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Problem inserting affiliate banners

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  • kannued


    If you have the latest version of bbpress (.8.3), you need to activate the plugin that allows images.

    Not sure where you’re posting this, but if bb isn’t completely screwing up it should remove javascript from input.

    Hi again

    I am just trying to post the banners in a thread.

    The plugin is already enabled, so that’s not the problem. Most of the banner codes seem to have the closing backslash missing in the closing img tag. It seems that bbpress is particularly fussy when it comes to this type of code.

    New glitch!

    My web designer has now got a plugin that allows me to add ALL affiliate banners. However, it breaks the system when you add apostrophes to posts.

    I’ve been advised, it’s a case of which one I prefer to have working. If he turns off the plugin, apostrophes are fine but some of the banners will no longer work.

    I obviously want both features. Any ideas on what to do next?

    Thanks Fi

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