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  • #4700
    Ryan Hellyer


    I’m trying to setup a demo forum of bbPress (Version 1.0-alpha-6 ) to allow users to create their own bbPress themes. The template generator itself is powered by WordPress, and bar the occasional bug seems to work fine. The bbPress themes it exports seem to be working okay too bar a few code gremlins which I intend to iron out once I get the system up and running.

    What should happen, is that you should be able to go to the following URL, make as many modifications as you want, click submit and bam! a new design for your bbPress forum should be shown. However for some reason, whenever the bbPress forum loads it kills the session variables which store all of the data relating to the current design :(

    When you go back to the WordPress version ( the original design is gone and it reverts back to the default :(

    Any ideas?

    As a temporary measure I plan to create a WordPress Page with the same HTML as would be in the bbPress forum so that users can see their design as they’re modifying it. But it would make a lot more sense if they could modify it within a real live bbPress forum.


    Hi, all –

    I’d like to look into adding a right sidebar to my kakumei. My intent is to just copy the right sidebar code from my blog, but…it’s not clear where I should insert it. The taxonomy of kakumei appears somewhat different than the theme for my blog, in that there’s no “index.php” that does all the includes for the pieces of the page.

    Can someone point me in the right direction? I don’t imagine that I’m the first one to tackle this.

    Oh, and…thanks to all those who created and manage bbpress. This is quite a nice tool.


    In reply to: Change Post Author?


    I strongly support adding this functionality. It’s true that I will probably not need it on a regular basis, but right now I’m trying to literally copy-paste some discussion threads from an online social networking site onto my new bbpress forum, and i’d love to be able to copy-paste a bunch of posts from a thread, and then quickly set their authors appropriately.


    The answer can only be found in what you want to do with your site.

    If you want an all in one, integrated what not, you need a CMS. If you want a blog, I’d say you want WordPress (or similar). Functionality is the name of it all. Sometimes you find a tool you love so much you’re willing to forgo integration for features. Other times you decide you have to have it all be on. I’ve run Drupal, WordPress, bbPress, Gallery, PostNuke, PHPNuke, phpBB, SMF, InvisionBoard, MediaWiki, and more. They all fit the needs I had for the site I was designing at the time.

    Figure out what you want to do, and what will be more important. If you have to have native integration, use a CMS. If you don’t, then your choices are infinite.


    The answer can only be found in what you want to do with your site.

    If you want an all in one, integrated what not, you need a CMS. If you want a blog, I’d say you want WordPress (or similar). Functionality is the name of it all. Sometimes you find a tool you love so much you’re willing to forgo integration for features. Other times you decide you have to have it all be on. I’ve run Drupal, WordPress, bbPress, Gallery, PostNuke, PHPNuke, phpBB, SMF, InvisionBoard, MediaWiki, and more. They all fit the needs I had for the site I was designing at the time.

    Figure out what you want to do, and what will be more important. If you have to have native integration, use a CMS. If you don’t, then your choices are infinite.


    You mean the wikipedia page?

    Says: Deleted because expired WP:PROD; Reason given: Fails WP:RS as sources are self published. Fails notability guidlines.

    Which is a fancy way of saying ‘Ain’t no one here heard of it, it ain’t big enough to care about yet.’ Also ‘Only people who word on BB posted about it.’


    Did something political happen? Why was the bbpress wiki deleted? That’s not fair! I use wikipedia all the time, and was hoping to get some user and community stats on bbpress. I’m thinking of converting, but am scared. ;-)


    Yeah, point taken. And I have to say, I’m attracted to the design of WP and BBpress. But Malice, what didn’t you like about Joomla?

    Honestly, I’m not here to troll but am keeping an eye on all developments across the Joomla / WordPress / Drupal divide. (But Drupal gives me the shudders because I don’t know php language).

    Joomla has new extensions being developed all the time, and there’s a whole new 1 click blog installation coming out to. The “Agora” module is truly revolutionary with it’s 1 click installation into Joomla with complete integration. Also, the current “ugly” Agora forum templates are getting a total work over after version 3 is introduced. Agora is a complete package that does something like 70% or 80% of everything phpbb3 does, and so I don’t need to go hunting down 20 extensions.

