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  • #51808

    In reply to: Plugin – Member List


    I thought about that, but there’s two things: 1. post count is another plugin altogether… not too big of a deal, making a function that is commented out by default is easy to do. 2. Post count isn’t a db entry, so to do it I’d have to sort results after I got them (whereas now I do it all with SQL queries).

    I do hope to add it in at a later time, I just gotta figure out the best way to do it first :)


    Here’s one I hope you all enjoy.

    This plugin and helper files allows you to link to a member list page, which by default displays the username, user title, home page, join date (with some easier-to-read formatting), and I left in some commented out code for post count if you have my post count plugin installed (if not, you might want to delete those lines from memberlist.php).

    Additionally, you can click the colum title for Username and Join Date and get the list sorted by that column. Furthermore, if you click the same column again, it sorts it by the column in descending order.

    Lastly (and the coolest part in my opinion), admins will see an extra part to the table that will allow you to delete users (as many or few at one time as you want). Users without the ability to delete users will not even be able to see the added cells or submit button.

    To see the member list in action, visit (the link is at the top). You won’t be able to see the cool admin parts of the table, of course ;)

    To download the plugin, visit


    Alrighty, here’s the scoop:

    I added <?php do_action('extra_profile_info_display', $user); ?> to my profile.php file, right above the second to last line, <?php profile_pages(); ?>.

    In my template-functions.php file, I have the following:

    function extra_profile_edit() {


    global $user_id, $bb_current_user,$bbdb;

    // Get dA username, if it exists

    $da_username = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'da_username' AND user_id = '$user_id'");

    // Get the user's real name, if it exists

    $user_realname = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'user_realname' AND user_id = '$user_id'");

    // Input fields that have a default value of the set variable

    echo "





    value="$da_username" />

    <input name="user_realname"






    And now for the real meat of the thing:

    function extra_update() {

    global $user_id;

    bb_update_usermeta($user_id, "da_username", $_POST['da_username']);

    bb_update_usermeta($user_id, "user_realname", $_POST['user_realname']);


    add_action('extra_profile_info', 'extra_profile_edit');

    add_action('profile_edited', 'extra_update');

    add_action('extra_profile_info_display', 'extra_display');

    My apologies for the length of the post…


    This plugin is another simple one. It allows you to set an inactivity limit on threads shown on the forum main page. The default is set to 7 days, and if you like that setting, then all you have to do is put the file in your my-plugins directory. If you want to change it, it’s easy enough (desciption in the readme).

    You can download the file and read the instructions at

    You can see it being used at (notice how there are no threads in the “Latest Discussion” section whose last post is older than a week).



    In reply to: Error for tags.php

    I’ve reuploaded bbpress – makes no difference.

    I’ve removed plugin (display_name.php)

    I temporarily renamed my_templates folder to return back to default template.

    The forum now sits at

    Click any of the tags and it takes you to the correct page. Click on the breadcrumb to take you back to tags.php and it dies as described.

    All very strange . . . .


    Let me see if I understand the importation scheme you’re hoping for:

    1.) One-time import.

    2.) Each forum “section” would be a category in WordPress.

    2a.) Should a category not exist, it will be created.

    3.) Replies to a topic would be created as comments in a blog entry.

    4.) Tags (if any exist) would be dropped.

    This is going to be simple if I even decide to possibly tackle this. I don’t use either product in production, but have messed around with both of them. The biggest question I have is about users… Obviously, you’ll have users in the forum that don’t exist in WordPress. Would each user need to be created for wordpress, or would all of the imported entries default to a specified user? This would be the hardest (in my mind) thing to figure out and handle.


    It’s your choice where you put ‘show_online_users()’ in your template. I suggest the following way if you use default theme:

    – open bb-templates/front-page.php

    – search for line 5 – 8:

    <div id="hottags">

    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>

    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?>


    – replace with:

    <div id="hottags">

    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>

    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?>

    <h2><?php _e('Online'); ?></h2>

    <?php show_online_users(); ?>


    – save as my-templates/front-page.php

    I’ll fix the database setup and some other things as fast as i can =)

    #edit: new version up, feel free to try it out

    Trent Adams

    Check your Users in WP and make sure they were moved across. It might be that they are not even taking the default role and are not subscribers in WP, but listed in WP. That is the way I have mine setup anyways.

    Let me know.



    Sorry Spencer, you already said they are not moving across. With proper integration, I don’t even have a users table in the database for bbPress. It only uses users of wp_users.


