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  • #72812

    Hi _ck_,

    I’m going to disagree with you a little here and suggest that there’s a happy medium between giving us some information and “having to do public relations”.

    You give BBpress so much, and obviously have some direct communication with the development team, that maybe you cant see what it’s like for the rest of us. Sam pops up here once every 3 weeks and does one of 5 things:

    1) Comments on your posts

    2) Agrees with something you’ve posted

    3) Tells us he’s been pulled from BBpress to work on something else and he’ll be back in a bit

    Even knowing PHP and CSS, having nothing filter down from the BBpress team makes it very difficult. We only hear about things when YOU tell them to us, which is why people think you’re a BBpress developer. As i have said here before, when i came back to BBpress in October i did not know about Sam until Christmas time’s Facebook page creation debacle. Heck, i didn’t even know about Michael until i read your post 3 minutes ago (welcome to the team Michael).

    A blog isn’t going to stop questions,

    But _ck_, there is a blog already! It’s only had 6 posts in 8 months though, which is what leads to alot of questions. Trac is so hideously out of date that it leads to release date questions (which you then get annoyed about having to answer all the time) . The information on About, Documentation and Blog are either hideously out of date or flat out wrong.

    We’re not asking Sam (and Michael) to stop working on BBpress, or to use their own free time to do “public relations” with us. But thats not to say that having no communication is a good thing either; especially as there is alot of mis-information floatng around the BBpress website.

    As the original poster said: “a quick two-minute update each month to the blog about progress that’s being made and what still remains to do”.

    In my opinion, a “two minute update” once a month, is not someone asking for the BBpress team to be “distracted with having to do public relations”. Maybe a happy medium can be reached?


    To be clear I’m not a bbPress developer. I just volunteer here.

    I’m an independent plugin developer. I have no association with Automattic.

    Sam and Michael are the official developers and I for one would rather not see them distracted with having to do public relations, unless of course they actually want to.

    If you want to know instantly when there are changes to bbPress at the development level, either subscribe to the Trac RSS or to the bbDev mailing list. (announcements only from Trac) (for humans but inactive lately)

    In it’s current state, bbPress is really for “do it yourself-ers”.

    If you don’t know PHP or CSS at all, right now it’s probably not for you.

    A blog isn’t going to stop questions, it’s only going to create more questions and more distractions for Sam and Michael and then you’ll get mad when they don’t answer the questions in a timely manner.


    I have uploaded the bbpress in my server. and i get the 1st welcome installation screen. After i press “lets get started” .i get the following error…

    “Warning: html_entity_decode() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/hnsalumn/public_html/ryt/bbpress/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 113″

    Please HELP ! ( i have already installed wordpress MU in the server.)


    Oh, I just got it to work. I had to deactivate, upload files again, reactive. Now the admin panel shows up on plugins page.

    I’m on bbpress and the Avatar Upload version is 0.8.3.

    Thanks for your attention.


    What a wonderful suggestion!


    I think part of the reason people keep asking for a roadmap or a release date (which is annoying, I know) is because there is no up-to-date page on the bbPress site with that information. Open source projects especially survive on public support and communication.

    So how about this: what if Sam or CK posted a quick two-minute update each month to the blog about progress that’s being made and what still remains to do? I don’t mean alpha announcements or set-in-stone deadlines — more of a this-is-what-we’re-working-on bit, or talking about what features you’d like to see in a 1.0 final. That might even motivate other coders to step up and help, and make everyone else feel like we’re included in it.

    I bet the time it takes to do that will save you hours of headaches responding to nagging questions from your fans.

    We don’t care if a feature slips or things get delayed, as long as communications are still there. We’re a forgiving bunch. :)

    Open source projects thrive when they have a central figure communicating regularly with people and keeping everyone in the loop.

    This is not a complaint. I know you guys are working very hard!


    Has anybody got WP 2.7.1 to work with bbPress 1.06 Alpha? I tried for hours, but then did WP 2.7.0 and got it on the first try.



    After troubleshooting this problem for the last 24 hours, I noticed in the screencast that sambauers installed WordPress 2.7.0 and not 2.7.1 the most updated version to this date. So I did a fresh install with WP 2.7.0 and bbPress 1.06 Alpha exactly the way he said. AND IT WORKED ON THE FIRST TRY!


