I haven’t heard of an export from bbPress to WordPress, but I don’t imagine that someone couldn’t write one in a hurry if they understand both programs. If you already have posts in punbb, you could easily export those posts to phpbb format and then use the import from phpbb to bbPress.
If you already have your comments and posts in a forum, why not setup a new WordPress blog once you have all your posts imported into bbPress and then have all new posts in WordPress go to bbPress for comments and further discussion. That way, all your old posts are already in the forum and all new posts will end up there as well. This is easily done with the bbPress-Post plugin. All new wordpress articles are created in bbPress and a link is placed in the wordpress post to the corresponding bbPress post.
Just something to think about.
Sorry, one more thing. An example of this is my forum if you want a look (click on my name in this post). I was using Nucleus and phpbb for comments and moved over to WordPress for new posts and eventually moved phpBB to bbPress.
Hey Trent -thanks for replying so quickly. You’ve definitely given me something to think about.
If it is somewhat easy, then I think I’ll wait a bit and see if anyone can give a hand with this (Ill completely understand if no one wants to though, since I’ll probably be the only one to ever use it), because on the current site I’ve been using punbb as a blog – my hope is to have all that content separate from the forum.
I may just take your advice though – Thanks.
I’m working on a bbPress exporter now. It will probably be included in the next “major” release.
I hadn’t thought about an importer from bb to WP, but I’ll see what’s possible.
Let me see if I understand the importation scheme you’re hoping for:
1.) One-time import.
2.) Each forum “section” would be a category in WordPress.
2a.) Should a category not exist, it will be created.
3.) Replies to a topic would be created as comments in a blog entry.
4.) Tags (if any exist) would be dropped.
This is going to be simple if I even decide to possibly tackle this. I don’t use either product in production, but have messed around with both of them. The biggest question I have is about users… Obviously, you’ll have users in the forum that don’t exist in WordPress. Would each user need to be created for wordpress, or would all of the imported entries default to a specified user? This would be the hardest (in my mind) thing to figure out and handle.
You might be able to use the integration plugins for WP and bbPress prior to the export/import to sync the users first. Then the import would work off the WP users table.
Since Ahni was interested, and I’ve been itching to do a conversion script to see how easy/hard it can be, I figured I’d chime in. I’m not familiar with either application’s inner workings, but looking at a database and comparing — now that I can get into! 
So, technically, I’m only interested to do a direct convert based on what he wants, if I get around to it at all (don’t want to make any promises here). Anyone else would be more than welcome to modify whatever code I write later on. I can make it publically available. Should be pretty simple, I would think.
BrendonKoz, I hadn’t actually thought about it in any real detail. What you mentioned though sums it up perfectly. For the users issue, ideally I’d like to have all members as subscribers, and have it so their comments to the topics (as I’m the only one who starts topics) would show up accordingly.
One thing though – are you talking about converting directly from punbb to WP? I think in fairness to others, and you too – converting punbb to BBpress would be better, as more people would get use out of it (a basic conversion for users, topics, comments, categories and forums)
In any event, thanks!
any luck with a bbpress -> wordpress script guys?
I have an old wordpress blog I would like to export into bbpress – is this possible?
I would settle for posts and comments but users would be good too.
@mdwaffe – has there been any work on the bbpress exporter?
Has anyone else seen anything that would work to export bbpress discussion tables?
I need to switch over to a vanilla install, and so far I’ve had to manually export/import the user tables (which wasn’t too difficult), however, the discussion tables look a bit more complex.