    In reply to: bug

    Trent Adams

    It would be a bug with the default template because it isn’t wide enough for the username, but not bbPress. I could suggest a fix for this, but it would only be widening the left portion and decreasing the right portion of the template. Simple change to the style.css file.

    Strange, I wondered about this as well :-)


    OK sorted it out and yes – as you guessed it was my fault! As usual :)

    I’d pasted the Akismet key into config.php but because it previously defaulted to false I ommited to add quotes around it which it needed. Add the quotes and it installed.

    I’m probably not the first with this one and almost certainly wont be the last!

    Thanks for your time and effort.


    Nevermind, I’m sorry tonight people.. I’m so behind on sleep, the brain is in bed, but I’m not.. The [Resolved] being added by the “thread titles” was a modification to the WP.ORG forums and so forth.. it’s not by “default” in the download of bbpress..

    Is there any chance of maybe having that a plugin or not, maybe? I wouldn’t mind getting a hold of that.. ;) =P



    When logged in as an admin, go to the topic in question, scroll down to the bottom and click “Stick topic”. At least, that’s where it is in the default theme.


    Sorry about having to make a change in functions.php, I just don’t know how else to do it.

    You can see it in action at

    You can download the file at (link goes to readme which has link to file).

    Don’t forget to change your css file in the described fashion. By default (which, I like this) anything that goes beyond the bounds of the author box is hidden.


    In reply to: K2.F


    well it’s currently for my own use… i’ve made it veer a little bit off the default K2. minor edits… but if i ever perfect the K2-ness into it… i MAY release it, and post the news here too so yeah. my problem now is getting Livesearch to work in bbPress. anyone can help?


    If you look at the default topic template (bb-templates/topic.php), you will see

    <li id="post-<?php post_id(); ?>"<?php alt_class('post', $del_class); ?>>

    the alt_class() function gives every other li element a class="alt".

    So if you use that function in your topic template, you can put something like

    .alt { background-color: red }

    in your CSS file.


    I’ve played around with the default theme a bit, and came up with something that keeps the general feel, but adds a prominent link to the RSS page (using CSS), and made the “tag” heading link to the tags page for a bit of added spice. Oh, and I’ve added snazzy stripes to the tag background ala hoodwinkd as a nod in their general direction.

    Here’s the URL to the forum posting (also give you a preview of the theme):


    Basically the same thing is happening to me. I have the bbpress integration plugin installed on my WordPress blog, but when I register on BBPress, no default role is assigned for that user in WordPress. When I look at the Users tab in WordPress, no group is identified for that new user.


    gnawph wrote:

    The bbPress designers would look foolish changing all of their IDs to Classes and wouldn’t conform.

    I’ve already stated that: “I’m not advocating the removal of any of the ID’s from templates”. I am, however, conscious that the reliance on ID based formatting in the default template is more likely to run in to integration problems in the long run.

    “Latest and Popular are different tables and shouldn’t be labeled the same”.

    Yes, latest and popular are different tables (their ids are different), but they are both examples of a certain kinds of table that show an ordered selection of items based on some kind of score (be it date or rating). So it’s better to define what that kind of table is, so use a class.

    “If code redundancy is an issue you could always go:#latest, #popular {

    Yes, this does have a similar effect, but, if I’m writing a plugin with UI elements then for it’s output to be shown correctly in TemplateX, either:

    1. I have to add CSS to the plugin which might work with TemplateX, but be incompatible with TemplateY, or
    2. The authors of X&Y must alter their css to cope with my plugin.

    This potential hassle just becomes less likely if template designers take an extra few minutes to consider what the more abstract classes in the design should be!

    BTW: class="tableonmainpage" might be better described as .mainpage > table {}


    Right. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your point.

    I like the ID elements, much easier to understand the page.

    I’m doing a quick check of bbpress’s default templates and I don’t see too many IDs I’d even consider repeating inside the code.

    Is your poing that styling more than one ID with the same colors, padding, whatever, is redundant?


    <p class="soapbox">

    Having hacked at the default bbPress template I’m conscious that it makes extensive use of element identities for it’s formatting.

    i.e. elements have an id="xyz" or a name="xyz" attribute, and in the css there is a corresponding #xyz { color: #FFF; }.

    With a pluggable base model such as bbPress it makes sense to specify “how to render things like this” rather than “how to render the thing called this”.

