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  • #74065

    Requires bbPress Version: or higher

    Compatible up to:

    I assume this is the reason for the problem…when I installed it..I looked at higher. But I would rather suffer the problem than take it off…user registration is something that I really need to have…I get a lot of people registering from ru….etc.




    Is Approve User Registration the plugin giving you trouble?

    I noticed it’s only listed as compatible up to

    What version of bbPress are you using?


    Yes prof; the original Kakumei theme had a bbPress logo there. Look for this in the template’s style.css file;

    #header {

    and add right after it;

    background: url(‘images/my-image.png’) no-repeat bottom right;

    where my-image.png is the image you’ve placed into the theme’s /images folder.

    If the logo looks too far down, change ‘bottom right’ to ‘center right’. You can make the image a png or a gif with a transparent background, though you might find it looks a bit ‘edgy’ against the graduated fill of the header. (That’s why I ditched my own logo, though I’ll spend some time getting it right once everything’s finished).

    One other thing, your username is very long and runs into the post text. I’ve seen a few threads about this kind of thing, as long URLs do it too (though _ck_ I think posted a fix for it). Anyway, I’ve just uploaded a tweaked – just a few things spaced better, and the long names should be cut off. Can’t think of a better way to do it, but try it and I’ll have a look at your site again. There is a file modification which limits the length of usernames when registering, so I’ll have another look for it.

    If you want minor changes in things like font sizes, by the way, just copy the style.css file out of the zip, modify it and FTP into the theme on your server. If it breaks, you can always copy the original back over it.

    [Edit] Found it, and have limited the username to 18 characters, which should fit ok. Theme’s uploaded again.


    I started with a WP2.7 blog so I had no choice but to jump into 1.0 land (this was before the workarounds for .9 were found). And I regret nothing. I have few issues (one, really, but I have a trac ticket #1076 and it seems to be a user pagination vs pretty permalinks issue) and the rest… my users have never noticed.

    The current admin experience on trunk is a bit wild :) Some work needs doing, but I like that effort is being made to mimic WP again. I have no issues with the plugins I use (very few plugins) and other than my own stupidity of developing code on a live site, I like 1.0. Will it bloat? Yeah, but since I’m headed down the path of ‘community’ site and will, in all likelihood, end up with BuddyPress one day, I’m not too worried.

    On developer principle of the whole thing, I’m with _ck_ with a caveat.

    If you’re a nerd who likes mucking around with code, who doesn’t mind bleeding edge, who is comfortable with blowing yourself up and cleaning up, you’ll be fine with 1.0. If you KNOW what you’re getting into (that is you’re reading and are aware of and comfortable with everyone’s troubles), then you’re fine. If you just go ‘Yeah yeah SHINY!’ then you’re in for a world of pain with any product. If you’re not a little bit of a developer, if you’re not good with google, if you’re not okay with things breaking weirdly, then stay on 0.9 and you’ll be happier. Heck, we’ll be happier cause we won’t have to help you dig out from a hole you weren’t prepared to be in :)

    Be aware of what you’re getting into with 1.0 and have fun. Or not. Either way works :)


    In reply to: Stuck with installing

    I renamed the bbpress folder ‘forum’ and then uploaded it to my server. I had overlooked this important step!


    In reply to: Secure Auth?


    I’ve got the latest version of WP and BBP

    So that’s BBPress 1.0 rc-1

    and WP 2.7.1

    In my wp-config I have the Secure Auth Key but in the WordPress options.php there’s no “secure auth salt” so i have no idea how to find this and use it for integration.


    I seem to spend a lot of time here, but it is the only place I actually do get some answers.

    Problem: Login works ok. And when I first installed bbPress I could close the page, return later and still be logged in. Then I loaded a few plugins. One for registration that does have problems. Well after a few trials of clearing cookies etc. to get the registration working I noticed that I have to login now each time I open the page. Is there some simple correction for this? Like yell at the cookie to stay logged in for at least a day?



    Try deleting all your cookies or using another browser to log in & see if it lets you.


    I can’t really add to the argument except to say that I never tried any older versions, so downloaded RC1 last week & love it. I only have one issue mentioned in another thread, I can’t get the function bb_new_topic_link();

    to work but have worked around that for the moment using hardcoded links. The function is only used in 3 places so it’s not much of an issue.

    I am using it on a live site for less than a week now – – its quiet at the moment but will get busy & fully tested in the next few months

    As WordPress 2.8 is due out the door any day with it’s new widget classes, a lot of themes will have to be upgraded to take advantage of the changes so I can see a lot of people leaving WordPress 2.5, 2.72 and so on behind and making the switch to 2.8.

