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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70891

    Depends on what version you installed. This is from the alpha versions:

    It sounds like when you log in, you’re not a keymaster, so you’re not seeing the keymaster (admin) functions.


    That is correct. Here are the moderator capabilities from bb-includes/capabilities.php:

    'moderator' => array(
    'name' => __('Moderator'),
    'capabilities' => array(
    'moderate' => true,
    'participate' => true,
    'manage_tags' => true,
    'delete_topics' => true,
    'close_topics' => true,
    'stick_topics' => true,
    'move_topics' => true,
    'view_by_ip' => true,
    'edit_closed' => true,
    'edit_deleted' => true,
    'browse_deleted' => true,
    'edit_others_tags' => true,
    'edit_others_topics' => true,
    'delete_posts' => true,
    'throttle' => true,
    'ignore_edit_lock' => true,
    'edit_others_posts' => true,
    'edit_favorites' => true,
    'edit_tags' => true,
    'edit_topics' => true,
    'edit_posts' => true,
    'edit_profile' => true,
    'write_topics' => true,
    'write_posts' => true,
    'change_password' => true,
    'read' => true

    You could add the permissions you for your moderator there, but it’s generally a bad idea to modify a core file. You probably want a plugin to modify the capabilities for your moderators. I didn’t see one specifically for that, but I did notice this plugin was added yesterday.


    Warren – Thank you for bumping multiple posts.

    What version of WP and BB are you using? There is a plugin for WP that should ‘fix’ this for you on WP 2.7 and BB 1.0-alpha-5


    Again, look at when this was posted. 4 months ago. How long is it going to take bbpress to get the user roles intregated? I would suggest somebody write a plugin or better yet, update the core to match the same user roles in wordpress 2.7 or bbpress is going to lose alot of users.


    bbpress and wordpress 2.7 intregrate but bbpress doesn’t hanlde the roles at all. If a user gegisters through wordpress, all is good but if they register through bbpress, they get an “you don’t have permission to view this page” when they try to login to wordpress.

    I think this should be addressed asap, but as I’m ready through the forums, I see Sam or any other developer has addressed this issue at all. There are some .htaccess 301 redirects and a small code change you can make to redirect users from the bbpress registration page to the wordpress registration page, but in my humble opinion, one should not have to do this because the whole reason to use bbpress with wordpress was the fact that they intregrate.

    Bottom line…bbpress needs to update the user roles to that of wordpress user roles period.


    I have the exact same problem but even when they login to wordpress 2.7 they are shown “You don’t have permission to view this page”.

    I have to manually change their role to subscriber which is not ideal at all. It seems to me that bbPress should make a user who registers through the forum a “subscriber” in wordpress but it’s not. I think bbpress should have the same roles as wordpress to cut the confusion down. The whole purpose of using bbpress was because it intregated with wordpress but if it doen’t habdle the roles automatically, I may as well install phpbb or vbulletin.

    I love bbpress, but if I have to perform task manually, what is the benefit of using bbpress?


    Same problem here. The bbpress roles need to match those of wordpress roles. I played with this for hours to the point I’m ready to ditch bbpress and just install vbulletin or phpbb. I love the intregration though. Everything else works great except when user register through bbpress.


    Hi folks!

    Just wanted to say hello and that I am looking forward to getting into the workings of bbPress. I newly created my forum last night, so a lot of learning ahead.

    All the best,

    Cal :)


    Topic: PHP usage poll

    in forum Installation
    Sam Bauers

    This poll is intended to gauge usage levels of older versions of PHP, with a view to maybe bumping the lowest supported version in bbPress up to PHP 4.4.9 (from PHP 4.3.0).

    The two options below are the latest stable versions of PHP 4 and 5. If you are using another version, please be specific when entering it’s version number.

    [polldaddy poll=1247862]


    Update: I was able to integrate bbpress 1.0 alpha 4 with wpmu 6.5 and buddypress beta.


    I created a new directory and copied the files from to it. I was able to install bbpress 1.0-alpha 4.

    However, there was no screen about creating a user or your first forum or any integration.


    The nightly build/ has the MBCS warning screens after step 1 of the installation.


    In reply to: List of Hooks/Actions?


    There’s no official documentation or codex yet.

    A few people have done phpxref for bbpress but I find that kind of output fairly useless.

