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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #74186

    Ah, I think I’ll have to look at this idea again after some months of learning Javascript, bbPress and more CSS. Thanks for the help though!


    I have WP-MU 2.7.1 + BuddyPress 1.0.1 installed and set up at I have copied bbPress 1.0 Rc-1 to Now when I try to navigate to this address, I get the “The page you were looking for was not found” error. Is there something wrong with my htaccess? Please help! Thanks :-)


    _ck_ prepared a list of the top 100 sites here:

    The largest site has 1.6mm posts; the site with the most users is, which has 7.5 million users.

    Hope that helps!


    has anyone tested bbpress scalability in terms of no users,topics and comments


    Actually u can archive that using JavaScript, CSS and Bbpress action hook. You can use CSS to hide the “Post Form” and make it visible back using JavaScript.

    It kinda like using JavaScript to expand navigation menu. Well that should give you some idea :)


    At WordCamp Chicago today I heard a presentation by Jeremy Wright of b5media about their integrated WPMU, BuddyPress and bbPress installation. Word is that the plugins that were used to accomplish the integrated logins and BuddyPress bar in the forums will be released in the near future at

    Right now, the only thing I can find about the installation is here:

    I believe the user who will post this information is Terry J. Smith (registered here, but no posts yet.)


    Was going to give me information by editing but the edit button is now gone.

    I have redone my bbPress and everything is working perfectly and no errors besides the simple fact that I still don’t understand how to link 2 account together so they can be used as a whole on both sites instead of separates. I really would love to use the tutorial you have posted before about integrating them but I am just not that smart on these things. Any help would be appreciated.

    Also how do I go about making my forum look as my website? Is that part of the integrating process?


    Still can’t find the site I saw which did this in a neat way, so tried my own noobydoo version. I copied forum.php to forum-post.php, then replaced the php call which shows the Create New Topic area with; <blah href=”forum-post.php”>Create New Topic</blah>

    I thought that would then load the full (original but renamed) form and show the input area, but it just jumps back to the front page. Do I need to use a bbPress function to load the copied forum-post.php? Stumped!


    In reply to: For hacky peeps


    I had started to write my own xref type of code to show how bbPress worked with a function reference and a action/filter reference but I never finished it.

    But you can use grep to grab a list of all the function names and all the actions/filters.

    Some people have run bbpress through phpxref and you can find that around the web via google, I don’t find such listings helpful myself though.


    For some reason, RC1 is having a problem connecting to my database. Followed the instructions to the letter. Ran the install and set all the database info to the same as before. Clicked the additional settings because I’m on dreamhost, which doesn’t use ‘localhost’. Everything saves just fine. Config file appears with proper settings in my bbpress directory. Go to step 2 and get “ERROR: Could not establish a database connection”. Double checked everything, did another clean install, still doesn’t work.

    BBPress shares a database with my wordpress installation, and wordpress sees the DB just fine.

    Any ideas?


    I saw a bbPress forum somewhere, where the ‘Create New Topic’ and ‘Reply’ sections were not a visible input box, but a link like; ‘Reply ยป’ When you click the link, the input box appears in its place. Does anyone know where it is so I can look at the code? Or is it a plugin? (Can’t find anything like that). Thanks.


    Try this plugin and see if it does the trick?


    Try the instructions here?

    WordPress 2.7 uses a different type of cookie, so you can either downgrade the WordPress cookie (using SuperAnn’s plugin) or upgrade the bbPress 0.9 cookie (using _ck_’s plugin). Both are linked from the instructions!


    I am using the latest versions of bbPress and WordPress which are 2.7.1 (wp) and (bbp)

    The instructions are rather inside in the installation of bbPress which you can make the integrating processes through the databases.


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?

    Also, what did you do to “make it where members of my site could use 1 account for both instead of separate ones”… was there a specific set of integration instructions you followed? If so, please post a link to that too!


