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  • #6635

    I have installed bbpress for a client who does not want users to be able to add a topic.

    Although I would like to see that as an option in settings, it is not, so I guess I have to get my hands dirty in the php files. OK fine.

    So I’ve found and commented out the code in the forum.php and front-page.php files which contains the link to add a topic as so….

    ‘ <th><?php _e(‘Topic’); ?> <!–—–> <?php // new_topic(); ?></th>’

    But to my dismay, I also see that a user can add a topic when they click on a Forum “Main Theme” title. The page they are taken to has a huge “New Topic in this Forum” area. I don’t want that and can’t quite figure out what file and what code I need to delete to get rid of that.

    Help please?


    Could you provide more details? Excuse me, but the documentation of bbPress is very scarce and this complicates the customization of the forum.


    How about this plugin from _ck_ for all sorts of views?


    I’ve also have installed these plugin, to show a image in a posting, and i must say .. Works perefect! ;-)


    The Allow Images plugin works fine on 1.0-Alpha6 Trunk build (and pretty much all a6 builds from when it was new until when I pulled it from svn yesterday).


    maybe this plugin:

    I am using it on 0.9.4 as I find it to be superior to the others. It is also very easy to customize and extend.


    Any way to post images in bata 1.0?


    In reply to: Integration Problems

    Hi, please follow this thread:

    and see if you can get the cookies right. The preview issues could also be related to the cookies (my humble guess…).


    Yes, you need to have a SECRET_KEY defined and it has to match BB_SECRET_KEY. Comment out the other four keys in wp-config.php as they are not needed when the cookies are downgraded. You can visit for a quick key generation.

    Good luck!


    I’d suggest using this plugin instead:


    It works for bbPress 0.9.4 (except for the plugin admin page but that’s bearable). It is easy to add other video sources and even modify the RegEx that pulls the link so that videos are embedded with their own tag – [video=the_video_url] for example.


    The Youtube plugin isn’t available for download anymore? The webpage you posted has changed. Where can I download it?


    1) How to view the hot topics (with more messages)?

    2) In the list of forums and topics, such as identifying the last record of the page and add div class=”last”?

    3) In the list of recent topics, how show the forum this topic?

    Sorry if questions are very simple, but admit that the documentation of bbPress does not seem as complete as the documentation of the WP:



    Is this the most up to date code? I’ve tried to use it and I am getting no effect. No errors, nothing.

    Is there a specific location where the plugin should reside (besides bb-plugins) or does it need a specific name?

    Also, should the path just be the domain or something else?


    It seems pretty clear that this table does not exist:


    Can you look at the database and see what tables are actually present there? Looks like bbPress is trying to use the wp_users table for integration, but it’s not present? Did you use the same database for WordPress and bbPress?


    Hi Chrishajer, thats the link to my forum try giving userid as: admin and just try with any password

    you will see a error message on top left hand page, at the same time it says no user id exists, while thats the user id i got while signing up with bbpress.

    and yes i tried using Fix Admin plugin dint help. no i havent done anything mentioned in those two links u gave.

    pls help!


    So far the integration as explained in this topic has worked pretty well for me (WP2.7 and BBpress 0.9).

    Except for one issue. I have customized a WP template, and once I activate that template (with BBpress installed in a subdirectory to BBpress), the BBpress profile pages stopped working correctly:

    the link to a user profile does indeed end up at profile.php?ID=xx but instead of showing the user info, the page jumps into edit mode (as if trying to edit my own profile instead of viewing someone else’s). Also the submenu is no longer there.

    I don’t understand how the wordpress template should affect the way BBpress profiles are shown. Any clues?


    Thanks for the tip Dragunoff. I’ve installed the downgrade but it still doesn’t work. I think my problem is that I just don’t have a secret key. My keys look like this (I’ve taken out the actual keys):

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

    Do I need to add in the SECRET_KEY separately?


    The svn looks badly out of date for Italian

    so you if you want to link your results here and state which version it is for we’ll see if Sam or Michael can update the SVN…


    Installed the Frshly baked cookies plugin.

    Have both able to share the database. A user created in either can be used in either. The issue is that if I log into WP fine. Then I go to BBPress and Have to Log in to it seperatly but it will then Log me off WP. If I then go and log into WP then it will log me off BBPress.

    To see it:


    _ck_, I looked into some things about regionality and I don’t think you’ll be able to get it much better than it is, unless you do as you mentioned, with the whois. Even then, it’s not going to be accurate 100%, since sometimes a server is in the US, but it runs a Brazillian site, etc. (And I’m still pissed at Google, a year later, from when I was in Japan and I went to and it kicked me to, based on my IP, and ignoring everything else like the fact that my browser info showed I used English. At the time, I couldn’t get it to show the link to ‘Google in English’ and I was stuck in Japanese for a while.) Regions and localization are things that seem like a really good idea, but there’s no way to make it perfect, since you can never tell when someone’s abroad :/

    I like how you replaced “sticky” with a nifty little icon.

    Thanks! That was my first ‘hack’ for bbPress and I slapped this in my functions.php

    // This sets sticky label as an image
    remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_sticky_label', 20);
    function my_sticky_label( $label ) {
    global $topic;
    if (is_front()) {
    if ( '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
    return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" alt="[sticky]" /> %s'), $label);
    } else {
    if ( '1' === $topic->topic_sticky || '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
    return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" alt="[sticky]" /> %s'), $label);
    return $label;
    add_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'my_sticky_label', 20);



    I’ve got the same problem, but with another host(Hosteurope).

    I solved it after I’ve asked my hoster. When sending an Email from my host, I need to add a -f parameter to the sendmail function.

    Doing so in BBPress you will need to add a valid (and known for the server) Email-adress in line 90 of your bbpress-root-folder/bb-includes/backpress/class.mailer.php file from


    * Sets the Sender email (Return-Path) of the message. If not empty,

    * will be sent via -f to sendmail or as 'MAIL FROM' in smtp mode.

    * @var string


    var $Sender = '';


    var $Sender = '';

    I hope this might help some of you :)



    sa05admin, all the numbers were gathered in the first two weeks of April


    How upto date is the half a million posts and 100,000 users on the WordPress Support forums as described in the About pages – Can you give that statistic a date in time or keep it updated with a time of last update or even a pretty graph, please, pretty please.

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