    The password in the database is encrypted. So, if you just pasted the plain text into the password field in the database, it won’t work.

    What version of bbPress are you using, and are you integrated with WordPress?


    Which avatar plugin are you using, and what version of bbPress did you install?


    Except it’s not what ‘everyone’ wants :)

    People who want an integrated forum/blog may want that, but then it’s a whole new measure of pain when one half upgrades. And they’re getting there (with things like BuddyPress), but bbPress is a forum. That’s it. It happens to integrate with WP, but that’s not all it is.


    Integration into a existing wordpress theme, is just what evryone wants .. So, why the developers dont listen to the people who uses this software, beats me! ;)

    Its just on of the main raisons i dont install bbPress anymore, no at all integration with the theme stuff ;)


    That would be because it’s a duplication of the theme, and not ‘deep’ integration.


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore


    I was able to resolve my problem.

    Apparently, when I reset what I thought was an irrelevant password on my ISP – my ‘mySQL’ user password changed as well.

    I reset my password, and updated my bb-config.php file with the new info – and all of my bbPress users are now back again.

    Now – does anyone know how I can encrypt my password again in the file?



    i just found this great forum and integrated it in my wordpress, with help from the video guide.

    I have succesfully set up all cookie stuff, and now i want to display my forum wich is located on in my wordpress blog page. Like on this website.

    Can anyone tell me how to do it? I didn’t find informations about.



    I’m having the weirdest problem with Firefox and logging in on a fresh bbpress installation. In Firefox, after logging in, any previously viewed page still shows the login form rather than showing that you are logged in until I hard refresh the page. I’ve tested this on multiple computers with various OS, and it’s the same on all, IE logs in fine, Firefox needs a refresh. Somehow I think this is a server configuration issue, as I haven’t seen this on any other BBPress installation, but it’s odd the behaviour only shows in Firefox and wouldn’t know where to start looking if it really is a server issue.

    I started with an alpha 1.0 installation for integration with WP 2.7 and was having the same issue, so I tried a standalone installation the other day and continue to have this behaviour.


    That one line of code worked for me. I’ve been at this since Jan. Luv ya, man!


    What sort of server are you on? Can any other applications send email from there?

    To avoid the problems with the email for now, you could install the instant password plugin:


    You guys and gals do a great job by the way.

    I installed bbPress 1.06Beta and WP 2.7.1 on a GoDaddy server with PHP5.x and mySQL5. The WP blog is in the root directory and bbPress is under it in /forums/ directory. I followed the integration videocast exactly and everything ran smoothly. Except for the life of me I can not figure out why the cookies are not working. The only thing I can see irregular, is that one will log me out of the other. And this is what I put in the bb-config.

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);


    Can anyone tell me how to get Swift to work?? I need to get my bbPress forum up and running asap for a client. I too am pretty new to php (for the past year or so) and bbPress so I am a little lost. I have my files uploaded to my server, just now how do I make it so that all my email authentication’s are sent through it??



    Okay….let’s imagine for a minute that I’m 10 years old.

    LOL Can you explain how I would do that? Where do I place addslashes? In phpbbtobbpress.php? If so where? I’m really not good at this. It’s completely Greek to me.



    I’ve integrated the WP 2.7.1 and bbpress 0.9.4.

    Right now it seems like it working. But something not right anyway. Login/Logout working just fine. My only problem is when I log in to the bbpress as Administrator I can’t see any settings, plugins, etc.

    All I can see in /bb-admin

    Dashboard Users and Manage tabs.

    Nothing else

    Can somebody help me? Please, what I need to check and where I can fix it?

    What I did wrong?


    yeah you need to use the addslash function to insert data in your db…

    I think you need to edit the phpbbtobbpress.php ;)


    When I tried to convert my forum, I got this error:

    General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)’ at line 1 [1064]


    INSERT INTO bb_forums (forum_id , forum_name, forum_desc, forum_parent, forum_order, topics, posts) VALUES (’19’, ‘Workout Logs’, ‘Place to log the workouts you do, times, & weights used. (Please do not post on other people’s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)


    FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php

    LINE: 163

    CALL: dbal->sql_error()

    FILE: phpbb3tobbpress.php

    LINE: 201

    CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

    Do you know what the problem might be? Maybe it’s an easy fix, but I’m a novice. Thank you.

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