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  • #74408

    Yes! It was pretty weird problem. It didn’t work when I copy pasted the string from my blog post but when I did from console (value from another integrated copy), it did the job.

    They were not messed up. When I share tables, the default role of the admin of forums has a subscriber role in capabilities, thats why the admin access is lost. May be we are again going in circles now :/


    Fairly certain bb-attachments is no longer working with the newest 1.0 releases

    (neither is bb-topic-views apparently)

    Remember if you use any of my major plugins like bb-attachments or bb-polls they do not work under RC1 or RC2 and will not be supported for months, so do not upgrade from bbPress 0.9 if those plugins are important to you.

    Markus Pezold

    Hi onelove,

    i think this must be the right “startingpoint” for you:

    I’ve converted a phpBB 2 to phpBB 3 to bbPress 0.9.4 Forum three weeks ago. The converter works great for me. But the best way is on a local pc (XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP) which some backups.

    A colleague from me wrote a little script with some regular expressions to clean up the topics and posts. eg. for the old phpBB <quote>-Tag and the smilies. Maybe I can upload this script temporary.

    Also i hope i have some time to write an “how to” for the user reverse user integration in WordPress after the conversion from phpBB3. On Mysteria3000 ( we have 50 authors and about 150 users in the forum.


    @ashfame I didn’t say they couldn’t, I said they didn’t. I chose that word on purpose :)

    The way that WP-Super-Cache was originally written, logged in users DO NOT get cached pages. Now I understand that Donncha added in a toggle to turn that option on and off recently, but I’ve not used it and I’m not sure exactly what that does.

    As for ‘why’ logged in users don’t get cached pages (historically), well, Donncha says this:

    If you’re logged in or have left a comment you’ll never see a super-cached page. You’ll see plain old regular WP-Cached pages instead. That’s not so bad since a huge majority of your visitors will never leave a comment.


    We’re going in circles. And yes, I know it’s working know.

    My question is this: WHY were your xx_capabilities and xx_usermeta messed up in the first place? There’s no reason I can think of that the setup you described (install WP, configure. Install bb, configure. Integrate bb and WP) should have whacked those settings. :) You see why I’m confused?



    Why logged in users can’t have cached pages? (This is what I am not able to understand)


    Ok. But in my case I was using custom table prefixes, so instead of editing the plugin I directly run a sql query :)

    Problem is solved now!

    Thanks for your help!


    ash, I was talking about the exact same plugin you were. Read the very first post on the plugin page.

    This plugin is only meant as a simple way to fix roles for users doing reverse integration of bbPress with WordPress without having to resort to using phpMyAdmin but it may have other uses if a primary admin role gets corrupted or wiped out for some reason.

    So really, unless your admin role is being wiped out somehow, this shouldn’t be needed in the situation you describe.


    We can see out of the box integration in upcoming releases but that can be done even now although it requires much of manual work.

    You can integrate WP + bbPress as per my guide :

    and using both the registration page wont be a problem but you can redirect it to one if you want. There was a plugin for it, I guess else it can be done manually too.


    @chrishajer, not sure where the original instruction about the need for ‘$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; ‘ came from, besides seeing it referenced in all BB and ppB integration instructions, I came across it first on the site’s ‘Installing and setting up bp-forums’ article (step 11). The URL is <;.


    I dnt kn0w much about db .Is there any script?


    John, XML-RPC is (was) turned on in both WPMU/BP and bbP. Also ‘$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;’ is (and always was) at the end of the bb-config file just before the closing PHP statement. I even check again that XML-RPC was working properly via Burt’s XML-RPC-sayhello plugin.

    Sam, taking your note ‘about re-applying the role map does not change the roles users already have’, I applied John’s suggestion to ‘purge the bb_capabilities and apply the role map once everything is lined up’.

    The end result is the same, user switching works, admin has the correct bb_capabilities in the wp_usermeta table (no need this time for manual correction), and all users can create new groups with forums, add topics and relies to all discussions. The ONLY thing still not working is the recreation (activation) of old exiting groups with forums that exited before upgrading from BP 1.0 to 1,0,1 and bbP 1.0-Alpha-6 to 1.0-RC2.

    I guess I have to delete them and create them as new groups. I should be able to export the topics and replies first and import them after the creation, unless one of you has another suggestion. Regardless, thanks to both of you for all the help so far.

    Tynan Beatty

    onel0ve, I converted a phpbb2 forum to bbpress 1.0a6 awhile back and it was quite a bit of work. You’ll need to export the entire db, then figure out which forum/topic/post ids correlate between phpbb3 and bbpress. The easiest way I found to rebuild the db in bbpress is to write some regexes that take the exported phpbb3 forum data and format it into correct sql statements to preserve the old id associations between posts/topics etc. Of course, phpbb3 and bbpress 0.9.5 are probably totally different from phpbb2 and bbpress1.0 in terms of db table format, but I remember having to combine data from several phpbb2 tables into single bbpress tables to accomplish the task. Make sure you have a test environment to build the new bbpress db on as you’ll probably need to give it a few tries and test out a few things before attempting to rebuild the entire thing.

    Unless you own your server, you’ll also want to be sure to do the actual regexing (if you decide to run it in a php script for example) on your own computer (XAMPP or LAMP), because if your forums are large, that is quite a load on the server to run the regex routines that format your sql insert statements (and your hosts may not be too happy about that). I also ended up having to split up my data into several files to get it to work with a php regex.


    [EDIT – I posted this AFTER atsutane posted, but that reply was in the spam queue erroneously, so this probably looks weird now that atsutane’s reply is visible :-)]

    Did you ask for help on the plugin page?

    Plugin authors typically see requests there even if they don’t see them here.

    But if I remember correctly, that plugin just provided the buttons. You still need to provide a bbcode plugin for your installation. Something like this?

    The theme and version of bbPress are not causing the problem. Thanks.


    @johnjamesjacoby – where does this bit of info come from:

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    I’ve never installed WMPU or BuddyPress, so maybe it’s in the instructions or a config file already, but I’ve seen it referred to here a couple times and wonder where it comes from. Thanks.


    Did you install BBcode lite plugin?


    @john well now i’m curious :-D


    Hey, that’s very nice indeed!

    Hi Chrishhajer,

    I am using the below plugin of version for bbcode : BBcode Buttons Toolbar 0.0.9

    I am using the below Theme of version:

    Kakumei0.01 theta-beta by Bryan Veloso

    The “revolutionized” new face of bbPress.

    Installed in: Core themes -> kakumei

    I am using this version of BB Press : bbpress-

    Please let me know if you need more information.




    There is a possibility to do this now. Something is in the works to do this even more neatly eventually.

    Good work!


    Tis true. I usually purge the bb_capabilities and apply the role map once everything is lined up, even though it’s like rinsing the dishes and then washing them in the machine.

    ITguy, couple of things to check RE-buddypress. XML-RPC is turned on in both WP and BBP? Also, don’t forget to put

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; somewhere near the end of your bb-config.php file. That will make sure that xmlrpc can switch to your keymaster user to communicate back and forth between the two installs.


    What plugin are you using to provide bbcode, and what version of bbPress are you using, and with what theme?

    Sam Bauers


    You could also grab the latest nightly build…

    Sam Bauers

    Just a note in passing… re-applying the role map doesn’t change the roles of any users that already have a role.

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