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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66582

    Well, but it’s not ok. I have the same database for wp and bbpress, I’ve done also the config wrote in the tutorial, but the script doesn’t function… =( I have wordpress 2.5 and bbpress

    Do you know what can i do?? Thx


    More statistics:

    4) bbPress is now being used in nearly 80 countries!

    Top countries by estimated rank:

    1. USA

    2. Germany

    3. Spain

    4. United Kingdom

    5. Russia

    6. Italy

    7. Turkey

    8. France

    9. Sweden

    10. China

    11. Denmark

    12. Canada

    13. Netherlands

    14. Europe (misc unknown)

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    21. Belgium

    22. Brazil

    23. Poland

    24. Switzerland

    25. Australia

    26. India


    It’s time to take another look at the (unofficial) bbPress Top 100 list! I’ve come up with some more advanced ways to find bbPress forums and I am pleased to announce the full list has broken 3,000 forums and provided for some new discoveries for the Top 100:

    (based on activity, not quality, which is subjective)

    If you register/login you can also see the sites that may have just missed the top 100 via the top 1000:

    August update was essentially aimed at finding new sites, not updating stats for existing sites. I’ll do a full re-analysis next month.

    Some really nice looking sites among the bunch. I enabled “snapshots” so you can mouse-over their little logo and get a general preview. I hope to improve the list soon with the ability to vote on the design of any site.

    Also new for this month is an attempt to guess what country the site is “aimed at” (not hosted in or TLD used). This is very difficult to determine and I estimate my automated route is currently correct only 70% of the time.

    Some interesting statistics…

    1) bbPress has been installed on at least 4000 sites

    2) There are now at least 200 sites with over 1000 posts.

    3) A bbPress forum will break one million posts late 2008

    More analysis as I have time…

    If I missed your site be sure to post it for the next update!



    Try deactivating a few plugins at a time?

    You now, I’ve deactivated first plugin and edititng started to work :) that plugin was your “Post Count Plus”. Don’t you know that’s the trouble?

    Because that would be a nice one to share with others.

    I also think so, so that I will write it… some day :)



    yes, of course, there’s no topic with 11178. Look:



    First link points to post #11178 editing page, second to where it redirect. eg. post’s id is used for redirecting to topic.

    To convert minibb base I haven’t writed any script, I’ve converted it simply by exporting db, changing something and importing. It know it was so foolish, but I’ve had a lot of time to play with it :) And you now, it was very easy: structures are so simple and similar ;)

    But as I’ve said, editing doesn’t work even with native bbPress posts (e.g. added via bbpress). If you wish, I can give you db’s dump.


    thank you Chrishajer: Excus me my bad english , I hope to explain better now:

    I know that it’s a bad idea to modify some bbPress files , I know , I know. But my question is that I think I can insert the ‘target=”_blank” ‘ tag in the place qhere the php engine reads the user comment and shows it and the url link goes to a new window explorer.

    you can see the exemple in my web, and I would like this link works in another window. Click on “BIENVENIDOS AL FORO !!!! ” and see the third comment of ” jcvandamm Admin Principal and there’s some url link:

    thanks for your help and if you can tell me something, please, sincerelly do it:


    I’ve installed bbPress (the last one), converted db from miniBB, writed new topic (e.g. it happens even to native bbPress content) but when I press ” Edit” (which points to, it redirects me to, and of course, error page with “Topic not found.” message. What can I do with it?

    PS. I have


    plugins installed

    PPS. Right now I use “None” pretty permalink type


    Try editing your bb-config.php file and put in a line like this:

    $bb->uri = '';

    It may also require a forced change of your cookiepath if you can’t login.


    I agree on the registration process which can be done by forcing the links on one side to the other but I could not disagree more with “Editing a wordpress post that didn’t exist on the bbpress side would still create a post on bbpress, but it’d date it for when the wordpress post was created, not when the edit took place.”

    I can’t fathom people who do that. WordPress is for One-To-Many posting and bbPress is for Many-To-Many posting.

    What bbPress needs instead is a “promote-to-front-page” option where the front page becomes a descriptive list of topics with summaries that have been marked by admin as worthy for the front page. It’s yet another plugin that I want to write but don’t have time for right now.


    ok — I’m a newbie to bbpress, and a relative newbie to wordpress, so please bear with me.

    I have wordpress installed in my site’s root directory. I installed bbpress into root/bbpress. I made all the needed settings to changes to call the wp headers from my bb-config file, and vice versa.

