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  • #65372

    thousande, you have to create a new theme (under /my-templates/) and then edit the header.php file in your new theme so that it doesn’t have the stuff inside this loop starting with <?php if ( is_topic() && bb_is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>

    Actually, I think that bbPress doesn’t even currently support AJAX posting, so all those files are unneeded.

    Good luck!


    In reply to: Typepad Antispam


    A quick search of the forum indicates it hasn’t been talked about here before. That doesn’t mean no one has done it, but it hasn’t been brought up here before.


    To be able to call your WordPress header and footer, you will need access to the WordPress functions get_header() and get_footer(). To have access to WordPress functions, you need to include WordPress:

    You can skip the stuff about user integration and cookies if all you want to do it include your WordPress header and footer.


    In reply to: bbSync

    Garth Koyle

    I tried reinstalling bbpress and sync, and nothing improved:

    Okay, I have to get this out of my system. But first…

    I have three websites with WP. I love it. I love you all. I’m not throwing a tantrum or threatening to run off and elope with Movable Type or Joomla!.

    But, here is my issue…

    I want to add bbPress to one of my sites and quite possibly another that I just started.

    I know there are other forum software out there but really want this to stay in the family.

    My problem is that fresh out of the box bbPress looks like a manual for a cold war Soviet submarine.

    Getting past that I tried to integrate my WP header into my bbPress installation but the info available on integration is either outdated or above my ability. I integrated the WP header into my gallery software (Zenphoto) with no problem at all, so it doesn’t make sense to me that integration bbPress should be harder.

    Also, the forum on looks so good that using it is just rubbing salt in my wounds. It is as though WP is saying ‘here is what you could do with bbPress if you had a team of developers and an unlimited budget, but since you are poor and working alone… you’re out of luck!’.

    Okay, I’m done ranting.

    Does anyone have experience adding their WP header and footer into bbPress? I would prefer to not integrate the databases. All I really want is for the header and footer to be consistent throughout the site. I can handle the CSS part of it.



    Topic: Typepad Antispam

    in forum Plugins

    Has anyone tried installing Typepad Antispam on bbpress? Will it work?


    You would need to include WordPress in your bbPress installation to have access to all the WordPress functions.

    Sharing the database does not allow you to use WordPress functions from within bbPress.



    I’m new to WordPress and BBpress but I like the simplicity involved in using them. Currently, I have a wordpress site and a bbpress site that share a database. The wordpress site uses the Event Calendar plugin+widget to display its calendar and in the readme for Event Calendar I found the following:

    Add the
    following code to your sidebar.php:

    Event Calendar:
    <?php ec3_get_calendar(); ?>

    Upcoming Events:
    <?php ec3_get_events(5); ?>

    If you are using an older template, then you should check that your HTML
    header contains the following tag: <?php wp_head(); ?>

    I’d like to add the Event Calendar to my BBpress sidebar; however, this solution doesn’t appear to work. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?


    thanks a lot bobbyh

    actually, i really prefer the high speed of the forum…@bobbyh,can you tell me how to remove those boring js loadings?

    i love bbpress so much… i hope it can make my posting life Simple, Fast and Elegant~~~~


    I profiled the page, and you’re right, the bbpress forums load a number of JS files when the user is logged in:








    Downloading these files does slow down the “logged in” page compared to the “not logged in” page, but that’s a choice made by the maker of the theme for this site. It’s not a problem with the core software.


    i am trying to use the K2 theme on a website I’m working on. i had punBB integrated with it with an event calendar. I’m wondering if it would be difficult to replace the punBB forum wit bbPress. i dont want to preserve users or anything…just replace it altogether.

    For reference, this is the theme I’d like to use:

    also, is it easy to add adsense to bbPress?


    iv tried on ur website (

    i just use the default theme without any plugins…believe me…it is not a plugin or theme problem…

    u can log out and click a topic in this forum….and then log in…try to compare the speed… i do think u can get the same question as i…

    i hope all the bbpress users can try in that way…

    i doubt that there is a cookie problem on bbpress…


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    Check your mysql version number. Is it really low?


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    Interestingly, I copied and pasted your SQL query from above, and used it on my installation unchanged, and it did not error out, it just return the expected results.

