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Convert Woltlab Burning Board to bbPress

  • We’ve got a forum at which doesn’t have alot of entries but does have quiet a few. I’d like to find out, whether there is a way to port the entries from an existing Woltlab Burning Board to bbPress. I’d be glad if you could help :)

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  • Michael


    Firstly, I don’t know of any converter out ther for it – so the chances of getting it done may be very slim.

    Secondly, it seems that package has multiple forums in a single board package, which is completely different to bbPress.

    Do you not like the current software you have?

    The main reason I consider switching ist that I would like to use WordPress in the future for our website and would love a close integration of both.. that is the only real reason.




    I see – I’m assuming you’d have to move everything manually using PHPMyAdmin – though you would need to know the format of the bbPress MySQL Database.

    Is it a big issue to restart with a blank, fresh forum?

    Markus Pezold


    Hi Thomas,

    if you have some deeper knowledge in php, mysql and regular expression – you can use the phpbb3 converter and make some change to the code. The code of the phpbb3 converter is understandable – you only must change the tables and row to match the database structure of the Woltlab Burning Board. Its only the question of understanding …



    Thanks a lot! I will look into it and if I do write a converter I will post it here :)


    Another thing to consider is to find converter that converts from Wotlab to some other software like phpBB and then use existing converters for bbPress. This is how I converted on SMF forum.

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