    If you have access to linux shell you can do a grep to get a function list in the template include like so (or install the grep for windows)

    grep -oe ^function.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > functions.txt

    modifying that you can also get the filters/actions

    grep -oe apply_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > filters.txt

    grep -oe do_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > actions.txt

    If you use the grep for windows, leave out the escapes (backslashes) or it won’t work.


    So, I finally got the revamp of my site launch completed on January 1st. The “News” portion of the site is driven by wordpress, and the “Messageboard” portion is bbpress with some marriage between the two.

    We migrated from a phpbb2 install that was using phpbbfetchall for pulling “News” to the front page. I think the new set up is much better. ;)

    I’m still ironing out glitches and adding features, but I thought I’d share it here to show it off so far. We get between 10,000-12,000 unique visitors to the site per day, and bbpress is handling that traffic beautifully.


    Thanks for the responses,

    it looks like I’m gonna to be going with bbPress soon, once I get a nice design.


    I’d say try the nightly build ( ) but I’m not really sure when that’s updated anymore…

    The SVN is open to be downloaded by anyone.


    Hey Patrick10128 – bbPress actually has a design philosophy which puts most features in plugins, not in the core engine itself.

    Which features are you looking for? We could let you know if there are plugins that do it or not…


    No one else can answer what is best for you.

    It takes ten to twenty minutes tops to install bbPress.

    Install both, play with both for a weekend, delete the one you don’t want.

    Here is someone who tried six different forums and went with bbPress:

    Which is better bbpress or wp-forum plugin ?


    I also feel that Simple:Press has many more features than bbPress currently. So maybe I should wait until bbPress is developed more?


    Matching the bbPress theme to your WordPress theme isn’t trivial… at first it really bothered me. But once I realized how different blogs and forums were, it made a lot more sense to me.

    The initial conversion was the hardest part. After that, little tweaks to my blog theme didn’t take that long to incorporate into my bbPress theme. But I’m getting ready to do a redesign of the blog, and am dreading converting it into a bbPress theme again. It probably won’t be that bad; it’s just inconvenient.

    Overall though, it’s been definitely worth it :-). Frankly I am liking bbPress much more than I ever liked WordPress!


    Hello all,

    I run a small website called the Youth Bloggers Network ( which is currently using WordPress and the Simple:Press forum plugin to run the forum. I’ve received some advice to switch to a “dedicated” forum software such as bbPress or phpBB to increase loading time and optimize the site structure (splitting up the forum and cms backend). If I were to switch, bbPress is the definite option for me seeing as I need my WordPress users to be members of the forum as well. I was able to install the latest bbPress version (1.0 alpha I believe) and integrate it perfectly with my WordPress install (cookies, users and everything). That was wonderful. The only two things holding me back from making the switch are:

    1) Simple:Press is so easy to integrate into any page, just plug and play

    2) I need a bbPress theme that matches my current WordPress theme

    The problem is that I would like my forum to look and feel like just another page on the site. With Simple:Press this is easy (even when switching themes). With bbPress I need a new theme.

    So here is what I would like to know:

    Is it worth switching to bbPress even if it means a little extra work and designing?

    And where can I find someone who could create a bbPress theme for me that fits my current design for a *low* price?

    Please visit the site: and give me your advice and suggestions.

    Thanks very much,




    I would try building your own html login form on which ever WP theme file you’d like it on, and then just pass the variables to your bbpress/login.php file.


    Ressurecting the dead.

    I want to call the BB login_form function into WP (to use that as my login, register, etc link). But. I also use a static homepage and I get this problem too.

    bbPress is in /forums

    WordPress is in /blog (with the ‘give WordPress it’s own directory’ tweak so it pretends to be in root)

    I am using PermaLinks and have .htaccess


    I have my wordpress and bbpress databases integrated, but cannot seem to set it up so that a user who signs up via bbpress is assigned a role on wordpress. I’ve played around with the User Role Map found in Settings – wordpress integration, but nothing seems to help. It does work the other way though – if a user signs up via wordpress, they are assigned the role in bbpress as I indicated via the role map.

    Honestly, I don’t even understand how it’s supposed to work. It seems very one way. At no point does the map even ask what role I would like to assign someone in wordpress if they have a particular role in bbpress.

    What I’d like to do is have everyone who signs up be given the role of Author. If this is possible, I’d really appreciate any tips on how to accomplish it. Thanks!

Viewing 25 results - 53,476 through 53,500 (of 64,080 total)
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