    SELECT t.*, MIN(p.post_id) as post_id, p.post_text, 0 AS search_score FROM bb_topics AS t JOIN bb_posts as p ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE t.topic_status = '0' AND p.post_status = '0' AND ( (t.topic_title LIKE '%ja%') OR p.post_text LIKE '%ja%' ) GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY t.topic_time DESC LIMIT 20

    See the results here.

    This is an old bbPress installation as well, 1.0-alpha from over a year ago.


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    1. Has this installation always been like this, or did something change recently?

    2. What version are you running and when was it installed?

    3. Did you change hosting or make any other changes to the installation?

    4. Did your host upgrade PHP or MySQL or your .htaccess file or something else that would have affected this?

    5. What plugins are installed, and does disabling them help with the error?

    6. Does the problem described in the first post happen only when searching, or is that from something else and you now have the problem described in the last post as well?

    7. Does the problem happen when using the stock theme?

    You don’t have a normal run-of-mill type problem that can be easily and simply solved, so people are going to need more info to help.


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    The problem got a bit bigger. When someone tries to find something through the search they get:

    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_text LIKE ‘%ja%’ AND p.post_status =’ at line 1]

    SELECT p.*, 0 AS search_score, MAX(post_time) AS post_time FROM bb_posts AS p JOIN bb_topics as t ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_text LIKE ‘%ja%’ AND p.post_status = ‘0’ AND t.topic_status = ‘0’ GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 5

    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE t.topic_status = ‘0’ AND p.post_status = ‘0’ at line 1]

    SELECT t.*, MIN(p.post_id) as post_id, p.post_text, 0 AS search_score FROM bb_topics AS t JOIN bb_posts as p ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE t.topic_status = ‘0’ AND p.post_status = ‘0’ AND ( (t.topic_title LIKE ‘%ja%’) OR p.post_text LIKE ‘%ja%’ ) GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY t.topic_time DESC LIMIT 20


    hi, i’m a newbie here..

    i need some help here. can anyone advise me on how to add a main page in my forum? i want the page to show only the login form, active and newest threads and i need to main page to show some information. my question here, can i really add the page in kakumei? or do i need to use the wordpress to make such page?

    i really want to avoid using wordpress bcoz currently i’m trying to integrate the bbpress forum to 3 websites using the wordpress.

    i hope someone can help me here.. thank you


    Does this problem happen with the stock theme? Maybe it’s a problem with the customization?

    Where do you log in? Normally at there is a spot to login or register, then logging in as keymaster allows access to the admin panel.

    If you log in as keymaster, do you have a link to Admin your forum or can you access ?

    It doesn’t look like you are using permalinks at all for bbPress, which is fine.

    BTW, I don’t think this has anything to do with WordPress.


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    What do you have to do to get that error to show up? Installation, view profile, post a new topic, post a reply, add a tag, etc…


    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_status != ‘0’ AND t.topic_status = ” at line 1]

    SELECT p.* FROM bb_posts AS p JOIN bb_topics as t ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_status != ‘0’ AND t.topic_status = ‘0’ ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 5

    What does it mean?


    In reply to: User Photo for bbPress


    I’m sorry, did you try with Genealogías theme or another? Currently i’m hooking on a custom action (my bad, i know :p).

    In your profile-edit.php template put the following code:



    I hope it helps somehow. In my opinion, this is the best forum software if you’re a developer that wants custom forums and doesn’t mind getting dirty with code. At least that’s why I love it (I know, people will disagree with me).

    I’ve never felt so in control of my forums before :). Everything is just … clean, from the default UI to the insides.


    In reply to: User Photo for bbPress

    Thanks a lot Detective.

    But I can’t get the plugin to work. I have followed your instructions by uploading the user-photo foler into “my-plugins” directory and I made sure the paths are correct.

    The plugin activated without any errors but i’m not sure how I upload a photo. There is no form to upload photos in user profiles, do I need to add some code manually to the template files?

    Sorry to be a pain & thanks for your time :)



    here is the URL to bbpress:

    and the admin:

    i’m using this permalink structure:

    thanks for your help!



    In reply to: A bit of advice needed


    If you are installing fresh, sure, just delete those. If you want, you can change the table prefix in your new bbpress installation. I forget where it is in the installation procedure, but maybe it’s under an option called “advanced database settings” or something? I think it was hidden unless you reveal it by clicking.

    If bbPress finds the bb_ tables there already, I suspect it might just try to upgrade the database. That’s probably OK, but if you don’t need the old bbPress installation, I would just start from scratch with new tables.

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