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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69930

    My understanding is that once 1.0 is release, all of the WP caching plugins like SuperCache will be able to be used.

    If SuperCache is able to be used with bbPress – that will make bbPress extremely fast


    Anyone have any idea when bbPress 1.0 will be release?

    I’m not asking for a specific date … it would just make it a lot nicer to know if bbPress is within a month of being finished, 3 months, 6 months, etc..

    The reason why I ask is because for this past year, I’ve been under the impression that the 1.0 release was going to be “soon”.

    Thanks in advance.


    I tried that but bbPress was still there. However, I did manage to delete it doing the following:

    I clicked on bbPress Hot tag

    Page for Add New Topic appeared

    I clicked Destroy Tag at the bottom of the page

    bbPress tag is now gone

    Thanks to everyone who responded and helped me with these two topics!


    I am useing wordpress 2.7 with the beta of bbpress on my site and the forums are

    I cant figure out how let let the people who are already registered post new stuff in my forums… Any ideas


    I see. So the preferred solution is to route anyone who wishes to use SMTP with bbPress, and is not happy with the default PHP behaviour, to use the SMTP plugin. Fair enough.

    There is another solution for Windows SMTP systems for those who control PHP; live with setting ‘sendmail_from’ server-wide in php.ini. This overrides the value passed to the mail() function ‘From:’ header argument for use with the SMTP ‘MAIL FROM:’ command (where the problem lies), but retains that value for use with the mail message body ‘From:’ header (where a complete textual name may be used).

    BTW, the reason that the (SMTP) MTA on Windows rejects the email address is not due to the MTA, but due to PHP on Windows:

    A long-standing discussion is here:

    The current value for the PHP mail() function ‘From:’ header (“User name” <>”) is an RFC2822 compliant format suitable for parsing by a library (like PHP mail()) which *should* generate separate strings for SMTP (the ‘MAIL FROM:’ command, which must be RFC2821 compliant) and the message body (the ‘From:’ header field which can be RFC2822 compliant). RFC2821 format ( or <>) differs from RFC2822 format. PHP mail() on Windows does not do this translation.


    I’m still attempting to integrate bbPress with WPMU 2.7 and BuddyPress. Is this plugin compatible with WPMU 2.7 and BuddyPress? Is it required to get cookies shared? Where should it be installed in WPMU (plugins vs. mu-plugins)?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    The default install has a single topic (“Your first topic — First Post. Woot!”) that is tagged bbPress. If you deleted that but the tag persists, you might need to go into the admin and Manage > Recount /bb-admin/site.php. There is one checkbox there that says “DELETE tags with no topics. Only functions if the above checked.” Try that.


    Yes, I want to remove bbPress as a tag. It’s not listed as a tag on my posts, so I can’t delete it from the posts. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from.


    You mean to remove bbPress as a tag? I’ve had problems with deleting tags, but if you remove it from all the posts, it should go away.


    It looks really nice!


    Thank you so much! Another question, is there a way to delete bbPress from the hot tags?



    I have an old issue with bbpress-wppress integration that I can’t solve.

    I use this wp-plugin to sanitize user names;


    What this plugin does is that whenever a user registered as “Joe” tries to log in as “joe”, “jOe”… can login.

    However bbpress is not compatible with this plugin, when activited bbpress reports this error;

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in D:wampwwwwordpresswp-includesformatting.php on line 453

    In formatting.php line 453 obviously we have wordpress function sanitize_user and it seems bbpress doesn’t like to have this function modified.

    I just wanted to ask if anybody knows another way to sanitize usernames because it is a pain to have all the time people complainig that they can log in because they registered as “Joe” and try to access with “joe” :-)


    See this:

    (I added ‘hot tags’ as a tag to it, since that seemed logical)



    I’m giving a try to a deep integration. I want to load bbpress in my wordpress theme so I have a modified bbpress kamukei where I load wp header, sidebar and footer.

    I installed bbpress 1.04a, I activated the new plugin, edited wp-config.php as plugin required, I founded that all this still didn’t load wp header and I modified bbpress bb-config.php with;

    define('WP_BB', true);
    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');

    Now, it seems everything works ok; bbpress loads wp-header, I have access to bbpress control panel, both, admin and users can post, I can log out… I’m going to keep my beta-testing and I’ll further report but I think Sam did it :) so CONGRATULATIONS.

