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  • #15026
    Josh Leuze

    I think I found a bug with the third RC of bbPress 1.0 and WordPress 2.8, I checked around the forums and in Trac and didn’t see this specific issue mentioned elsewhere.

    I have WordPress installed in a subdirectory, with bbPress installed below that.



    So aside from having WordPress installed in a subdirectory for testing purposes, there is nothing out of the ordinary about my install. I don’t have WordPress set up to run in the root from the subdirectory or anything, it’s totally standard.

    The issue is that when I am logged in through WordPress, I am unable to access the backend of WordPress. Any attempt to access the Dashboard or any other page on the admin area is redirected to the login page of WordPress, even though I am already logged in.

    I am able to access the admin area of bbPress, but I am unable to logout from either WordPress or bbPress.

    When I login through bbPress, I am able to access the backend of both WordPress and bbPress. I am able to logout from bbPress, but not WordPress.

    I have followed along with Sam’s basic integration screencast a few times now, I believe I am installing everything correctly, and the results are consistent.

    I have a live install of WordPress running in the root of this particular domain, so I am unable to do a test install in the root, but I have a feeling that it would run fine there and that this issue is the result of installing from a subdirectory.

    The only difference that I can see between the screencast and what I am seeing on my end is the manual cookie settings code that bbPress asks you to add to wp-config.php at the end. In the screencast, bbPress lists this code:

    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    But in my install, bbPress lists this code:

    define('COOKIEHASH', 'e49cd3ef5873cd2d82bbc6a99b41ebfa');

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/beta/wp-admin');

    define('COOKIEPATH', '/beta/');

    When I delete those three extra line from my wp-config.php file, leaving only the fourth line, the issue is resolved and I am able to login in and out from either WordPress or bbPress, and access both admin areas.

    Has anyone else encountered a problem like this? Am I skipping a step, or is one of the paths that bbPress giving incorrect?


    install the new RC3, which is said to have increased caching or whatever… do some testing.


    Doesn’t the timezone support require php 5?

    If so, probably should be mentioned since half of bbPress sites are still on php 4.


    When searching through the forums at, I noticed that the Most Recent results aren’t in chronological order, which I assume they should be as they’re time-based, correct?

    For example, a search for testing brings up a post from 2006 at the top of the list, then the actual most recent post from 2009, and variously down the line. Click here to see that result.

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Any idea what might be happening?


    Now you know who has lost admin access ;)


    I tried integrating WordPress 2.8 with bbPress today but I found out that it can’t be done as per my tutorial because WP 2.8 has added one more function by which they change how they handle login so “Freshly baked cookies” plugin is broken for WP 2.8 at the moment. I would suggest integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPress

    Apart from new Widgets functionality, theme installing capability and some back-end performance improvement, you won’t miss much :P

    Or you can wait for a few days for bbPress 1.0 which will integrate with WP 2.8 without any pain.


    In reply to: Menu Links


    Don’t know if it’s of any help, but bbPress is very extensible. I tried most other forum packages, and spent day after day struggling to make things work, sometimes getting help, others not, but never managing to do what I needed to. I finally found bbPress.

    As a PHP noob I struggled with some things at first, but with help from forum members and a couple of easy online PHP tutorials I’ve got a nice theme and forums working as I want. As well as the theme CSS, I’ve edited PHP files to make things work as I wish, changed layouts and menus, etc. Nothing mind-blowingly flash, but then I go for cool and simple, which is what my users need.

    If you’re looking for small, fast, and easy to modify, bbPress is (as Douglas Admas said) the wasp’s nipples.


    the automatic timezone is a fantastic feature!

    the backend is very fast to load…


    cookie integration with wp 2.8 (not mu) doesn’t work, when i try to login bb i’m logged out from wp and vice versa (my old problem)

    i’m in wp-config.php

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’); (without dot in front)

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    in bb-config.php

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    with or without www nothing change.

    ah, i’ve your plugin activate…

    this is my only problem with this (the best) bbpress release until now :)


    dont worry about it, just saying bbpress can be configured to become a CMS replacing all the above scripts… you have done right decision choosing bbPress.


    Hi Massbase…

    I’m super-new to all the *press stuff… so I’m not sure what you’re talking about… BBpress can replace WordPress and Buddypress and WPMU?


    dude, you hardly need WordPress for anything anymore…

    bbpress can replace, WordPress, BuddyPress and WPMU..

    check my site out.


    *Just* started using bbpress for a forum… have been using blogger for my blog, but the ease of bbpress is making me seriously consider wordpress for the blog. :)

    Looking forward to more bbpress developments.

    Forum at

    Sam Bauers

    Closing this, please continue discussion here.

    Sam Bauers

    See the blog post…

    bbPress 1.0 Release Candidate 3

    I hope everyone is able to give this a test run. There are some tricky caching changes which should radically improve performance for any site with more than a dozen users or topics.

    Please report issues to Trac as a matter of urgency, as soon as the admin area is skinned, this will be 1.0 final.


    Thanks, ashfame, I’ll be looking for that.


    yes cornetjr follow the same instruction, BACKUP ALL, files and db, rename bb-config.php in bb-config-old.php delete all the files but no my-plugins and my-templates and bb-config-old.php naturally, so upload the new files visit the site and follow the instruction.


    do you mind me asking, what bbpress version are you running?


    I have installed the bbPress Attachments plugin, it works fine to add an attachment, but the problem is that, the corresponding file will has a link like : topic/18?bb_attachments=30&bbat=19

    or ?bb_attachments=24&bbat=13

    as Google indexed page, actually as “Sorry, download is restricted.”

    Is there a method to avoid such permalinks except that to write a robots.txt rule for Google? Many thanks in advance! :)

    Check this thread in my bbPress for an example:


    Ask a silly question ;)

    Page links for bbPress (1.0.4) should be removed, since it’s build in to bbPress 1 (per Sam). But yeah, the rest of your plugins look fine.


    I’ve never lost admin access on any integration (6 and counting). Hence my confusion :)


    @the_Wish – What plugins are you running?

    @phaniraj01 – That’s a plugin – But it may not work on RC2


    Are the installation instructions for upgrading from 9.05 to 1.0 rc2 the same as 9.02 to 9.05?



    You don’t need any plugin for doing this, check this topic


    Loss of admin access problem has happened to several people (almost all of them, if I am not wrong).

    Have you tried my method of integration? You will end up with what I did. Moreover, I am new to bbPress and learning it slowly. So, I might be doing something that I am not supposed to but I guess I am right. Who knows? Atleast I don’t. :P


    I’m a newbie, so please don’t beat me into a pulp ;)

    So the code above works with BBPress RC2, etc?

    Anyone develop any sort of plugin to do this?

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