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  • #4499

    Whenever I try to post on my bbPress forum I get the following error: This topic has been closed.

    If it helps anyone my forum is

    All help is appreciated.


    I am trying to integrate bbPress into my WP-operated website. My WordPress is 2.6. I installed bbPress “Brubeck” (version in a subdirectory titled “forum”. I chose the integration option. I created a separate database for bbPress with separate users. Everything went well but at the end I got this message:

    “>>> WordPress cookie secret key not set.

    >>>>>> Your “bb-config.php” file was not writable.

    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the “BB_SECRET_KEY” in your “bb-config.php” file.”

    I was able to login at first but later I opened the “bb-config.php” file and entered a secret code there. Then I tried to login again but I got this message:

    “Too many redirects occurred trying to open “”. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page.”

    I tried to login to my WordPress admin but none of my user names and passwords worked. I tried to reset the passwords but the emails I receive do not contain any new password, neither the link they provide leads to any reset page.

    What should I do?


    I downloaded bbPress into my wordpress directory, as I am planning on integrating bbPress into my wordpress site, and I go to http://www.mysitename/bbpress and the installer comes up. I put in what should be my database “name, user, and password” and I get the errors:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock’ (2) in /home/content/m/y/g/mygreensprout/html/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php on line 123


    ! There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again.

    Any suggestions?


    That’s a very common question. You might start here:

    There’s no way I know of to just put a bbPress forum in a WordPress page.

    Anonymous User 1502623

    Hey, was wondering if there’s any documentation out there on integrating bbpress into your site’s design. My site is – I’ve made a forum page – is there any way to just like… stick the guts in the big white space? thanks in advance


    There are 2868 lines in that file. You’re missing from line 2125 to line 2868.

    You might want to make sure all the files were uploaded properly to prevent unforeseen problems down the road.


    Re-upload (and probably all files in bb-includes). It sounds like they got truncated for some reason. You should never need to edit those.


    I believe it needs a close parenthesis at the end.

    ETA: and it’ll need a ; after the ) as well..


    I’m running WP 2.7 in my site ( and because it, I choose BBpress Alpha and then I install the bbPress 1.0-alpha-4 into my /forum/ inside the ‘public_html’ (thought from I read, it supposed to be the easiest things to do for installing bbpress).

    after I extract the ZIP file, I send all the content (via FTP) to the /forum/

    Then, I opened the bb-config-sample.php & wp-config.php

    I use ‘localhost’ and only matching the MySQL DB user & pass

    After that went to

    and copy&paste the result into my bb-config-sample.php

    and DONE!

    i just save it as bb-config.php

    then with the Force in my mind, I opened


    I got this:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ‘)’ in /home/insideor/public_html/forum/bb-includes/ on line 2124

    with the curiosity I’m opened the and seeing whats going on in line 2124,

    well.. it is the last line and it says

    function bb_profile_password_form( $id

    could anyone helps me to get my forum build?

    many thanks!


    In reply to: Forums disappear

    Fernando Tellado

    I’ve solved it. The guilty was the plugin Forum Restriction:

    Fernando Tellado

    I’m really shocked by this problem. Today, when I’ve visited my forum several forums have disappeared. Then, I go to the admin area, add some other forum and they appear again, made some changes in order of forums and disappear again … but the forums are there: if you click in any post of the forums disappeared you can see that the forum exists 🙄

    What can be happened?

    I use bbPress 1.0.4, by the way, and the forum url is


    Do not install the version. It won’t integrate at all with 2.7 If you don’t need integration, then use since it’s considered stable.


    In reply to: Members can add tags


    The member id is recorded in the database when the tag is added, so if it’s a member doing inappropriate tagging, you can deal with them individually. Normally, regular members won’t sh*t where they eat. It’s not something I would worry about. Instead, install _ck_’s Human Test plugin to keep bots from registering right off the bat.

    Also, I think it’s been like this for a while with tags, going back to the 0.73 release I think.

