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  • #3209

    Hi all,

    I’m using this in Japanese. When the user is registered, mail is garbled. It seems that it is because the mail body is submitted with raw UTF8 (not MIME-encode) also this is because of mail in Japanese(encoded iso-2022-jp) being provided as shown in RFC1468.(See

    However, it is possible to display it even in Japanese with UTF8 normally by doing appropriate treatment.

    1. Add Content-Type header and etc.

    $headers[] = “MIME-Version: 1.0”;

    $headers[] = “Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=UTF-8”;

    $headers[] = “Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit”;

    2. MIME encodes the header.

    use mb_encode_mimeheader().



    I have tried a variety of codes that have been offered up in these forums in an attempt to hide subforums on my main page because one of my parent forums is dog breeds~~~ can you imagine how HUGE my front page will beonce I add in all of my subforums?

    All of my attempts to utilize code offered in the forums has failed. One piece looked likeit MIGHT do what I wanted, but I could never figure out where to paste it!

    Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge ~~~ I am learning as I go.

    I have pasted my code for my front-page.php into the paste bin. If you could look at it and give me a clue, I’d appreciate it!!!




    You do need a localisation file, but if one doesn’t come with the topic it’s typically the sort of thing you can do for yourself.

    Some wp themes let you set the colour scheme in the admin panel (Mandigo for one), but it’s a fairly simple task to open the style.css file and change the hex colour-codes (once you understand what they are).

    Having bb as a subdirectory of wp is a good start but it’s not necessary as far as I know. My wp install is in a folder /wordpress/, while bb is in the forums subdomain. This should be everything you need to know on integration:


    In reply to: Add nofollow to links


    Here it is:

    Plugin Name: My own tweak for my forums
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Fine tuning codes for my forum
    Author: Your name
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.1

    add_filter('post_author_link', 'bb_rel_nofollow');

    Basically, you can put many fine tuning codes within one PHP files, and this file is for your forum only. Remember to activate this plugin.


    Hi again

    I am just trying to post the banners in a thread.

    The plugin is already enabled, so that’s not the problem. Most of the banner codes seem to have the closing backslash missing in the closing img tag. It seems that bbpress is particularly fussy when it comes to this type of code.



    I’m trying to add a new custom page to my forum. It’s very simple, this is what I have so far:

    – 1 custom page called test.php

    – the page includes the forum header and footer

    – The content (middle) part is pulled from the db aswell

    All works fine except hyperlinks! Links like will NOT appear as a hyperlink, but just as plain text. How to fix this? I want this to behave just like this textfield I am typing in right now (auto hyperlink converting).

    bbcodes like bold do work.




    I am trying out BB for the first time, but upon running install.php I get this:

    hide_errors(); $installed = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->forums LIMIT 1"); if ( $installed ) : if ( !$new_keymaster = bb_get_option( 'new_keymaster' ) ) die(sprintf(__('
    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to upgrade instead?

    To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.
    ') . '', bb_get_option( 'uri' ) . 'bb-admin/upgrade.php')); $meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities'; $keymaster = false; if ( $keymasters = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '$meta_key' AND meta_value LIKE '%keymaster%'") ) { foreach ( $keymasters as $potential ) { $pot_array = unserialize($potential->meta_value); if ( is_array($pot_array) && array_key_exists('keymaster', $pot_array) && true === $pot_array['keymaster'] ) die(__('
    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade scripts instead? To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.
    ') . ''); } } $user = new BB_User( $new_keymaster ); if ( $user->data ) : $user->set_role( 'keymaster' ); ?>

    data->user_login); ?>

    show_errors(); switch ($step): case 0: ?>

    hide_errors(); if ( $users = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $bbdb->users LIMIT 1") ) { $meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities'; if ( $keymasters = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '$meta_key' AND meta_value LIKE '%keymaster%'") ) { foreach ( $keymasters as $potential ) { $pot_array = unserialize($potential->meta_value); if ( array_key_exists('keymaster', $pot_array) && true === $pot_array['keymaster'] ) { $keymaster = (int) $potential->user_id; break; } } if ( $keymaster ) $keymaster = $bbdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->users WHERE ID = '$keymaster'"); } } $bbdb->show_errors(); } ?>

