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  • #72996

    In reply to: Bozos in


    I used the Bozo plugin for a while, and even after I disabled and deleted it… one of my users was marked as a Bozo and her comments didn’t show up no matter what she did!

    I ended up having to run some queries suggested in that link above, I think. I can’t remember. But it was a huge pain, and now I avoid the Bozo plugin completely!


    Can you still set users as Bozos in I do not see the option now, but maybe it’s my theme.

    I have an old copy of the Bozo Users plugin, but cannot find the documentation (the link is back to the main page) and nothing on the plugin author’s page. I don’t want to activate it if it might not play nice with

    I could really use this feature right now…



    I am with a problem in to friendly URL.

    Different from the wordpress that is possible to configure the base of the URL, I didn’t find that option in the bbPress.

    My problem: I installed the forum in the directory /forum

    When the user clicks in a category, the address is:

    and I wanted to alter for

    Is it possible, without harming the system for future updates?

    My version is



    There are some auto-taggers for WordPress:

    * – This one suggests posts on a per post basis

    * – This auto-tags your entire post archive

    Both plugins could probably be ported to bbPress fairly easily…



    I’m about ready to launch a BBpress forum version 1.0 alpha 6, that’s integrated with WP 2.7. Everything is looking good, but I’m not able to get Avatars (specifically Gravatars) to display on the BBPress side. They’re showing up perfectly on the WP 2.7 portion of the site.

    I’ve tested a bunch of different combinations in the BBPress admin just to make sure that a bit wasn’t flipped the wrong way. I’ve tried all different levels of Maximum Ratings, Show Gravatars (checked/unchecked) and even played with the default images. No luck.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Is this a known issue with V1.a.6 by chance?



    I started with the ‘default’ buddypress theme, that comes with the package, as i may think it is more generic and easier to study on how things are done ;)

    And thats why i choose the ‘blue’ things .. ;)

    But, first thing first .. Just altering and tweaking the buddypress them a lot right now, and the next step whould be the bbpress theme, so it matches ;)


    I’m trying to figure out a way to give users the option to select from a small number of pre-set avatars (say, five or six). As the admin, I want to be able to upload the avatars then give the users a choice, but I don’t want to allow users to be able to upload their own avatars to my site.

    Does anyone know if bbpress already allows this (and how to accomplish it) or if there is a plug-in out there that allows for this (if it’s something like Avatar Upload, I’d need a way to turn off general uploading and only allow the admin to do the uploading)?

    Thanks for the help.



    Hi I am using wp 2.7.0 trunk (2.7.1) bbpress Version 1.0-alpha-6 Buddypress Core: 1.0-RC1 And I have the same problem. To try and resolve the issues I will show you the cookies for buddypress/wp and bbpress but instead of sharing the cookie I will call it “cookiestring”:

    At bp/wp I have:

    2x worpdress_logged_in_cookiestring at /

    wordpress_cookiestring at /forums/bb-plugins

    wordpress_cookie string at /forums/my-plugins

    wordpress_cookiestring at /forums/bb-admin

    wordpress_cookiestring at /wp-admin

    wordpress_cookiestring at /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_test_cookie at /

    PHPSESSID at /

    _utma at /

    _utmb at /

    _utmc at /

    _utmz at /

    at bbpress the I have the following cookies

    wordpress_cookiestring at /forums/bb-plugins

    wordpress_cookiestring at /forums/my-plugins

    wordpress_cookiestring at /forums/bb-admin

    wordpress_cookiestring at /wp-admin

    wordpress_cookie string at /wp-content/plugins

    As you can see I have the same cookie string but I have a few extra cookies at buddypress.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with me.



    Currently i’am working on a own BuddyPress theme, based on the original theme provided by the BuddyPress developers. And yes, it will include a matching bbPress theme ;)


    Hi mypop I followed your advice on buddypress. Thanks it all worked. Before I had mu 2.7 and I could unlock discussions and then allow it again. This created the forum etc. But when I upgraded to WPMU branch 2.7.1r1715, all else as you have it, I could not follow the procedure. The only way was to delete the group and re-create it.

    I am with Hostgator on a shared server.

    My issue now is to find why my logins are not shared.

    Gone of searching…

    Sam Bauers

    Setup should not be any different to the case where they are on the same server besides the obvious need to change the URLs in the admin area of BuddyPress/WPMU.