    Anonymous User 1502623

    It’s called ‘bbpress-latest-discussion-for-wp’ . The only file in the zip is ‘BBpress.php’. Hmm. I’m reluctant to re-install it as it took me ages to get working in the first place! >.<


    I’ve updated the plugin to cope with forums using blocked and inactive users as well.

    function inactive_to_member() {
    $userID = bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' );
    $user_obj = new BP_User( $userID );
    $user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $userID ) );
    if(empty($user->capabilities)) {
    add_action ('bb_head', 'inactive_to_member', 5, 0);

    The only flaw I can find with this plugin is that it won’t update the user’s role until the next time the user refreshes the page. I guess it could be fixed with a simple redirect/refresh in the plugin however.


    I followed the video tutorial posted in this forum and when I completed Step 3 it said everything had been created, but that the forum had failed to be installed. Then I deleted the config.php file and tried to install bbPress again, but this time it wouldn’t let me get past Step 1. When I tried to move on to Step 2 the page timed out and said Firefox could tell that some process would continue for forever. So I checked the database and realized all the files from before were there, so I deleted all the ones involving bbPress and then tried to run the installation again. I do Step 1 fine, and then I fill out all of Step 2 just fine, and when I click to move on to Step 3, it tells me that everything has been set up correctly and is linked (WordPress and bbPress sharing the same users). But then when I get to Step 3, at the top it says that I skipped Step 2.

    I that point I thought that I might as well just go ahead and finish installing bbPress, even if the users aren’t linked, and it let me, and told me everything had been installed correctly. But the forum wasn’t set up and I checked the database and nothing had been added.

    I’ve tried reinstalling bbPress on the server, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Trac schedules are meaningless. It’s just arbitrary dates picked a long time ago.

    There is only one person actively working on 1.0 at this time so progress is slow.

    Do not plan on any schedule for production use and do not use alpha on live sites.


    You need to use the Alpha version.

    Nice little tutorial.


    In reply to: Members can add tags


    The downside would be that one user could corrupt your bbpress install with tons of inappropriate tags… but there’s no spam check on tags (that I’m aware of).


    I want to install bbPress and I am currently using WP2.7

    Should I install the latest stable version (Brubeck) version,


    the latest test build of the unstable version of bbPress is 1.0-Alpha-4?


    Is the WordPress site online somewhere, where these bbPress comments are being sent? If you did integrate a newer version of WordPress (2.6 or newer) with bbPress, that is the problem. There are significant changes between version 2.5.* and 2.6.* WordPress that make integration with specific versions of bbPress important:

    First post here:

    WordPress 2.6 came out July 15, 2008<a/>.


    Sounds like you are using bbSync then, to create comments at WordPress when someone posts to the bbPress forum? I didn’t know bbSync worked like that, but it’s possible. So it sounds like someone posts in the forum, somehow that gets into WordPress, you get an email to moderate the comment, but you can’t log in to your WordPress admin panel?

    What version bbPress and WordPress are you using? It sounds like you have incompatible version installed and your WordPress admin login no longer works due to integration? What versions did you install? Sounds like bbPress – how about WordPress version?


    I am trying to embed some javascript on my BBpress forum using this code from my WordPressblog.

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/js/prototype.js”></script>

    What is the equivalent of <?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?> in BBpress?


    I noticed at the Trac roadmap page

    That it states the anticipated release date of bbPress 1.0 is in 2 weeks.

    However, the 1.0-BETA release states that it’s 5 months behind schedule.

    So would it be correct to assume that the 1.0 release date is approx 5.5 months away? Meaning, sometime in the summer of 2009 – I can expect the 1.0 code base to be released.


    WordPress- They say [Please Moderate]. Oh boy, am I confused. I have both folders. WP & bb press. When somebody posts to my forum, I get email from WordPress to please moderate. When I log in to admin, it says bbpress, but I cannot perform any functions from that page. When I answer email notices from WordPress, it will not accept a WordPress password. Boy, am I confused. The blog is bbpress but the emails come from WordPress.

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