Most of the filters are in
or default-filters.php
before 1.0.
This weeknd I plan on loading bbPress into some kind of IDE (probably eclipse) so I’m able to check this type of thing out a little further. I’ll update here if I can get them. was a start at documenting this (and more) from before I started at Automattic
There’s no official documentation or codex yet.
A few people have done phpxref for bbpress but I find that kind of output fairly useless.
If you have access to linux shell you can do a grep to get a function list in the template include like so (or install the grep for windows)
grep -oe ^function.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > functions.txt
modifying that you can also get the filters/actions
grep -oe apply_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > filters.txt
grep -oe do_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > actions.txt
If you use the grep for windows, leave out the escapes (backslashes) or it won’t work.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. It took a bit of playing around with grep for Windows but I managed to compile a relatively complete list of filters and actions. Thanks for that.
Using this method it should be pretty easy to generate a complete list with arguments for the codex, why doesn’t someone who has access to add one? It wouldn’t include descriptions but it’d be a good starting point.
I also want to try to create my own bbpress plugin
I wrote a little something in php to get a list of the current actions/filters in bbPress 2.0.1, should help out someone … (script + output)
i have an auto-generated (iffy wordpress search-able) list online as well
which is similar to the code posted above – forgot about array hooks so when bbPress 2.1 hits – it will be updated.
@etivite, How did you auto generate that?
just a file parser looking for all the hooks/filters then some reverse calls to bring up source code references – then data is pushed into custom post types w/various taxonomies. (needs some work still but waiting until next round of bp/bbp/wp updates)