dude, you hardly need WordPress for anything anymore…
bbpress can replace, WordPress, BuddyPress and WPMU..
check my site out. http://www.massbase.com
Hi Massbase…
I’m super-new to all the *press stuff… so I’m not sure what you’re talking about… BBpress can replace WordPress and Buddypress and WPMU?
dont worry about it, just saying bbpress can be configured to become a CMS replacing all the above scripts… you have done right decision choosing bbPress.
As a novice bike commuter (who visits Toronto) WOOT!
Your site looks good
If you do, eventually, bring WP into the game, you may need some finagling, as ‘reverse’ integration is a bit un-tested.
Thanks Ipstenu. 
Still a very extreme newbie to all this “press” stuff… but I’m loving bbpress so far. A little bit of customization with a few plug-ins and a theme has gone relatively smoothly… but I still can’t really get the Admin Can Post Anything plug-in to work properly… it does not seem to like i-frames… which are essential for embedding google maps and docs.
Well iframes are, by their very nature, evil
I’ve never used that admin plugin, but I also don’t do a whole lot of embedding of Google Maps.
I agree with iframes being evil.
Hahaha… yeah, I’m no fan of them myself. Google seems to like them for embedding stuff, though, unfortunately.
I wonder if there’s a way to embed google stuff without an i-frame?
Thanks for the link batrachoid… I’ll look around on there.