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  • #75338

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    update to my above post : I finally somehow solved it myself…. Thanx to bbpress community for presenting wonderful piece of coding summarized into the poetry of bbpress forum…


    What cookie plugin of wordpress do you have installed ? You could use only one login form like me, i’m using only the wordpress login form.

    Josh Leuze

    I got it to work, the converter did a great job, thanks wmnasef!

    I was trying to do the conversion on fairly standard VPS with a typical LAMP stack, I’m not really sure why it didn’t work on there.

    But after that I tried the conversion on my Media Temple Grid Service account and it worked fine. (The forum is quite small, 7000 posts) So if someone else runs into a similar problem, try a different web host or a local web server, maybe you’ll have better luck too!


    In reply to: Navigation error


    I ran into a similar issue with paging. I forget how I fixed it – I think maybe I switched to this plugin for pagination?


    I found an answer here ( ) that works well enough. It included a nonlinking page 1, and a next button, but I’ve hid those and only show the extra pages.


    So was this issue supposed to have been resolved in the 1.0 final release? I just installed it and am having the exact issue. When I login to bbPress, it logs me out of WordPress. I have searched several posts, and ensured that the cookie AUTH keys are all the same in WP and bbPress config files. The home site URL is the same as well. I even installed the WP bbPress Integration plugin as recommended, and added their extra code to the wp-config file.

    Anyone else still experiencing thing? I hate to bring up an old topic, so if it’s been resolved somehow, lemme know! :)


    Ah, I am using 1.0 final. Is there a master list of template tags / functions somewhere like they’ve got for WP? In WP any time I need something I can usually just go track it down in their codex but with bbPress I always feel lost. I see on that page it says to use the topic page links function. Where can I get some info on that?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    can some1 help me with cookies integration between wordpress 2.8 and bbpress 1.0 ? user logged on forum is not logged on blog…. I correctly set SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, AUTH_KEY, auth_salt, logged_in_salt……. Only thing I could n’t set during integration is secure auth” cookie salt as I can’t find this anywhere neither in wp-config.php nor in options.php of wordpress settings…….. I have also used bbpress integration plugin for wordpress and copied the text suggested by this plugin in wp-config.php


    I believe that functionality is built into version 1.0.

    Here is the plugin version, for version 0.9:

    Which bbPress version are you using?


    Sam mentioned yesterday it would be aut0-generated sometime today:

    The pot will be auto-generated within 24 hours and will be here:


    In reply to: theme without table ?

    Released last October/November time mate


    In reply to: theme without table ?

    It is possible to make a theme that does not use tables. bbPress is very flexible with themes. I am not aware if there exists one though…

    But it uses tables by default because the list of topics and forums is in fact tabular data. I think it has nothing to do with table-based web-design of the 90’s (if that’s your concern).


    i see i don’t have the cookie for forum/bb-admin

    instead if i login on bbpress it’s all ok


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Burt Adsit

    I just successfully integrated bbpress, wpmu 2.7.1 and buddypress group forums. Cookies and everything. I had given up on doing this with anything other than bbpress alpha-6. Worked like a charm right out of the box.

    I’ll be damned. I take back all the grumbling and complaining and whining. I’m also canceling my enrollment in advanced particle physics classes that I thought were a previous requirement.

    Nice job to all involved!


    When the localization files will be available for 1.0 final?


    If i login on wordpress i must log out and re-login in bbpress to access to control panel


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    This is a good manual way of upgrading below.

    – Create a new database, call it wordpress2 or 3 or whatever. Make sure it is different from the database in use.

    – Choose Option A or B Below:

    Option A

    – Backup (because you’ll be overwriting the old files) your http folder the server points to.

    – If your httpdocs folder is called: [httpdocs] then: mv [httpdocs] [httpdocs_backup]

    Option B

    – Create a new directory, with correct permissions.

    – Tell your webserver to serve from this new location

    – Install wordpress and bbpress and assign it to use the new wordpress database.

    – Get all functionality working, like integration plug-ins etc…

    – Once it all works, backup the httpdocs folder. [tar -cvjf httpdocs.bz2 httpdocs] This is a good step as you can now take these working configs and stick it into a new upgraded wordpress.

    – Go back and restore the old wordpress because now you will upgrade.

    – Install wordpress first. Install using the Old database name, when it asks you to upgrade the database, do so.

    – Install bbpress, do the same as above.

    – take your Config file from the test run above, and copy them into your upgrade.

    Personally, I do a complete backup on a schedule and just manually run the script again for when I do an upgrade. This script will backup all my http/https folders, my server configs, and my database all in one shot. If anything gets messed up I just do a restore and It’s like starting from scratch. No matter how messed up things get. You might want to think about that. If there is enough demand I will gladly publish these helpful scripts.


    In theory yes.

    If wordpress sets the cookies, the part where bbpress reads them is not stored in those two files.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Awesome work guys, this is really great!


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    How can i add custom function on folder template ?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Hi, I waited for so long for this version to be released!

    I got a running WP site and a bbBress integrated forumin it.

    WP is 2.7.1

    bbPress is 1.0-alpha-6

    In WP I use the bbPress Integration (1.0-rc-2) plugin

    Did the necessary integration routine (with AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, etc.)

    Now, I want to upgrade WP to 2.8 and bbPress to 1.0, what’s the best procedure?

    (Of course, I will backup files and database of both installation).

    Should I upgrade WP to 2.8 first or bbPress to 1.0? (About bbPress, don’t even seem to know HOW upgrading, since I guess there isn’t an upgrading button, right?).

    And what about integration? Now that those 2 version support seamlessly integration, should I delete the AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY in bb-admin.php?

    And should I also delete the bbPress Integration plugin, or is it still necessary?

    Well, I thought I’d ask before adventuring in the process.

    Thanks to anyone who will answer…



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Doing that will also disable the ability to receive ping-backs.

    99% of all pingbacks are spam and eat resources. It’s also an easy way to ddos a forum on a shared host because it makes the forum do a non-trivial amount of work to process the data received.

    I know pingbacks on forums were a pet dream of Matt’s for forums to have since 0.7 was first released to the public, but IMHO the entire concept of a pingback on a forum defeats the whole purpose of local, active membership.

    At least it’s one option that can be removed almost like a plugin by deleting it.

    That said, I don’t mean to trivialize the amount of work it took you to make the feature happen, it’s impressive in itself.


    I tried both the tarball from the download page (v1.0, I assume) and SVN trunk. Behavior is exactly the same.

    I have no .htaccess nor permalinks, just a clean install of the tarball.

    I played around with apache options and mod_rewrite but they had no effect on the issue.

    It seems like PHP bug to me.

    Ryan Hellyer

    I can see why Automattic would want the gravatar service integrated directly into the software, it ensures people actually use the service.

    Can’t you edit the template files to put the Gravatar instructions in there for your installation?

    I think grassrootsspa is suggesting something for the core download, I don’t think this is a request for their own site as that would obviously just be a simple addition to the template files.

    I think this is something which should probably be added to the default theme. Many users don’t find it obvious what a gravatar is and so go hunting for an avatar uploader, if there isn’t one then they’re bound to get confused. Adding some default text in the profile along with a link back to would make a lot of sense to me. It would also ensure that themers remembered to include the text in their own themes.


    Thank you! Is it with bbPress 1.0 possible to register users with Swedish names like Göran?

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