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  • #64142

    Thanks Chris, I’ll give that a go.

    Sam, I’m planning for bbpress to be part of an existing website, so I think (sorry, learning as I go along) that it means I need to integrate the two together.

    Thank you both for your input.

    Sam Bauers

    You should skip step 2 unless you are specifically integrating your bbPress installation with a WordPress installation.

    If you don’t know what a blog address is, then you don’t have one. There are lots of notes in the installer telling you exactly what the options are.


    In wp-config.php, there is this line:

    define('SECRET_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');

    Whatever value you have there is what you need for bbPress.

    For WordPress address and Blog address, log into your WordPress control panel and under “Settings” you will find these two entries. Whatever is here is what you put into your bbPress installation.

    They are entries three and four I believe.


    In reply to: Prblem upgrading


    I just reinstalled BBPress. Now the forum appears with the correct style. But I still can not log in. I’m using WordPress 2.5. I installed the latest version of BBpress. I’m using the same password that I use with WordPress.


    Is the secret different between WordPress and bbPress? I’m not sure how this works, but, I’m “willing to learn“.


    I’m confused about what I should enter in the following boxes;

    1) WordPress address

    2) Blog address

    3) Cookie secret key

    I’m guessing the blog address is my website URL?………

    But what about the other two?

    Any help greatly appreciated!


    Logging in to WP 2.5 logs me out of bbPress, and vice-versa.

    Cookie information with bbPress .9

    name: wordpress_613ba28cb41760cadf1f08a898f98620
    contents: xxxx%7C1208969840%7C594bfc5f83a1e8af5dd70d130d4c0b89
    path: /appleswitcher/wp/
    date: Wed, Apr 23, 2008 10:57:19 AM

    Cookie information with WP 2.5

    name: wordpress_613ba28cb41760cadf1f08a898f98620
    contents: xxxx%7C1208969965%7Cba3e6d706d0ec0feff73e34afde5d9f0
    path: /appleswitcher/wp/
    date: Wed, Apr 23, 2008 10:59:23 AM

    …where xxxx is a not my username… just using that for security.

    Sam Bauers

    Looks like you got the $bb_table_prefix wrong when you installed, it should have been different to the wordpress prefix.

    Change $bb_table_prefix from “wp_” to “bb_” in bb-config.php then rename you bbPress tables thusly:

    wp_forums -> bb_forums
    wp_tagged -> bb_tagged
    wp_tags -> bb_tags
    wp_topicmeta -> bb_topicmeta
    wp_topics -> bb_topics


    Do not rename wp_posts, wp_users or wp_usermeta!

    This will still leave you without a bb_posts table. So if you have a way to browse your database (e.g. phpMyAdmin) then go into the bb_topicmeta table and look for the row with a meta_key of bb_db_version. Change the meta_value of that row from 1234 to 1233. Login to your bbPress (hopefully it works) then go to the admin section. You will be asked to upgrade, do so and check the log. You should see a log entry where your bb_posts table is created.

    That should do it.


    i did that on my site

    i added the wordpress loader php file to the bb-config file at the top

    it works like a charm


    This “argument” is silly.

    It would take a person reasonably knowledgeable about wordpress/bbpress internals only a few days to write an attachment plugin. It’s just that no-one has the need/desire (including myself) so it’s never been a priority. bbPress has everything needed to make this fairly easy.

    If I get bored and have some time this month I might look at the issue. But attachments are very straightforward. They would be similar to the “avatar upload” plugin but the files would be tied to posts instead the user. Since there is no post metadata, the topic or user meta would have to be used instead (I recommend usermeta since posts one day could be moved around to other topics via a moderation plugin like move-it).

    Attachments open big security issues which is another reason why I have not been in any hurry to make such a plugin – I simply don’t want the responsibility. I was also hoping that by now there would be other plugin developers around to make some of these things. With 0.9 being so solid, perhaps it won’t be long before there are more to tackle these requests.


    Thanks, seems I had a bad copy, downloaded and installed a fresh copy.

    Seems to be working with wordpress, I was already logged into wordpress and I’m the forums shows me that I’m logged in. Now to test and customize.

    It did show minor errors:

    Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

    Key column ‘post_id’ doesn’t exist in table

    Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    Anything I should be concerned about?

    Thanks again.


    In reply to: Installation Troubles


    I am having the exact same problem now. Trying to integrate, added wp_ in the Admin control panel for BBPress under the WordPress Integration settings and I’m getting the same errors.

    Can you show me an example of how these lines should look in the wp-config.php and bb-config.php files?

    Is it absolutely necessary to rebuild the database?