    everything (database information, email address, etc.) entered correctly in config.php before running this script.'); ?>
    add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must not end in a backslash "/".') ); $domain = parse_url($bbd); if ( !$domain ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting cannot be parsed.') ); // Not very helpful, but should essentially never happen. if ( !$domain['scheme'] ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must start with http://.') ); if ( $domain['path'] && '/' != $domain['path'] ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must only include the http:// and the domain name; it may not include any directories or path information.') ); if ( '/' != $bbp{0} ) $errors->add('path', __('Your $bb->path setting must start with a backslash "/".') ); if ( '/' != substr($bbp, -1) ) $errors->add('path', __('Your $bb->path setting must end with a backslash "/".') ); // We don't really do anything with $bb->wp_site_url. if ( $wph = bb_get_option( 'wp_home' ) ) { if ( '/' == $wph{strlen($wph) - 1} ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting must not end in a backslash "/".') ); $home = parse_url($wph); if ( !$home ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting cannot be parsed.') ); if ( !$home['scheme'] ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting must start with http://.') ); if ( preg_match('|(.*.)?([^.]+.[^.]+)|', $domain['host'], $d2 ) && preg_match('|(.*.)?([^.]+.[^.]+)|', $home['host'], $h2 )) if ( $d2[2] != $h2[2] ) $errors->add('cookie', __('Your $bb->domain and $bb->wp_home settings do not have the same domain.
    You cannot share login cookies between the two.
    Remove the $bb->wp_home setting from your config.php file.') ); if ( !strstr($bbp, $home['path'] . '/') ) $notices->add('cookie', __("Your bbPress URL ({$bbd}$bbp) is not a subdirectory of your WordPress URL ($bb->wp_home).
    Sharing login cookies is possible but is more complicated. See the documentation about integrating bbPress and WordPress.
    In the meantime, remove the $bb->wp_home setting from your config.php file, or you may not be able to log in.") ); } if ( $cd = bb_get_option( 'cookiedomain' ) ) { if ( '.' == $cd{0} ) $cd = substr($cd, 1); if ( !strstr($bbd, $cd) ) $errors->add('cookie', __('Your $bb->cookiedomain is not in the same domain as your $bb->domain. You will not be able to log in.') ); } $cp = bb_get_option( 'cookiepath' ); if ( $cp != preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', bb_get_option( 'wp_home' ) . '/') && !strstr($bbp, $cp) ) $notices->add('cookie', __('Your bbPress URL $bb->path is outside of your $bb->cookiepath. You may not be able to log in.') ); if ( $ecodes = $errors->get_error_codes() ) { echo "

    * n"; if ( in_array('domain', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'domain' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( in_array('path', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'path' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( in_array('wp_home', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'wp_home' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( array('cookie') == $ecodes ) { // Only show cookie errors if nothing else is wrong foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'cookie' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    n"; echo "

    n"; break; } echo "n"; echo "

    It continues from there…

    The problem is, I have never installed BBPress. I went to MySQL after I got the error the first time, made a database for BB called “bbpress” but still get the error (even though the database is new, fresh and entirely empty). What’s up?


    In reply to: Empty tag <br> issue?


    I might do it sometime, but for now I’d say just use the Comment Quicktags – press a button and the code is inserted, if your problem is remembering the codes.

    Demo here:


    What I’m probably going to do is, just use the CSS file codes that I had, for when using the Forum Category enhancement with my bbPress forums. It’s not going to be a big deal if those Forum Category CSS codes are in the stylesheet anyway.

    For those running the Forum Cat enhancement, or not, I’ll release a Gathering theme version for either route. A) One for the plain Jane bbPress users, and B) One for those that are already using the Forum Category enhancement. ;) :)

    Please note though, that this theme will be an AS-IS type of deal!!

    I’ll try to give a helping hand, and try my best to provide “support” for it, but, I’m just a really, really busy person sigh. I barely have time to sleep and stuff… :( Besides, if any problems arise, your answers should be, or, could easily be answered here, since it’s basically just a theme. If you happen to have issues with the Forum Cat enhancement patch itself, I’m sure Sam would be happy to help you.. :) ;)

    Anyway, here’s what’s on my TO-DO list, starting now!

    1) Delete all the current plugins on my forums, so I have a total plain Jane bbPress install to work with…

    2) On the localhost/computer .. make up the “Gathering” theme on the latest Trunk files of bbPress. With, and without the files containing the Forum Cat enhancement edits… (Again, this theme should (generally) still work for .80, however, not sure about the backwards compatibility for the forum Categories enhancement though)…

    3) Download the latest copies of the plugins I deleted, tweak the new ones, upload and install them…

    4) Try and get some kinks out of the theme, which happens when using some certain plugins sigh..

    5) Release two copies of the Gathering theme, one for plain Jane bbPress users, and one for those already using the Forum Category enhancement…

    6) Then I’ll probably apply the theme I just spent the last 3 days on, non-stop, which I put up on my Vindictive Bastard blog… I’ll apply that on my blog then too.. and make it a theme for bbPress as well … whee! What you think?

    7) I’ll try and actually get some sleep!! Geesh, I’m beat!

    Anyway, I’ll keep everyone updated on this.. thanks for your time..



    I think this problem is about my server, i mean the software that my server use. Because i couldnt see any mistake in the config file, but i have realized something, if i could find BBPATH, the codes which create this variable, i would be able to fix the problem…



    Oh nice!! Thanks for the link Michael! ;) :) I just manually adjusted the “latest” svn files lastnight, for .80 alpha, which is currently running on my forums now.. I manually implemented the [Resolved] codes back into the files, now I won’t have too! :) ;) :D

    Thanks again!



    I’m still in the process of doing things with it, so, if you find things quirky, please be patient… ;) :)

    Anyway, I tried to get the blog’s theme around the forums themselves. I used the blog’s imagery, blog’s style.css codes right in the original bbPress stylesheet.. and so forth. I also used the user profile layout basically..

