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  • #67557

    Do not use the move-it plugin until it is radically updated.

    There is no proper way to split/merge topics because it would affect many plugins which track things based on the topic id.

    Since bbPress never had action hooks for split/merge, all plugins in existance are ignorant of such changes happening and you risk corrupting your forums.

    Split/Merge is on the agenda for bbPress 1.5, so maybe a year from now it might be possible. But again, all plugins that store tracking information on topic id’s will need updating, including a dozen of my own.

    So yes, you could manually do it, or even force it via move-it, but you will break your forum sooner or later.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    Are you on a shared host or do you have access to the mysql cache and adding PHP modules?

    Install bb-benchmark and tell me how long it takes for a page to render.

    update: I found your forums and you’re correct, there is definitely something wrong:

    10.275 – 24 queries

    There is probably a configuration issue with your server.

    Let me know if you have root access. It’s going to be difficult to help because you are on Microsoft IIS 7.0 but I’ll see if there’s anything we can do.

    ps. are you running this on your home computer?

    If so, consider moving your hosting setup to xampp, though it still might be remotely possible to install eaccelerator with your IIS configuration.



    I have been running wordpress 2.6.x and bbpress on the same server

    While wordpress (with many plugins) runs pretty fast, my bbpress forum appears to be very slow

    Even without plugins, I had the impression bbpress runs much slower than wordpress (with plugins)

    How can I troubleshoot this ?



    I have an “admin!” link, an “Admin” link and then a “Log Out” link. When I finished installing bbPress, I got the following message:

    “Once you have finished installing, you should visit the WordPress integration section of the bbPress admin area for further options and integration instructions, including user mapping and the correct cookie settings to add to your WordPress configuration file.”

    The only thing that I can see that I can do in the Admin area is to add a new topic. I don’t see anything like what was described in the message.

    Lastly, how do I place a http://www.site_name.whatever/forums/ link to the forum next to the pages links in the header and footer of my WordPress site? I tried placing it next to <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’); ?> but then everything went blank on the site.



    The WordPress table prefix is wp_ – when you enter that for the user database table prefix, bbPress will modify that WordPress table so that bbPress and WordPress users are both stored in there.



    I am in the middle of the install of bbPress (latest alpha as of today) and I get asked for the user database table prefix. Looking at my wp-config.php file, all I see is the following:

    // You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix

    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

    Does that mean that I don’t have a WP user database table? What do I need to do? This is my first site and I don’t have any users yet except myself as admin – translation: I am an extreme newbie and just want to get the rest of this install finished.

    I am using WordPress 2.6.3



    I am using 1.0alpha2 bbPress without WP integration. Users are unable to save the edits to their profile. When clicking Update Profile it only reloads the page without saving the new details. Any ideas?


    I’ve now made the early 0.0.1 alpha public:


    In my installation, in the file bb-templates/kakumei/rss2.php, it’s most definitely line 19. Not sure why yours does not contain this line. See screenshot here.

    Here’s the original file:

    I looked in the bbOrg template and know there is no file there. So another theme is overriding it. In my installation, that would be the stock kakumei theme.


    There is no other mention of php post_author in Kakumei (except for threadauthor stuff in post.php) and certainly no mention in the BBOrg template. Something in the rss.php in the core BBPress files must be overriding the change in the template.


    Anyone willing to give an early version a test for compatibility?

    There is no account creation feature yet but you can attach OpenID identities to any existing account, and then login with the OpenID instead of your regular bbPress login (the regular login remains intact).


    I’ve had the same problem and have also “fixed” it by disabling the Allow Images plugin.

    I’m going to give the BBcode plugin a go, though if bbPress isn’t going to implement a rich text editor (and I don’t think it should) then a far better solution would be to use a lightweight markup system like Textile and/or Markdown.


    WordPress built-in RSS widget. I realized I was pulling the wrong feed..should have actually read what you were asking me earlier..

    I wanted but was pulling instead.

    I would like the option to use either though and posts feed (2nd one) is still pulling the author. I have the rss2.php file open but am too exhausted to think. Will re-visit in AM.


    I’m using wordpress 2.6.3 and just upgraded my forum to 1.0-alpha-2 integration works perfectly by following the docs to the letter. The first time I upgraded I didn’t manage to make the integration work the main reason probably is because I just copied the bb-config.php from my old installation. This time I deleted it and do the install again, I put all my database information and just follow the prompts it will detect that bbpress is installed then proceed with the database upgrade. Just make sure that settings for your bb-config.php and wp-config.php are the same for AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY’ under the bbpress integration menu in the admin panel also make sure that the “auth” = “auth_salt”, “secure auth”=”secure_auth_salt”, and “logged in” =”logged_in_salt” in WordPress /wp-admin/options.php are the same.