    I am currently installing bbpress in /bbpress/ on my web server. WordPress is already running in the root directory, and I am trying to integrate the two user databases. While the installation process seemed pretty straightforward, I ran into a couple issues fairly quick. First off, my wordpress config file didn’t have a lot of the values that bbPress wanted from it. There was no line for a secret key, and there was no a $table_prefix line but no wp_table_prefix line like bbPress asks for. After getting frustrated and messing around a little bit I tried using the prefix of wp_ to see if maybe that was the wordpress prefix (as the installer said wp_ is default) but all it ended up doing was causing errors and now I can’t even log in to change the setting back since it can’t find the user file. I even tried re-uploading a fresh version of the plugin and the settings stayed the same. What can I do to fix this and integrate with wordpress? Thanks


    When I added the key to wp-config it wouldn’t let me login into the wp admin either. What I had done was put the define() line at the end thinking that would work. I moved it up under the other define() line instead of the very end and the permissions problem went away.


    What I did was edit the header file to include the code to load the WordPress stuff and then just included the header file from the WordPress theme. Then edited the footer.php file to just include the footer from WordPress. I did go through and add a few conditionals to the header.php so that different stuff would be in the <head> section depending on whether I was in forum or out of forum.

    Sam Bauers
    Participant forum is about 500Mb of data.

    Sam Bauers

    Using one server will only ever get you so far no matter how lean the application you are running is.

    Massive query caches are no use if you don’t have the data to fill them. forums (all languages) doesn’t amount to more than 200Mb of data. So even a 1Gb query cache would be mostly empty or stale. wouldn’t be much bigger (and may be smaller). I don’t actually know what the query cache size is on the servers by the way. Query caching is great. Massive query caches aren’t anything special IMHO.


    In reply to: bbSync


    I am using the latest versions of both wordpress and bbpress. It seems that when a post is made on the forum, it doesn’t update in the amount of comments a blog post has, but vice versa works just fine. also, when I delete the comments through wordpress admin panel they are deleted in the admin panel, but are still there in the post.


    I changes ifmodule to IfModule but it did not fixed the problem. And I dont know why it is lowercase for my .htaccess file. It may reason from a previous bbpress rewrite-rules.php or not. I dont know, and I also could not figure out that difference.

    I also tried to rename wordpress’ .htaccess file to check whether it creates a problem or not. When I do that, I get my website working for root and all wordpress pages are not reachable. Forum is the same. So I get an idea, is there any problem with the server or apache for reading the .htaccess file located on /forum folder. Is there any option on apache, or somewhere on the server to read or not to read the .htaccess files on subfolders?

    And I contacted to technical stuff of hosting company, and he asked for the apache version where I was using my site with no problem. It was Apache 1.3 , and this vps has Apache 2. So he said he will try it with apache 1.3 to check whether it is working or not.

    UPDATE: I added a rewrite rule to .htaccess file on /forum folder to check whether it works for a simple redirect or not. And it worked for:

    Redirect /forum/a/


    Your site isn’t loading. Can you provide a script that will convert an IPB forum to bbPress?

    Sam Bauers

    Answer to the first question is that you need to add a SECRET to your wp-config file.

    Sam Bauers

    If only it were that simple.

    There are more variables than just the URL, the solution you describe only covers the simplest integration scenarios.

    We are only starting to bring integration out into a more user friendly space, so there a bound to be a few things which need to be re-addressed based on user experience, but a certain amount of an integration setup is always going to be manual.

    I appreciate far-reaching and big ideas, but right now I think we need more of an idea of what is a problem with what we have now. If it isn’t simple yet, then let’s fix and tune what we have. At the moment we need to remain realistic about how much we can achieve in this area. There has been a considerable amount of time spent to achieve the current solution and with limited community resources we simply don’t have time to devote to a complete rewrite (of something that was just completely rewritten).

    I did consider your suggestion as a possibility when I started to bring integration into the install process, but the amount of time I would have spent writing routines to detect exceptional cases could not have justified the perceived benefit. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your input, but I would have liked that sort of input when I started rebuilding the installer (a process which was publicised in the dev channels) and perhaps a hand to make it a reality at the same time.

    I hope I don’t sound too defensive by the way. I honestly like to hear feedback, I just want to give you an honest response and reasoning behind the decisions that were made with regards to the new installer.

    Sam Bauers

    You need to create the Secret Key in your WordPress config.

    Read the WordPress Codex for more info.

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress uses the user login for displaying identity.

    I want to change this, but it’s actually more work than you’d think. Plus we need to consider that display names aren’t unique in the user table (that’s a legacy from WordPress), which creates the possibility of user spoofing. Using “Display Name (userlogin)” is a possibility where display names aren’t unique but that is a pretty onerous query that we would have to cache somehow (and expire those caches in a dependant way).

    Please make a Trac ticket if one isn’t there…

    Sam Bauers

    @ retrospec

    I can’t replicate that error on FireFox2 on Mac – perhaps try re-uploading the stylesheet.


    Your WordPress rewrite rules (in .htaccess) are getting in the way of accessing bbPress by the sounds of things. Also, the installer is at bb-admin/install.php, not where you said. You should probably delete bbPress and start again.

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