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  • #71132

    A day later and I managed to somewhat temperamentally find a work around. I now have a new problem and figured it wasn’t worth creating a new topic for this.

    I requested, and had approved, a request to have my plugin hosted with Other than an initial import call I’m locked out of the svn for my plugin:

    Whenever I try to delete or upload a file I get:

    Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to CHECKOUT

    request for ‘/!svn/ver/1629/adsense-for-bbpress’

    A quick Google tells me that “my profile wasn’t in the repository’s list of allowed users. Talk to the admin of the repository to see if you have rights (check the repo’s .conf file)” (from

    If someone with svn access could confirm or clarify where I go from here I’d appreciate it.



    In reply to: Importing from vanilla


    I’m also looking to switch from Vanilla to bbpress. Using the above SQL statements, how does the data get copied from the vanilla tables into the appropriate bbpress tables?


    I am unable to install bbPress. I upload the files to my Web server (into a directory named /bbpress/) then browse to that directory. The page comes up as expected, telling me that I have no bb-config.php. When I click the “let’s get started” link, the following address appears in my address bar:

    http://<host name>/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    But instead of the database configuration form, the page appears not to change. That is, I just see the “missing bb-config.php, click here to get started” page again.

    Nothing of obvious interest appears in my Apache error log. Here’s all I get:

    [Mon Jan 12 15:22:19 2009] [error] [client <IP redacted>] PHP Notice: Undefined index: language in <web root redacted>/bbpress/bb-admin/class-install.php on line 337, referer: http://<host name>/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    [Mon Jan 12 15:22:19 2009] [error] [client <IP redacted>] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: l10n in <web root redacted>/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php on line 29, referer: http://<host name>/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    [Mon Jan 12 15:22:19 2009] [error] [client <IP redacted>] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: <web root redacted>/www/favicon.ico, referer: <host name>/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    I thought it was a problem with, so I tried using instead. No luck.

    I tried on a second Web server and the installation worked there. Both servers are running Apache 2.x, PHP 5.x, and MySQL 5.x on FreeBSD. Here are the differences in the version numbers:

    Server where it doesn’t work:

    FreeBSD 6.3-STABLE

    Apache 2.2.8

    PHP 5.2.8

    MySQL server 5.0.51a

    Server where it does work:

    FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE

    Apache 2.1.9

    PHP 5.2.8

    MySQL 5.0.27

    The two servers’ Apache configurations are very similar, if not identical. Before I start comparing my httpd.conf files line by line, perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. Any suggestions or clues?


    oh, this is with bbpress 1.0 and wordpress 2.7


    i had the same issue, but it turned out that bbpress had not written any of the key info to bb-config.php, despite me specifying this on installation. i added this manually and it worked:

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘wp-auth-key’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘wp-secure-auth-key’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘wp-logged-in-key’);

    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘wp-nonce-key’);

    define(‘BB_SECRET_KEY’, ‘wp-secret-key’);

    define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘(wp-auth-salt’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘wp-logged-in-salt’);

    the first four are in wp-config.php and the second two are in the options page of the wordpress admin menus.


    bbPress is NOT a plugin, it’s a separate application that can be integrated with WordPress.

    Follow these directions to install bbPress.

    If you want to integrate bbPress and WordPress, note that if you are using WP 2.6+, you must use the ALPHA build of bbPress. During your install process, you will be asked about server settings. Tell bbPress to point to the same DB you used for WordPress (don’t worry, it won’t overwrite anything, but do make a backup anyway to be safe).

    The Basic Integration Screencast should help you some.


    Woah! Total newbie. Have wordpress installed on my host at I have installed various plugins. But it looks like bbPress is NOT a plugin. I cannot understand any of the install instructions. I need to upload it to my host, but where do I put it? All the other things I have put into my wp/plugins. I have been looking but the instructions are way over my head. Any tips?



    Oh, I’m sure it works just fine. The “yuk” was elicited by this:

    5. search your bbpress templates and force all registrations/logins through wordpress from the several places they are buried on the forum (the WP login interfaces are far more developed) – unfortunately at least one bbPress login location is hard coded in the core which will require a direct hack everytime you upgrade.

    I was hoping for something more one-time, but…I think I can live with this.


    Specifically regarding the Approve User Rrgistration plugin.

    Fatal error: Class ‘BB_User’ not found in …/bb-plugins/approve-user-registration/approve-user-registration.php on line 58

    I’ve seen in some other plugins compatible with 1.0 the use of ‘WP_User’ and ‘BP_User’. I’ve tried using these and there is no error, but the plugin doesn’t work…

    Anyone know how to fix this? I really need the features of this plugin – it would be really good if it was a standard option in bbPress.


    In my WordPress functions.php file, I am queuing up jQuery for some interface objects I’m using.