    Well, what you think?

    Be gentle!!



    Nevermind, much props goes to boyevul on GoogleTalk! ;) ;D The login codes were placed in the theme’s header2.php file, directly after an “onclick” action, which was the culprit.

    So this:

    <div id=”header” onclick=”location.href='<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>’;” style=”cursor: pointer;”>

    <h1><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a></h1>

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    <div id=”memlist”><a href="<?php bb_memberlist_link(); ?>">Member List</a></div>


    Was changed to this:

    <div id=”header”>

    <h1><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a></h1>

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    <div id=”memlist”><a href="<?php bb_memberlist_link(); ?>">Member List</a></div>


    And all was peachy! I didn’t however upload the latest files of bbPress to the online copy, and I didn’t upload the new changes I just made here either.. I will then .. ;) :D

    Either way, problem is solved!



    I just took a look at both codes and noticed that in the onlinelist plugin you’re using – 300 and on this one – 3600, notice the diference? :P


    Try this version of the “main plugin” file once..

    Just copy the codes from that one, and place it in the original bb-privatemessage.php and reupload it into the my-plugins directory again..

    That *should* work.. If not, Josh(ardentfrost) and I will look into what we’ve done before, to get rid of that error. ;):)


    /I think we had to “hard-code” the calls to the users table for the database..? If I’m not mistaken.. Josh?


    Ok people, here’s the deal.. I’ve installed MediaWiki 1.8.2 on my domain: and customized the links for it and so forth.. no big deal right… ?

    What I have done so far is (in this order)..

    1) Integrated bbPress to my WordPress blog.. So anyone that registers on my bbPress forums, is automatically registered into my WP blog. Usernames and Passwords work for BOTH..

    2) Applied the bbPress_Auth_for_MediaWiki extension to my MediaWiki.. However, I had to use some of the modifications listed here.

    Now, people can login to my MediaWiki with the usernames and passwords from either the WP blog, or the forums.. ;):)

    The ONLY problem I’m having now, is.. having users register for a new account on my MediaWiki “Create New Account” page.. sigh.. I’m getting the following error..

    “Login error:

    There was either an external authentication database error or you are not allowed to update your external account.”

    Which is obviously saying, it’s trying to create a new account in the MediaWiki database.. but, where really it should be trying to make a new account in my WP database.. right? Or, that might be meaning the other way around.. I’m not sure.

    My questions are:

    1) Is there a way to modify the “Create New Account” page, with the WP register page codes? So, when someone tries to create a new account on my MediaWiki itself.. it calls the WP database for it?


    2) Just modify the MediaWiki file, that contains the “Create Account” link, and use the link to the registration page for the WP blog itself? And if so, which MediaWiki file does this reside in?

    I guess I’d rather have it simple.. and just implement the WP registration codes, into the MediaWiki file.. so there is no redirecting of the “Create Account” link in my MediaWiki..

    Or, does someone know of an “extension” for MediaWiki.. that synchronizes the MediaWiki & WordPress registrations? Thanks in advanced.. ;) :)


    /It’s ALMOST totally there now.. the way I want her.. just that dang Registration problem on the MediaWiki sigh.

    By the way, you have to be registered and signed-in, to edit my Wiki.. whee! Which means, you’ll have to register on my blog, or forums first! This is why I’d like to get this MediaWiki registration figured out soon sigh..


    In your forum’s root directory.. you have to make a folder called: my-plugins and then upload the file there.. Call a blank file: my_resolve_ title.php and add the above codes into it.. make sure there isn’t white space before the: <?php and after the last: ?>

    Save it, and upload it to your my-plugins folder.. Good luck!



    There’s a sub-forums ticket open at the moment, assigned to Matt, and I thought have have a quick think-aloud to see how feasible this idea is…

    I think the combination of forums, sub forums and tags encodes too much structure into the application and the db; I can see another (possibly more flexible) way of delivering the same capabilities, which involves three steps:

    1. Add descriptions to tags, so they can behave like forums.

    2. Remove the old forums altogether and instead allow tags to be sticky – sticky tags then go on the front page, with their descriptions, like forums.

    3. Avoid the restrictive tree structure of forums and sub-forums by using a graph – i.e. in the same way that any post can be linked to any tag, any tag should also be able to be linked to any tag.

    The net result would be the same operation for the user, but more more potential for adaptive content structure and semantically rich navigation by, for example, seeing related articles from “nearby” tags.

    There’s probably other advantages, and maybe caveats that I’ve not seen… :)


    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    Marky, just after posting here I realized I forgot to convert the bbcodes. I’ll try to make it shortly.

    About the announcements and sticky, I’ll give a look too.

    But I still don’t have a clue why posts don’t appear on the admin. If you or anyone know why, please let me know.


    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    OK, I gave the script a shot and it imported everything very nicely!

    The only snag is that the bbCodes weren’t stripped or converted in the process, so many of the posts end up looking like gibberish. Also, sticky threads and announcements weren’t converted as such, although that’s less of an issue.

    I certainly hope there’s enough demand for this script to justify adding these features. Otherwise, nice job! :-)

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