    You will have issues if you can’t somehow share the same user database from these servers though or at least somehow replicate that data reliably to the bbPress server.



    I normally use VBulleting forum, several of my sites runs it but I algo use wordpress in some sites and for a new one I was looking for something in the middle betweeen forum and blog and I thing I got it with bbpress.

    I know it isnt like WordPress but I like it.

    To the point, in VBulletin I got a automatic thread tagger, it will add tags automatically to the posts, it works just fine, you can exclude words like TO, FOR, THE, etc.

    I guess something like that is missing here. I dont know how to code it.



    So, I get to be a newbie (it’s been a while …)

    The problem: I did the integration, but in the bbAdmin area (where you determine the User Values), I merged the administrator of WordPress (uh, me), somehow, with a value that doesn’t have access to the ‘Settings’ link within bbPress.

    Not sure how I did it, or how to fix it. But while I seem to be recognized as the ‘admin’ on bbPress, the ‘Settings’ tab is no longer visible.


    Thanks guys,



    In reply to: Talkpress?? VIP?


    Still got them.

    I’m not a php newbie.

    Not an expert, but in a comfortable place in the middle :D

    I think I’ve pretty much got over all the bugs in the system.

    If anyone wants my style of integration – this is what I did:

    Installed bbPress in root/forums/

    in header.php of forum template put the following before everything else:

    <?php include('../lib/includes/header.php');//Website template ?>

    in header.php of your own website:

    $forumexplode = explode('/', $_SERVER);

    if($forumexplode == "forums")




    #You can also put in here you own, relative path style sheets from the main website.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bb_stylesheet_uri(); ?>" type="text/css" />

    <?php if('rtl' == bb_get_option('text_direction')) : ?>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bb_stylesheet_uri( 'rtl' ); ?>" type="text/css" />

    <?php endif;






    Anything you want to load from normal relative path (if not forums)





    <body id="<?php ($forumexplode == "forums" ? bb_location() : ""); ?>">

    in footer.php of forum template put the following after everything else:

    <?php include('../lib/includes/footer.php');//Website template ?>

    I also prefixed all the forum template’s XHTML id tags with forum_ so they won’t mess with my website’s structure.

    After you’ve done all that, you’re free to style your forum via the css file in the templates directory like you would normally, as well as the structure via the other files.

    And your website, via your own stylesheets.

    Or you can load everything from either stylesheet as long as you remember to load them from their relative path in the header.

    Hope this helps someone ;P

    Peace everyone, hope bbPress will release a version soon which will be easier to integrate.

    Because my system doesn’t really allow for easy user authentication integration on the rest of the website. Can be circumvented via regular user auth integration but that’s more work.

    SMF (Simple Machines Forum) has ssi.php file which you just load into any page and everything is integrated right there and then. Maybe in future versions?



    I’ve just setup BBPress and integrated it with my WordPRess blog ( and ). The integration worked perfectly.

    However, I find myself today unable to access the Admin area. I could get in yesterday by doing the recommended logout/purge cookies/login , but Today every time I click “Admin” it just bounced back to the main forum page.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Problem was, I declared a variable by the name of $forum which overwrote a native variable in the system.

    My mistake people. Sorry to waste _ck_’s time.

    _ck_ – what do you think about my integration? I’m cheating because I’m not integrating the forum into the website, but the website’s header and footer into the template of bbPress.

    Do you see any major setbacks to this cheat?

    Because integrating bbPress into my website will take me days.

    I’ll appreciate your opinion on the matter,




    I need to import forum data from an unknown forum system. Is there a data tree for bbpress out there somewhere, and is there a way to import xml forum data into bbpress?




    Even with these errors my bbpress is working and all my users on MU were integrated with bbpress. Thanks for all your suggestions and advice and especially to my new friends above and @mypop


    Topic: bbSync

    in forum Plugins

    Does anyone know if bbSync is working properly with bbPress these days?


    I tried to include my Header.php content (some codes of it) to my bbpress header.php but always got trouble with the scripts.

    It seems the codes are different and wont work together.

    Maybe someone can help us because i am a beginner too.

    Maybe thereĀ“s a way to create a new Page in WP and include bbPress there?

    I hope so.

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