    It seems this messes with bbPress’s javascript inclusion, causing none of the JS from bbPress ever to get loaded.

    Because I am using jQuery also in bbPress, is there a way around this that anyone can think of?


    Can anyone explain me what does the statement mentioned in bbsync plugin means –

    “This plugin will disable bbPress Post. It can clean up bbPress Post, use the data itself and get rid of the old tables. This plugin does not add tables.”

    Actually, I want two functionality after installing bbsync in my forum

    1) Whenever I create a post then a new topic with same name should be created in forum. The comments on both (forum and wordpress blog) will be in sync. If anybody comment on forum then it should be visible to wordpress blog and vice versa.

    2) Users should directly add or create a new or different topic in bbpress forum.

    Should I Install it?


    I am using the same plug-in and am doing exactly as Chris has recommended. Note that the user will not be assigned a role on the bbPress side until they actually visit the forums, because WordPress has no way to know that bbPress needs an additional capability.

    I’ve thought about trying to port the plugin over to the bbPress side, but things seem to be working as they are right now and no one has complained about it yet.


    I think forcing all registrations through WordPress is the way to go:

    That’s an old post, but it describes the process best.


    Snip! Nevermind I see how it works…


    In reply to: a few set-up questions


    1. When you are logged in as a moderator or above (admin or keymaster), at the bottom of the topic, you will see “[Stick topic (to front)]” – there are two links there. Stick topic just sticks it in that forum. To front sticks it to the front page.

    2. You need a plugin for that.


    Newer and different:

    3. Did you activate them in the admin? Or, what version bbPress are you using? I’m not sure it was included in the earlier versions, so those early version required a plugin. It’s built in now (in the 1.0 alpha releases anyway.)


    Hi, all –

    I think I’m pretty close to being ready to go live. Just a few issues:

    1. How does one make a post “sticky?” I’ve looked through the dashboard and the forums (I promise), and haven’t found the answer.

    2. What are the provisions for letting users post images?

    3. I set up a gravatar, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Anything I should know?


    Sam Bauers

    The download file is now fixed and you should now get alpha 6 instead of alpha 5.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!



    Here is one I’m Working on… Waiting for a Stable Version of V1 to be launched…

    Still working on Modifying Theme and Creating (& Searching) for plug-in’s to make it into a Full Working Forum…

    WARNING: This site is to be an Adult Site…


    Best thing about bbPress = It’s Light Weight! and Extreme Flexibility!


    Thanks, Chris. I’ve taken a first pass, with partial results…I get some of the formatting, but not all. I suspect the problem is that I don’t fully understand the constructs being used in the css. Can you tell me what this means, for example?

    #header input.submit { etc… }

    And how do I “invoke” this in my php file?

    Oh: the website is I’m trying to add a “return” button in the header.



    I’ve started coding my first bbPress plugin and I’m now pretty familiar with most of the actions and filters and some of the inner workings of bbPress but I’m stuck.

    The idea of my plugin is to insert AdSense code block in every topic at post X where X is either random or defined by the admin. I’ve been messing around with the post_text filter which allows me to change the text of any given post and insert an AdSense block. I can mess around with the author name and stuff too. The problem is that by doing this I replace the current post with the AdSense block instead of simply inserting it before or after the post, thus the post I replace isn’t visible.

    To get around this I tried to first display the AdSense post then include the post.php file in the currently selected theme. But this crashes, I think due to an infinite loop. I then noticed the pre_post filter which looked promising but I couldn’t find where it’s defined or how it’s used.

    In short, I need an alternative approach or solution to create a custom (and theme-independent) post.

    My code, so far, is visible here:


    Daniel Juhl

    I’m working with bbPress in some languages with special characters, but I think that the way those are being handled when making for instance topic_slug isn’t the best way. Is it something which might be changes in the core, or which function should I “change” to add the nicer translation. The following three examples are handled the same way in both bbPress and WordPress.

    Some examples from the Danish alphabet:

    – æ/Æ > ae (not changed at all)

    – ø/Ø > oe (not changed at all)

    – å/Å > aa (changed to a at the moment)

    Daniel Juhl

    Has anyone made a temporarily fix to this?

    I can see, that not much had happened even though it has been discussed a bit.


    Hi there!

    I had recently installed bbpress to my href=”; and wordpress installed to my href=”;

    I wish to integrate the bbpress into my wordpress but do not know how to do that.

    Can anyone help me with this task.

    Thank you.


    In reply to: List of Hooks/Actions?


    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. It took a bit of playing around with grep for Windows but I managed to compile a relatively complete list of filters and actions. Thanks for that.

    Using this method it should be pretty easy to generate a complete list with arguments for the codex, why doesn’t someone who has access to add one? It wouldn’t include descriptions but it’d be a good starting point.

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