    The only issue I found is that when i logged out in either bbpress or WordPress i’m still logged in on the other. Probably a cookie issue i’m not sure though, so I have to logged out manually from both.

    –Update: After additional testing I found out that when I logged in using WordPress I can only logged out completely using WordPress logged out meaning I am logged out both from bbpress and WordPress. Same with bbpress if I logged in using bbpress I can logged out completely by using bbpress logged out. If I use WordPress login I cannot logged out from bbpress by using bbpress logged out but can completely logged out if I use wordpress logged out. If I logged in using bpress, I can logged out in WordPress by using WordPress logged out but I’m stil logged in in bbpress so if I want to logged out completely I have to use bbpress to logged out completely.


    You would have to change the one in your theme, not a theme you’re not using. If you don’t have this file, then it’s a bbPress file that’s providing this function.

    Wait – it used to be that if a file was not present in your theme, the file from the stock theme would be used. That’s not the case? Is the RSS data cached or something? Can you force a refresh?


    Thanks for your help, Chris. Shockingly it didn’t work. I am using bbOrg theme for which there is no rss php file. So I changed the one in kakumei but didnt work. Maybe there is an override built into BBPress, WordPress somewhere else with the exact same code?

    Note that I removed it on both my local server bbpress file and my actual live site’s server. Didn’t work in either case. Look at the left sidebar.


    Oh THAT’S what we’re playing! ;) I thought it was mine’s bigger!


    • Akismet
    • Allow Images
    • Bad Behavior
    • bbPress Smilies
    • Comment Quicktags for bbPress
    • Mass Edit – Moderate Posts
    • Spoiler Tags
    • Unread Posts

    And yes, I tried it with them ALL turned off and with ’em turned on.


    Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
    PHP version 5.2.5
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community
    Architecture i686
    Operating system Linux

    Mine’s longer ;)


    I’ve looked everywhere. Mostly BBPress files though…rss.php, some of the functions files, the widgets files

    I would expect to see something like <post_author> ” on” <topic_id> somewhere in the php code and be able to delete everything before <topic_id> but not finding it.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    You’re using WordPress 2.6.3 – what version bbPress did you use?

    And, can your users just log in at WordPress or bbPress and they are automatically logged in on the other side?


    Just install without integration. If you don’t allow comments on the blog, then there’s no reason for anyone to log in there, and integration wouldn’t be helping anyone anyway.


    In reply to: bbpress to bbpress


    First, I think I would make sure the bbPress version are the same. If they’re not, first backup your MySQL database then upgrade bbPress at your current host. That way you have the same version of the code and the database.

    Now, dump the database, paying attention to the MySQL version in case you need to specify any compatibility options for the new host. If the version are close to the same, you’ll be OK just dumping it.

    Now that you have the bbPress code at the new server and a dump of the database, just import the old database on the new host, and you should be done.

    If the domain name changed, you have a couple more things to worry about. But you didn’t mention that: just a new host.


    I dont have BBPress Live enabled so I pull the forums into my WP blog via RSS widget. It says ‘[Author] on’ at the beginning of each post. I like how WP has an option to display author at the end of the post in italics instead.

    Where is the output code for the RSS that can be removed/tweaked?



    I want to move all data in current bbpress to newly installed bbpress. Hosting compay is different.

    Would you advise how i should do?


    I just thought I would share my experience with an attempt at an integrated installation. I downloaded WordPress 2.6.3 via svn and then created a directory forum and downloaded bbPress alpha 2 via svn there. I modified the wp-config.php by hand and installed WordPress just fine. I didn’t do any further configuration of WordPress.

    Then I went to install bbPress with an attempt at integration. Things were going along pretty smoothly. (As an aside: I think the installer should tell you when it first asks for the keys that you don’t need to worry about them here if you’re going to be integrating, since you will be entering WordPress keys at a later point. I wasted time generating new keys here which end up being unused.) I selected all the integration settings, but did not use custom user tables. I got to step 3 and it said “Your installation completed with some minor errors. See the error log below for more specific information. ” The error below was “Forum could not be created!” (I’ve had that happen before.)

    Since this was a minor error, I figured I would just continue and see how it goes. Clicking the link to my forum results in a Redirect Loop error in Firefox3. The page hangs for a while, never loads, then times out.

    I just figured I would share that experience here. If anyone wants more information, please let me know.

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