    The sooner bbPress can be fully integrated with WP 2.8 the better in my opinion.


    bbPress will likely travel the same path as WordPress

    so bloat and uneven internal feature adoption is unavoidable

    but my hope is it will happen in far later versions than sooner.

    I will fondly remember and miss the “good old” 0.9 days :-(

    Note I’m not saying NEVER use 1.0, I’m saying for an active site don’t rush into it and perhaps for any new site, don’t start with it, since it can be upgraded.

    Template developers should not use 1.0 until it has extremely wide adoption as it’s features are not backwards compatible, but any template you make in 0.9 will work in 1.0 with virtually no modifications.

    timskii don’t worry about 1.0 not being debugged enough, even before RC1 it has a 10% adoption:

    1.0a6 : 5%
    1.0 ? : 5% (1.0 using pre-a6)
    0.9.x : 52%
    0.8.x : 35% (this is likely wrong, it includes 0.8 installs that upgraded to 0.9)


    Great points, timskii!

    One note – it’s now possible to integrate bbPress v.9 with the latest versions of WordPress, using either of the plugins here:

    I share your concerns about bbPress becoming bloated. :-( I hope the platform doesn’t go down that path… that would be the main thing that would eventually drive me off of bbPress.


    Thanks. The space before .Com is intentional but don’t know if I like it. It was just ‘English for University’ before.

    Question: could I add a little image in the header in bbpress – just to the right of the title – to jazz it up a bit? Which file would I need to do that in?


    First of all, thanks for your help so far…

    I can’t use the WP plug-in because I can’t even log in to activate it.

    I’ve also tried the fix-admin-access plugin but it doesn’t work for me. I get administrator access back but not keymaster access (which means I can’t even see the plugins link in the admin panel). I would edit the database directly if I knew what to change the values to, but so far every time I mess with that it just resets me to “member.”

    I tried the freshly baked cookies plug-in, but I don’t know how to make it work. The notes say that I’m supposed to set my LOGGED_IN_SALT and AUTH_SALT, but they’re both in the WP admin options, and since I can’t log in, I can’t find them.

    At this point I’m willing to just uninstall bbPress and wait until a more stable version comes out, but that won’t solve my main problem, which is my inability to log into WordPress. :o(


    I’ve been “testing” 1.0 out privately over the last week, primarily by re-writing my custom code and templates, and then working through every user operation (to check both my changes, and the underlying software). So I’ll try and play devil’s advocate to _ck_’s “don’t upgrade!”

    From the user’s perspective, little has changed. The most significant feature to pull out is the use of Display Names. That’s a huge plus on an “international” forum, because users can now set their names to contain non-English characters. And there’s no need to workaround empty display names in WordPress (when a user registers via BBPress).

    Templating is similarly unchanged. About the most significant change is that the contents of tag-form.php can no longer be altered via a template – which was likely never required anyway. Semantically, existing oddities remain (like the profile edit is still a table), and usability can be clunky in places (when you register successfully, there’s a message that tells you to log in, but nothing immediately helpful, like a login screen).

    Plugins very much depends on how deep they go. The only place I stumbled was in user roles, where the underlying code had completely altered. But I’m not using many plugins, and the custom code I had been using, I’d been prepared to rewrite. (Most of it was a mess anyway!) A clear “your mileage may vary” caveat, and particular risk if one doesn’t understand enough programming to work round anything that breaks.

    Technically, 1.0 feels fairly solid. I have found glitches, but nothing worse than some of the 0.9 versions. 1.0 does perform many more database queries. Like 50 on certain pages. Although it is hard for me to assess the load implications without running it on a public site. Integration worked OK as an upgrade, once I’d realised that the upgrade did not automatically add the new cookie-related keys (which needed to be added manually to the existing config files). The whole package feels more “bloated”, but that may be more the fault of WordPress than BBPress. I just hope BBPress doesn’t evolve into the messy, feature-overloaded forum software I had been trying to avoid.

    So, if I was just running BBPress, on balance I’d stick with 0.9, at least until the dust settles on 1.0.

    But. There’s a but.

    If nobody uses 1.0, hardly anyone is debugging it, hardly anything gets fixed, and so on. There’s a danger of putting 1.0 on the shelf, waiting for someone else to finish it, and then wondering why the bugs never get found. So even if you aren’t running it on a live site, it might be useful to try it out privately.

    Rightly or wrongly, WordPress 2.5.1 makes me increasingly nervous: As times goes on, I’m going to find plugins and templates that aren’t designed for that version. And while it is claimed that 2.5.1 has no security flaws, if almost nobody is using it, the chance of any flaw getting found and reported is also low. In contrast, the latest version is sure to get picked apart and patched back up very quickly.

