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  • #70637

    In reply to: Mass Email Users


    There have been a couple discussions in the past, but I don’t know of a plugin yet. Someone posted that they had something they used for this function, but it wasn’t ready for release.



    559: return @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, ‘-f ‘.$from);

    This will force php mail function to be sent from the bbPress configured email using the From envelope with Sendmail. This helps prevent spam filters from catching emails like forgotten passwords.


    I found other issues with this setup, particularly in passing more than one parameter via get. I went back to ?forum_id=1 type urls.


    Well, I didn’t exactly dump phpBB per se…. but after looking at the two and what it would take to integrate into my site and get it to do what I wanted…. bbPress turned out the best way to go. What I did dump was Joomla! and WP (GASP! Did I just say that? Yes I did. I needed a forum more than I needed a blog. Last thing this world needed was yet another blog anyways.)



    In reply to: Mass user delete


    What plug in did you use? I’m still looking for something to mass delete users in bbPress.


    You should submit a bug report or patch at trac,


    In reply to: Subforums and Feedback


    What version did you install? I believe the option was added in 1.0-alpha.

    Here is what it looks like in the 1.0 alpha versions:

    There was a plugin available for the earlier versions I think.


    great work guys! Can’t believe this exists just 2 years. Excellent software!

    Thanks for all the plugins as well =)


    WordPress 2.5.1



    bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha Galician translation

    bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha traducido ó Galego. Se queredes descargalo tedelo aqui

    ¡Bo Nadal!


    In reply to: Subforums and Feedback


    > Is there a way to have the top level forums count the

    > entries in the subforums?

    How about this:


    So, for example, you might have a different header on this forum page:

    But you’d want to use that header on any of the topics when you click through to them, too?

    Like on this page you would still use the installation header image?


    Hi there everyone, right now we’re trying to restructure our wordpress blog and bbpress forums to allow blog entries to appear in the forums via Bbsync.

    Because of this need to have our blog entries appear in the forums, we’re restructuring our forums to tie into the blog entries.

    Check it out here:

    Wondering if there is a way for parent forums to show all the entries in their subforums instead of showing entries specifically intended for the top parent category. Am I making sense?

    Or is there a way to lock out people from making an entry on a top level forum (allow only subforum

    Is there a way to have the top level forums count the entries in the subforums? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    Right now this is the structure we’re looking at:

    Feast of Fools

    – Podcast (Gay Fun Show) PODCAST

    – Video (Our original videos) VIDEO

    – Photos (Our original Photos) PHOTOS

    – Mini Bites (Audio clips and songs from the podcast) MINI BITES

    – One on One (Video Blogs) VIDEO BLOGS


    – About Us (Press, Appearances, Announcements)

    – Animals (Our furry and not so furry friends)

    – News & Rumors (What’s the Buzz)

    – Trends & Tech (How we are changing, technology & the environment)

    – Culture & Style (Media, Ideas, Recipies, Looks & Things that are hot)

    – Gender & Sexuality (Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Trans, Male, Female, Bi, Trans & Everything Else)

    – Health & Wellness (AIDS/HIV, Fitness, STDs, Diet, Nutrition, Mental Health)

    – People (Celebrities, Guests, Hotties & You)

    – Politics & Activism (Creating Change and the people and ideas behind it)

    – Travel & Tourism (where to go, what to see)

    Fans & Friends

    – Ask for Advice (questions)

    – Promote Your Work (links and samples of: Photos, Video, Blog, Podcasts, Designs)

    – Your Thoughts (statements)


    – Site News (Changes, Upgrades & News About the Site)

    – Listening to Shows

    – How to Post (Tips and tricks on posting in the forums)

    – New Listeners

    – Questions


    – Bugs (Report problems for the site)

    – Show Ideas

    – Favorite Moment (Time and Episode in a podcast you found fabulous)


    For topic_page_links() on the forum home page, I went to: /bb-includes/ -> line 932 and changed ‘show_all’ => false to ‘show_all’ => true

    This allows me to show the pages of a post without popular topics shifting the entire forum to the right.

    You can see it in action here:

    Most themes disable this tag as it messes up themes with popular topics.

    My question is, if I have to change the default setting on a bbpress core page, that would indicate to me that there is a variable I can put within the tag… between the ().