    I have just recently installed bbPress so that I could make it where members of my site could use 1 account for both instead of separate ones. When I did so it caused me to lose my admin but didn’t actually integrate them. What can I do to get my admin back and integrate wordpress and bbPress? I don’t know much more to say about this but if needing more information I will be gladly to give.


    In reply to: bbPress Admin


    Personally, I didn’t like the WP2.5 admin, and I don’t like the current BB1.0 admin.

    Furthermore, I don’t think the WP2.7 admin is going to be changed significantly in 2.8 or 2.9.

    I think a big mistake was made with WP2.5, and this was realised by the WP devs and replaced by the excellent WP2.7 admin. They now have a good admin and I think they’ll stick with it.

    I won’t be using bbPress on a live site anyway until it integrates better with WP and shows signs of being actively developed – looks like this will be soon, due to TalkPress – but additionally, the current admin is a big disincentive for me.


    To add meta tag using plugin…

    add_action('bb_head', 'meta_bb_header');

    function meta_bb_header() {
    echo 'Your meta tag here';

    Maybe you can use ping service like Ping-o-Matic that were design for blog, to notify other service that you have update your forum. Never try it yet with bbpress so kinda don’t know how it gonna be :)

    Another alternative maybe submit sitemap at Google Webmaster.


    Now I’ve got a couple of forums working the way users need, I’m looking into getting them noticed on the web. I’ve read masses of information on this, including use of HTML page Meta tags and data, plus words in the Meta being in the pages, etc. I must say, I’m somewhat confused by it all.

    I don’t have the time to try and become a search engine submission expert, and my charity clients don’t have the money to pay for services like that either. I understand the basic concept of including some HTML Meta tags for search engines to process. Should I just add these manually to index.php, or does it get re-written on the fly by bbPress? (I haven’t tested that yet).

    How difficult would it be to create a plugin, say, that lets you enter HTML Meta tags and data in Admin, and then just inserts it into the forum pages so search engines find them? I guess that’s what some of the mentions about v1.0’s meta stuff are about? (I’m using Any help much appreciated.


    Actually, I realise that a simpler way would be to just write a text file with the HTML Meta information in it, and somehow include it in the header section of various files (or is it only really required in index.php?) I’ve seen an ‘include once’ directive, but guess that just makes a file’s functions available rather than inserting it directly into another? Apologies if the answer is so basic I shouldn’t need to ask, but after six weeks of hard work my head’s fried.


    still haven`t found the solution :(

    Tynan Beatty

    You should only need the define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1); part added to the bb-config.php, not the rest (if you upgrade to WP2.8, then you don’t need any of those additions to the bb-config.php file). The WP bbPress Integration plugin’s settings page lists some things you’ll need to add to your wp-config.php file though. Namely, you’ll need to add at least something like define('COOKIEPATH', '/');, depending on your wordpress’ installation path. Try just adding that part and see how things work. If they don’t work, try adding the other things the WP bbPress Integration Plugin settings page suggests (I added all of it’s suggestions using the latest WP2.8 and the latest bbPress 1.0-rc-1 and it broke my WP login; but with just the cookipath definition, most everything except logging in from bbP and then logging out from WP [somewhat trivial], integrates as expected).


    Tynan Beatty

    Hello. Please read this post of mine and also this post that the previous post references :)



    I think this problem is because

    when bbpress try to decide wheter this instance has been installed, it use one term, it just check whether the file bb-config.php exists, and the check passed, but when it try to get data from the db, it failed, the script then redirect the user to the install page.


    Still waiting here to know– anyone know if there’s a way to log into bbpress using facebook connect, disqus or something like that?


    Hey I have WordPress 2.8-beta1 and bbPress 1.0-rc-1. I downloaded and installed sams plugin. However — I still need to sign in new when going from the forum to the blog. I can sign in fine in each — but it doesnt carry the cookie info over. And I did everyhting in the video. Any new tips?

    Should I roll back to a previous version? If there are versions of WordPress, BBPress and Plugin that do work together — please share what versions that play nicely together.

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