    So Malice, what’s not to like? ;-) I’m almost beginning to think that it’s what one encounters the best community support with first. “First impressions” matter, much like joining a new community, church, or whatever. Good experience first time and some small measure of progress made = lifetime member, and all other competing opportunities screened out as “too hard, I’ve made my choice”. It’s just the way it seems I function and many others… newbies that is. Maybe long term professional web designers and developers have made their choices on more rational grounds.


    oops, you’re right, sorry :) I just missed it because I was editing 4-5 files at the same time. Got it.


    I showed you the code to do the sum yesterday in the extend section.


    Superb post! :)

    I followed your guide and a have a last 10 posts query working in my worldwide famous 404 page.

    Regarding your last code, if you are quering bbpress database, don’t you want a global $BBdb; instead of global $wpdb; and a $results=$BBdb instead of $results=$wpdb ?

    BTW, how do you query all ‘views’ fields that bb topic views plugin adds to bb_meta table? If we sum up the value stored in all those field we have a hit counter.


    The “quick guide” to installation does not have a video on how to use Cpanel or phpmyadmin or whatever on how to set up the database.

    It just says the following, but where’s the advice on how to run all the back-end server stuff? I’ve never done server tutorials in my life. Getting instructions that SOUND easy but then turn out to be a nightmare really stresses me.

    With Joomla’s Agora, this is what you do. 1. Fantastico does quick 40 second install of Joomla. 2. Upload Agora forum into Joomla’s extensions… no database stuff at all. Done. Begin CSS and template modification.

    1. Download bbPress from the download page

    2. Upload the uncompressed files your server

    3. Optionally upload language files to bb-includes/languages/ – You will have to create this directory

    4. Visit the intended URL of the bbPress site

    5. You will be greeted with the bbPress installer

    6. Follow the instructions in the installer

    7. Visit “Settings” in the admin area to customise your installation

    8. If you have any questions, ask in the forums


    Topic: How long?


    Out of curiosity, I’m waiting for the bbpress version 1 to start a forum since late November 2008. Is there anyone have any idea how long or when (ETA on release) Satiable Version 1 would be available?


    Do you think it’s Best to start off with 0.9x?



    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks for input everyone :) Sorry for the delay in replying, my web host decided to mess up my site and fixing it has taken up all my time recently.

    I guess I’ll have to find an alternative way to get the information out that I want then if wp_head isn’t going to work.


    My guess is that it happened here:

    In any case, could this possibly be the reason why saving a webaddress in the profile seems to be out of order as well?

    Anyways, appreciate it if you could look into this.

    Tom Lynch

    Perhaps I am taking a liberty here but please, o please could you make a WPMU + bbPress integration video because I cannot, I repeat cannot get cookie integration to work no matter what I do and no one else seems to have much luck either.



    What happens when you try to do those things?

    What version bbPress did you install? If you integrated with WordPress, what version WordPress did you install?

    Does the problem happen with the default theme?

    What sort of hosting are you on, Windows or Linux or other?



    is where the table names are all set. But changing the names there is only going to change the name of the tables that are created. You would need to change every reference to a table to this new uppercase name. I can’t imagine how difficult that would be or what would happen with any plugin you install or what happens when it’s time for an upgrade.

    What host is this that changes the table names (not the database name) to uppercase? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Is there a page on their site or an email from support describing their policy?

    It’s ok to have a database name in uppercase, since you only reference that once, but tables names being restricted to uppercase sounds like a very strange thing to me.


    So, this table exists: wp_lvtwfff_usermeta

    or this one: wp_usermeta


    bbPress is looking for wp_lvtwfff_usermeta, but if it’s really named wp_usermeta bbPress won’t find it and will give the error you showed.


    In reply to: Upload Problem


    Yes, I can’t imagine where you are trying to upload something and getting that mime error back. Do you have the “bbPress attachments” plugin installed?

    If so, and that’s causing the problem, I suggest posting your issue in the forum for that plugin (URL above.)


    There is a plugin called “my views” that has many view options:

    Or there was “Posts since last visit”:

    But that’s pretty old, not sure if it still works.

    Or there was “Indicate new posts”:

    Both required “Simple online list”:

    Burt Adsit

    It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. I’m confused.

    I’m trying to add forum moderator capabilities to the currently logged in user in a specific forum only. I don’t want to give them the moderator role. I just need to give them additional caps in a specific forum. When the user is tooling ’round in the forum I want to give mod rights to, assign them dynamicly. When they are no longer in that forum, take ’em away on the fly.

