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How To Make WordPress Integration a LOT Easier

  • charliestout


    Can we not just give bbPress the URL of our WordPress installation, and have it make a best guess as to the location of the wp-config.php file, and then let it read all that databasey stuff out of there?

    Seems like it would take a LOT fewer steps to get bbPress integrated with WordPress this way.

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  • charleyramm


    I agree. Simple integration is great, but not actually very simple yet.

    Sam Bauers


    If only it were that simple.

    There are more variables than just the URL, the solution you describe only covers the simplest integration scenarios.

    We are only starting to bring integration out into a more user friendly space, so there a bound to be a few things which need to be re-addressed based on user experience, but a certain amount of an integration setup is always going to be manual.

    I appreciate far-reaching and big ideas, but right now I think we need more of an idea of what is a problem with what we have now. If it isn’t simple yet, then let’s fix and tune what we have. At the moment we need to remain realistic about how much we can achieve in this area. There has been a considerable amount of time spent to achieve the current solution and with limited community resources we simply don’t have time to devote to a complete rewrite (of something that was just completely rewritten).

    I did consider your suggestion as a possibility when I started to bring integration into the install process, but the amount of time I would have spent writing routines to detect exceptional cases could not have justified the perceived benefit. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your input, but I would have liked that sort of input when I started rebuilding the installer (a process which was publicised in the dev channels) and perhaps a hand to make it a reality at the same time.

    I hope I don’t sound too defensive by the way. I honestly like to hear feedback, I just want to give you an honest response and reasoning behind the decisions that were made with regards to the new installer.



    Hey Sam, all the buzz about BuddyPress got me back on the forums here. Everyone seems to say “that’s a good idea for like, three years from now” when I suggest something. I’m either flattered to be thinking ahead or embarrassed to be so disconnected from present reality.

    In any event, thanks for the great down-to-earth response to my pipe-dream post from 8 months ago!

    It would appear that ease of integration has greatly improved since then!

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