    I’m not sure that I’ll want to load bbpress functions into wordpress so far because what I need is all the contrary; to load wordpress into bbpress so I can have a very simple and integrated forum. However, having the bbpress control panel integrated into the wordpress panel would be great.

    The idea of bbpress as a plugin is very nice but Sam is totally right when he stated that we have a stronger foundation as a stand alone. Perhaps that little plugin as a “bridge” is the way to go.


    Because bb-rating has display on post(I saw from plugin page). But wp-postrating, I don’t know how to display star pics(just display star can’t give score.), cause I want rating star show index page that visitor can see but can’t give score.

    ok, I would try wp-postrating again.


    Okay, I made a ‘double’ cookie by doing this: $bb->sitecookiepath = '/blog/'; but it still won’t let me be logged into BOTH at once. Grr. I can be logged into WP and WPAdmin, or BB and BBAdmin and WPAdmin, but never BB and WP :/

    If I don’t modify the bb-config file, I can’t log in at all to bbPress. Am I the only one who has WordPress loaded in a subdirectory, with the index kicking back to the main root? That’s about the only thing I have left to try and I really don’t want to screw up my permalinks.

    Of possible relevance, the logged_in cookie never gets removed from my cookie jar on Firefox when I log out of bbPress OR WordPress.

    Edit: Or maybe I’m just a frackin’ idiot.

    I repasted in the Auth Keys and now it’s working… Dude. I keep telling people at work that the average IQ drops 50 points between Thanksgiving and New Years (which is how I explain people making boneheaded mistakes). The new guy asked ‘Does that mean us to?’ and I said “Of course! Watch, you’ll make the stupidest, most obvious screw up in your life in a week or so.” Today was mine, apparently.

    I’m going to hang my head in shame.


    It might be worth noting that in my working version, I have not modified either of the -config.php files other than what the WP plug-in states. Basically I did not modify the bb-config.php with what the admin integration speed up thing asked me to. I never could get that manual stuff working right.


    configure the WordPress plugin and also follow it’s instructions to modify the wp-config.php file in WordPress.

    Did that.

    Further to this, you should clear out any manual settings you have made to bb-config.php in bbPress and re-check your settings in the “WordPress integration” page in bbPress admin.

    Did that.

    Then clear all your cookies and retest.

    Did that (went in to Firefox’s cookies and after logging out, whacked everything from my domain).

    Result: Login is not shared as I think it should be.

    If I login on bbPress I can get into my WordPress admin area, but I do not show up as logged in on the WordPress ‘regular’ side. If I go to comment, it says I’m not logged in.

    Also, if I have this line in, I can’t log in to both at the same time:

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_<long string>';

    I think clearly something’s wrong on my end, but damned if I can sort out what!


    I watched my cookies as I logged into bbPress after being logged into WordPress.

    WordPress makes two entries for wordpress_logged_in_<long string>! Both have ‘Domain’ of, and then path of / and /blog/

    bbPress has one entry and it has Host of (no leading . ) and path of /

    I fixed the host/domain part by setting $bb->cookiedomain = ''; but I’m pretty convinced this double existence of the logged_in cookie is what’s screwing me up.



    Are you using a subdomain of some kind?


    Alright I figured it out now for my case.

    In wp-config.php I had to add both lines

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    as opposed to just

    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    which the WP Plugin suggests to do.

    The WP Integration Settings in the bbP Admin section got this part right but not the Plugin Settings in WP.

    Anyways it’s working now all the way. Great achievement Sam!


    Are you trying to use bbRatings with WordPress? Why?

    What you thing about


    Ah I didn’t think of handling &nbsp;

    But I thought bbpress allowed htmlentities. Maybe only some of them.

    Sam Bauers

    Having Google Alerts set up to tell you when your company gets mentioned is a pretty standard PR move these days.

    There is probably one or two people at GoDaddy who look at all these and then route them to sales or service or whatever.

    If they follow through I’ll be impressed then, not enough to use their service, but still.

    Sam Bauers

    I’d rather not fork bbPress to create a plugin version but I would be interested in seeing a plugin created for WordPress that basically loaded bbPress into WordPress for you. johnjames is right about having to keep our integration options open beyond a simple plugin.

    Also, perhaps you missed the announcements about full integration returning in the recent alpha versions?

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