    If found a couple of things to guide me. One was forum-moderators.php by Aditya Naik. This give specific users a forum moderator role thru the bbpress backend. That stores the rights to those caps as a meta value and assigns them when the user is on the forums. Great. There’s a fn in there that determines what forum the user is in and responds to a filter called ‘bb_user_has_cap’. I can’t find neither hide nor hair of using this filter anywhere except in a couple of plugins by sambauers. http-authentication and ldap-authentication.

    So, I found the filter ‘bb_current_user_can’. It looks to me like everyone on the planet is using this filter. The comment in the fn bb_currrent_user_can() says use ‘bb_user_has_cap’. Well, nothing is using that as far as I can determine.

    Anyway, my confusion comes in when I try to implement my filter. I’m gonna give the user the following caps:

    $forum_mod_caps = array(
    'manage_topics' ,
    'edit_closed' ,
    'edit_deleted' ,
    'browse_deleted' ,
    'edit_others_tags' ,
    'edit_others_topics' ,
    'manage_posts' ,
    'ignore_edit_lock' ,

    For me, reading the code for bb_current_user_can() is like the time I got curious about implementing tcp/ip for the Atari ST. I got a headache. My skill level is not up to understanding what is going on down there. Some guidance would be appreciated.

    We have 3 args to this filter:

    $retvalue, $capability, $args

    Looks like $retvalue is being passed up the filter chain. If I don’t want to touch the call I just pass $retvalue back.

    I was digging ’round and looks like $capabilities is the cap being queried. $args is specific to each call and may vary depending on what cap is queried.

    These are questions in case you haven’t noticed. My understanding breaks down when I get to what I’m being passed and what I’m supposed to do with them other than return ‘true’ if it’s a cap I want to let the user have.

    I should just return true if it’s a cap I want the user to have. It’s up to me to determine if it’s appropriate at their location in the universe. Yes?


    Can someone just confirm that user registration should work through bbPress after integrating WP2.7 and bbP 1.06a?

    …and if so why mine isn’t!!??!!


    I tried to link the comment author’s name on my wordpress to the wordpress profile page (or “author” page), yet I have not yet found a solution for this. I posted my issue in the wordpress forum as well:

    A wonderful alternative would be to just link a commenter’s name to the bbpress profile page instead.

    I have no knowledge of php, yet even I can imagine that fetching data from one platform to another can be quite complicated.

    Any thoughts?


    All integration guides appear to have the userbase in WP. I was in the situation where my userbase was in bbPress, so I needed to get all my bb_users into wp_users.

    The following refers to WP2.7 and bbPress 1.06a.

    The process is actually quite straight forward but do make backups of your database beforehand!

    1. First delete ‘wp_usermeta’ and ‘wp_users’ tables (having made that backup!)
    2. Change the name of ‘bb_usermeta’ to ‘wp_usermeta’ and ‘bb_users’ to ‘wp_users’.
    3. The tables structures from bbP are the same as WP apart from one field in the ‘_users’ table. So we need to add FIELD: user_activation_key TYPE: varchar(60) NULL: NO after the ‘user_registered’ field.
    4. The problem now is that none of these users have their WP roles defined.
    5. To do this we need to insert the ‘meta_key’ and ‘meta_value’ to ‘wp_capabilities’ and ‘a:1:{s:10:”subscriber”;b:1;}’ for each user.
    6. wordpress_capabilites.sql contains an SQL insert statement for 5000 users. If your userbase is less than that you only need to run it for your number of users (although we deal with overruns in a minute).
    7. Once this has run each user will have ‘subscriber’ status within wordpress. You need to manually change your bbPress key holder (most likely user_id 1) ‘wp_capabilities’ to ‘a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}’. This gives that account administrator status within WP.
    8. It’s highly likely that you’ll have deleted some users in the past, or run too many INSERTs from the wordpress_cabalilities file, so we need to delete all those ‘wp_capabilities’ that aren’t mapped to an exisiting user.
    9. SQL: ‘select * from wp_usermeta where user_id not in (select ID from wp_users)’ will list all these non-existent users.
    10. It probably a good idea to do a full backup of your tables right now just in case.
    11. Now run this SQL: ”delete from wp_usermeta where user_id not in (select ID from wp_users)” – this will delete all those stray entries.
    12. Done.

    All worked out with the help of someone I work with, so I can’t take all the credit ;)

    Good luck.

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