    Then, I made a newbie mistake of trying to rename my bbpress folder to root/forums, and also changed the setting in my bbpress admin > settings of my bbpress directory to “root/forums.” (thinking this would somehow magically just work) Now, when I try to access my bbpress admin page, I simply get redirected to my wordpress homepage. It seems that the header information is screwed up now, I suspect it has something to do with the filenames and absolute paths, but I have no idea how to fix it or to begin diagnosing it.

    Please help!


    If you want to call bbPress functions from WordPress, you need to include bbPress in WordPress. It’s described here for including WordPress inside bbPress. You would do the opposite to include bbPress in WordPress (make the changes to wp-config.php and require_once('path/to/bb-load.php')


    In reply to: Secret Key


    bbPress is not currently compatible with WordPress 2.6 for integrated installations:


    Topic: Secret Key

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I updated WordPress to 2.6 and now the config file doesn’t have a SECRET_KEY for me to match when integrating bbpress. Instead I have these fields:




    How does this work now?


    By that definition, the categories and tags would also be matching/transparent and the back-end UI (where visible) would match. Editing a wordpress post that didn’t exist on the bbpress side would still create a post on bbpress, but it’d date it for when the wordpress post was created, not when the edit took place. They’d use identical login pages and registration pages out of the box instead of forcing me to spend hours hacking together a template, or better yet would find a way to leverage the templates (especially the CSS tags) so that the UI would look closer to transparent, and the “comments count” on the wordpress side would work.

    So like said, dual log-in is the least of my integration problems.

    I’m still learning PHP but plan to at some point down the road dip in to the dev side to try to help, so these aren’t criticisms so much as “kirabug’s someday to-do list”.


    On the plugin page there is this script to view new messages

    <?php if (bb_current_user_can(‘write_posts’)) : ?>

    <?php pm_fp_link(); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    In bbpress is all ok. But what can i do to view new messages also in wordpress? Anyone can help me? Thank u all!!


    Can you create an image showing exactly where in the header you want the button? You can just scribble on one of these screenshots, showing where you want the button to be. I am unclear on what the correct position for the button is.

    Here are two screenshots, IE7 and FF3. Is either correct?



    I think putting that button outside the header by using a negative margin is a bad thing to do. It also seems to me that a button is probably not a very ‘usable’ solution to return to the home page of the website. Why not a text link in the header, or in the footer?

    If you are set on the button hanging off to the left of the forum in the header, then please describe which of the two screenshots is closer to or exactly what you want.


    Well the definition of integration is that the two softwares operate as one. If a user has to log in twice, then they do not perceive the website operating as one big system but two different programs.


    Oh, OK, yeah, that makes sense. I am using BBPress and I’ve got it set up so that my two installs share the same user table, so I’ve got the same users and the same posts on both sides of the wall. As far as I was thinking, that *is* integration.

    If users have to log in and “remember me” on both sides, well, that’s the least of my problems. ;)


    If you read the levels of integration I posted in the beginning here you will see that even the most simple level of integration requires cookie sync. It is impossible to sync the cookies between bbPress 0.9 and WordPress 2.6 because they literally use different cookies. A user cannot stay logged in between both. They will have to login twice. Log out twice. The db may be similar and the user table may be used by both but the login cookies are different.

    I don’t know how to state it more clearly than that.


    The problem I think is with integrated logins. You can’t log in on the bbPress side and be logged in on the WordPress side, or vice versa. If your experience is different, please tell about it.

    Sounds like you are using bbSync which is for something totally different: no cookies required to accomplish that.



    Let me repeat and clarify – it’s IMPOSSIBLE to integrate bbPress 0.9.x with WordPress 2.6 – the cookie methods are now completely different. You must use 2.5.1

    I was running BBPress when I upgraded to WordPress 2.6, and, well, it’s still working. I post to WordPress, it appears on BBPress no problem. I post a comment on BBPress and it appears on WordPress no problem.

    So is the problem that it’s impossible to integrate a NEW installation? Or is there some other sort of background mess going on that I don’t know about that’s making my installation insecure or something? My site’s here and there’s a link to the bbpress install in the top right corner if you want to check it out.


    The wp-pro list might be a good place to ask:

    “A list for professional consultants providing WordPress services.”

    To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit


    It occurs to me that while the for-hire market is very small on the bbPress side, it’s much more likely you might find someone on the WordPress side who does it for a living. You then might be able to convince them to give bbPress themes a try since they are so similar.

    In any case, you’ve posted your email which is what the “rules” here require and then I guess I’m supposed to close the thread, so good luck and best wishes.


    This is the problem: $bb->query_vars, what is the proper bb code?

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