    Thus my request and suggestion is that anyone considering designing bbPress themes in the future seriously considers using CSS classes instead of IDs for formatting.

    The use of classes has the same effect as id’s, but there is a key benefit: an ID can only appear once on a page, so if a page element is repeated, and it’s formatting is based on an ID, then the template breaks.



    In reply to: IE6 problem


    Okay, this so-called IE 6 problem when logged in as Member has to do with capabilities roles. Members can’t add new topics, only edit topics. That’s why I couldn’t see so much stuff. And I was still logged in with Administrator status in Firefox that Firefox appeared to be fine. Knocking my head against the wall!

    The automatic default when someone subscribes is to give them Member status. I would like to give my Members capabilities to add new topics within the forums, and handle those new topics. What would be the additions I would have to make in the capabilities to handle those areas? I think giving them Moderator status is too much, but I’m not sure.


    In the next version of bbPress, the default templates will say:

    “Allowed markup: a em …”



    Because I like to be difficult, I have my WordPress installed at ~/ and mapped to My bbpress installation is in directory ~/ and mapped to

    It mostly works. When I try to look at the default topic I get a 404. If I try to view a profile I also get a 404.

    .htaccess currently has Options +MultiViews and I have also tried the code generated by /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php

    My config.php reads:

    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’;

    $bb->domain = ‘;;

    $bb->path = ‘/’;

    $bb->name = ‘Reality Me Discussions’;

    $bb->admin_email = ‘validemailaddyhere’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = true;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = -5;

    define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    $bb->akismet_key = ‘properkeyhere’;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;;

    /* Stop editing */

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );

    Any suggestions?

    Doug McCaughan


    I believe I sorted out my issue. By not setting my timezone correctly (or at all) it got confused. I assume it looked at the time stamp on some of the posts as being in the future and just defaulted to -1 year as a result. Cleaning this up seems to have fixed up my stats as well.


    Hi everyone, I’ve just had one hell of a night trying to figure out this bbP/wP integration stuff. Eventually, I thought I’d do a clean test install and work from there to see if I could isolate the issue, so I installed:

    BBpress 0.7.3

    WordPress 2.0.5


    Apache 2.0.59

    mySQL 5.0.19

    PHP 4.4.4

    via MAMP on Mac OS 10.4.8

    with WP in root and BBpress as subdirectory “discussions”.

    I then configured wp-config.php and config.php like so:


    define('DB_NAME', 'database');

    define('DB_USER', 'root');

    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root');

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:8889');

    $table_prefix = 'wp_';

    define ('WPLANG', '');

    define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');





    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');

    define('BBDB_NAME', 'database');

    define('BBDB_USER', 'root');

    define('BBDB_PASSWORD', 'root');

    define('BBDB_HOST', 'localhost:8889');

    $bb_table_prefix = 'bb_';

    $bb->domain = '';

    $bb->path = '/discussions/';

    $bb->name = 'the Forum';

    $bb->admin_email = '';

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = -8;

    define('BBLANG', '');

    $bb->akismet_key = '***********';

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';

    $bb->wp_home = '';

    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    define('BBPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/' );

    require_once( BBPATH . 'bb-settings.php' );


    (the 8888/9 ports are MAMP defaults; is the LAN IP of the computer I’m running this on)

    Then I ran the install scripts, and lo and behold, everything seemed to be working great. Then I began to add plugins one by one, and, to make a long story short, found that:

    Whenever the Sidebar Widgets plugin was activated along with a separate widget (including those included with it, and google, as well as akismet, which has a widget built-in), trying to load a BBpress page would yield a blank page. However, if Sidebar Widgets was activated but no widget plugins were, it would work fine–I could even use the integrated widgets (RSS, categories, calendar, etc) on the blog. Likewise, if Sidebar Widgets is deactivated, but all the widgets are activated, it still works fine.

    Also: the Front Page Topics plug-in for bbPress, regardless of any other plugins in wP or bbP, yields a similar blank page on posting a new reply, starting a new topic, making a new forum, or logging out. If I go back and refresh, the topic/reply/forum HAS been created… but the logout attempt is UNsuccessful. Like I said, I tried this with no bb or wp plugins, as well as a variety of them, and its always the same result.

    Ok, its 4:15 in the morning, I have class at 8 and I’m going to go pass out, but hopefully this is enough information for someone to tell me what gives…

    Thanks for reading/any help.


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