    And then I started to look at BuddyPress, and… I don’t even know if it’s possible to run that on top of 2.5.1. But you can see the way I’m starting to think: An old BBPress is itself rooting me in the past. And while I knew it was unfinished software when I started using it, I had rather assumed it would at least keep pace with WordPress, not get left a year behind.

    So right now, it’s a rather person decision. All other things being equal, I tend to agree with _ck_.

    However, I see a lot of WordPress 2.7+ blogs with phpBB forums hosted alongside. And naturally no integration between them. In the near future, that’s the first big, obvious “market” for BBPress. Yet almost all those people need compatability with the latest WordPress. For us “early adopters” that’s important: Some of those new BBPress users will write plugins and templates, and they won’t bother trying to support outdated code. Once that starts to happen, old 0.9 users will find they are missing out – which will probably be the time for most existing users to upgrade.


    Ah those two versions of bbPress and WordPress are not cookie compatible, without some extra plugins. Either of these two should work – one upgrades your bbPress cookie, and the other one downgrades your WordPress cookie.

    Sometimes bbPress will lose keymaster access during reverse integration – try this to fix that:



    I just realized that my account isn’t working properly on either site. I can log into bbPress but now I don’t have full. I wanted to install a plugin but there’s no option to do so (even though there was one a few minutes ago). It says I’m listed as an Administrator, but not the Key Master.

    I checked phpMyAdmin and these seem to be the most relevant fields…

    dharmaguild_capabilities a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}

    dharmaguild_user_level 10



    WordPress 2.7.1

    I just followed the automated installer to integrate the two. At first I had issues because I’d mistakenly installed WordPress in the wrong database. So, I wiped the bbPress from my database, exported/imported the WP information to the correct database, made sure WP was working properly, then installed bbPress again. Everything worked fine for bbPress (and it still does) but now WP isn’t working.

    I checked the forums a bit and looked at my database using phpMyAdmin to see if there was some setting on my user name that had been tweaked, but honestly I don’t know it well enough to tell at a glance if it’s okay. But, like I said, bbPress is working fine and the *front end* of WordPress is working fine…just not the users.


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?

    And what techniques/plugins did you use to integrate the signins?


    Never mind. I got the plugin and installed it and now the cookies look like wordpress_logged_in_12341234…

    It’s still not working, but that’s progress.


    “Remember you will still need the bbPress Integration plugin on the WordPress side to drop the bbPress cookies.”

    What is the bbPress Integration plugin on the WordPress side? I’m trying to set up user integration, but the cookie that gets generated on the WP side is wordpress_logged_in_ only, and not wordpress_logged_in_xxxxxxx, as I think it should be.



    I highly encourage the use of 0.9 until (and maybe even through) 2010

    1.0 is a different creature internally than 0.9 and while 0.9 has a few years of development and debugging (and compatible with most plugins) 1.0 has none of these things.

    IMHO 1.0 should *never* have been called 1.0

    0.9 should have been finalized and released as 1.0

    and then what is now being called 1.0 should have been called 1.5

    People simply do not understand that 1.0 is not some kind of minor upgrade to 0.9 with just incremental fixes – large portions of code have been changed or replaced entirely. Certain database tables have been completely replaced into a much more complex scheme, etc.

    Remember, you can *never* downgrade once you start with/upgrade to 1.0

    but there is always an upgrade path from 0.9 to 1.0

    (someone someday might be crazy enough to write a downgrade routine for 1.0 to downgrade the database tables but it won’t be me)

    There is also no clear path for bbPress from Automattic.

    They are replacing the WP code base with WPMU, which means the purpose of the extremely labor-intensive drive to integrate BackPress into bbPress 1.0 is now even more unclear.

    I’ve yet to see a single feature/ability in 1.0 that you will miss with 0.9

    ps. I also think WP 2.5 is the last decent version of WP made but that’s for another forum


    “Change Number of Front Page Topics” was formalized into a better plugin here:


    Apologies! I just re-uploaded it after you downloaded it, so grab it again. I added a needed plugin to the file, which you should FTP to your my-plugins folder (no need to activate it). That provides a consistent warning/error page for various things.

    Also, if you really want the Latest Topics at the top of the front page (a mess in my group’s eyes) then I can show you how add back it easily, or do it for you.

    Just noticed on your site (looking sxc by the way); there’s a gap in front of .com in the title (intentional?), and you’ve left the default ‘Just another bbPress community’ message in the banner (Admin, Settings to change).

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