    Does anybody here know what I can put there so that I don’t have to change the core pages? ie: topic_page_links(show_all->true) or something like that.



    Post here if you are ditching phpbb for this.

    I have only used soop and phpbb and now bbpress and I am loving this more and more every day.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!

    I started playing with WordPress on December 25th. ApocalypticTomorrow was born on the next day. On that same day, I discovered bbPress and it was then integrated with WP. At the mement it has the included default “blue” theme and not many plugins but as the days go by, I will be modifying it and adding plugins as well as changing the look and feel.

    Check it out at (feel free to join and be one of the first ones in the newly-made community!)

    By the way, you can shameless self-promote your personal website at:


    Sounds like you need to get the forum ID from the topic or the post. How about this:



    I recently transfered my forum from phpbb3 to bbpress and i really enjoy it

    there is only one thing I cannot reproduce with bbpress. I used to have a different style for each category or forums and an image include on top of each. I can do it with forum_id but the variable do not follow in topics


    if ($forum_id == 1) echo 'blabla';

    How could I keep it in topics ?

    Thank you


    This theme has just been updated and you can get the latest version (v0.3) from here:

    Changes Include:

    1. Moved search to nav bar.

    2. Added support for js sub navigation

    3. Moved login to sidebar

    4. Added bbpress logo to footer. Thanks to Paul.


    I think that site naviation really depends on how much traffic your forum has, how much you want it to have, and in what route you want your traffic to reach its destination.

    The typical forum layout comes from catering to new visitors that want descriptions of each category, and from repeat visitors wanting to check if there are updates to that category without having to click into that category.

    Tags don’t offer either of these options inherently.

    If tags could visually signify if there are new posts for the visitor inside of them, maybe with emphasis or italics or reordering them to the front of the cloud, that would be a neat idea.

    bbPress tends to take a different approach on forum/topic importance, by emphasising on the most recently replied to topics right on the front page. I consider this more of a feature of a slow moving bulletin board more than for a large one. I know some large technical forums that would show 20 different posts on every page refresh with this type of last reply based concept.

    Tags are interesting because they are user editable and provide a wiki-esque style of topic organization. 99% of users will obey this, but it still requires a bit of moderation and attention. Using categories that users cannot edit allows for you to legitimately categorize your data, rather than have it free flowing any and everywhere. Also, how do you compensate for the “New Topic” screen where there is a category drop-down? If your authors aren’t familiar with the concept and meaning of your forums categories, yet they are forced to choose one, this will result in topics being put into the database almost at random, making it difficult for you to moderate them.

    I see how this idea can be appealing, and I see how it could work in some instances, but I think this type of idea is more suitable for a WordPress type blog/CMS than for a forum.


    In reply to: Members can add tags


    Ignoring the debate over whether it’s a feature or a bug, good or bad, you could just remove the capability from the member role. It’s coded in bb-includes/ line 170, “edit_tags”. You could delete that line and members would not be able to edit tags any longer. I’m not sure if that means they can’t add tags to their own post or not though.

    Also, instead of modifying a core file like that, you could probably use a plugin to remove that capability from the member role. Or you could create a whole new role that does not have that capability. I think there was a plugin related to custom roles:


    In reply to: Members can add tags


    @chrishajer – I am not using unfinished software – I’m preparing for the future.

    – Thanks!!! I can do this but average key master … I don’t know. I thing bbpress needs a setting for this.

    @ All – Merry Christmas!!!


    Dunno what’s going on, but I’ve just installed bbpress at and for some reason extra characters are being added into the page just at the start. View the source code and you see “ousep” just being spat out at random. I have no idea where it’s coming from or what to do about it. Help! :)


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!

    Fernando Tellado

    I’m finishing my new forum (latest was made with SMF). I’m using bbPress 1.0 alpha 4 with the default theme (in blue and customized) and several plugins (a lot):

    – Akismet

    – Attachments

    – Favourites notification

    – Registration notification

    – Temporal Ban

    – bbcode buttons

    – smileys buttons

    – Related topics

    – Signatures

    – bbcode lite

    – bbvideo

    – post count plus

    – support forum

    – mass edit

    – hidden forums

    – active users

    – bbpress karma

    – terms of service

    – human test

    – report post

    I’ve made the translation of bbPress 1.0 to spanish ( ) and the forum URL is …


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