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some problem with code in postings

  • Olaf Lederer



    according this post form I have to put code between “Backticks”.

    This will not work (at least on my website), if I use the backticks most from the post will disappear. To show code I use the “code” html element, this works fine until I edit the post after submission. bbpress will replace the code tags with backticks.

    Is this a bug or a php limit? (I remember me somthing with the backticks and php)

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  • It’s a bug.

    I’ma guess you have Allow Images? At least for me, without AI backticks work fine, with AI they don’t – I guess one of the code handling functions is broken by AI.

    Olaf Lederer


    Thanks for pointing me on this, I will check the code from this plugin.

    btw. is there some plugin to use bb code instead of html elements?

    Olaf Lederer


    deactivating the AI plugin is the solution here…

    I had this same issue, and I really like having images, so I looked into the code. I am not very savvy about reg expressions, so but if I comment out line 29 ($text = preg_replace("|(.*?)|se", "'<code>' . encodeit('$1') . '</code>'", $text);) from the allow_images_encode_bad function of the plugin, everything seems to work.

    Does anyone know if I need that line for anything else? I don’t want to open my site up to hackers or some such thing.

    I’ve had the same problem and have also “fixed” it by disabling the Allow Images plugin.

    I’m going to give the BBcode plugin a go, though if bbPress isn’t going to implement a rich text editor (and I don’t think it should) then a far better solution would be to use a lightweight markup system like Textile and/or Markdown.

    I ‘fixed’ it by commenting out the following lines:

    // remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'encode_bad' );
    // add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
    // add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );

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