere here about that. They tried to get this result:<forum-name>/<topic-name>
I’m sure this will surface one day – it would be nice if it were a plugin that adds to the list of permalink types in the admin panel. I too will be implementing something like this. Nice thing about it is that Google will filter your result into a hierarchical display (breadcrumbs).
That type of thing will also increase crawling speeds.
@Kamil_D, can u tell me how did you do that?
i wanna talk to you, please add me on yahoo or msn messenger ipunkbali [at] thx
how can you integrate the bbpress forum in your wordpress site ??
Amazing website!
Or in Dutch:
Ziet er echt heel erg goed uit. Dit is maar weer een goed voorbeeld van hoe makkelijk bbPress en WordPress aan te passen zijn naar wens!
So are we saying the bbPress as a WP plugin is close at hand?
And if that is the case, is THIS an example of it or close to it?
Sorry everybody for my late response.
Thanks for all the positive replays, I am very happy but I would like to hear some critique or input on how to improve the website.
To Michael R: I hope so too because I like bbPress a lot and I will use it for my future projects.
To: Sander B: Thanks. Or in Dutch : Bedankt!
To: Jim R: This is not an example of bbPress as plugin but it is just WordPress / bbPress integration without “deep integration”.
Great website. I don’t speak Dutch, but can still easily find my way around. Looks great, and functions great. Love your bbPress integration.
Awesome site. Awesome design.