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I would like to integrate bbpress user favorites to wordpress profile page. Is there any hook I could use?
I search the forum but I couldn’t find anything relevant.
Topic: Integrated Live Search
Here is a how-to on the integrated live search for bbpress and wordpress
Topic: fantastico for bbpress
right now i tried to upload and run bbpress but no sucess i dont know how to do it.
please can the bbpress people give fantastico install on bbpress on hostmonster as they have wordpress
the hostmonster suport has told me to ask help in bbpress
Topic: Installation Issue Problems
I am new to bbPress and have spent most of this weekend trying to get it installed and running on a site I am trying to roll out.
Here is a synopsis of where I am beginning from:
-Shared hosting account on HostGator
-Currently run 3 other sites all running WordPress
-All 3 sites run from 3 different DB’s named uniquely
-Never had a problem with any of the 3 sites
-I am not a WordpPress expert by any stretch of the definition
What I am trying to do:
-On a 4th site, I am trying to install bbPress to create a community forum.
-Eventually I would like to integrate it with WordPress, but I would like to get grounded in bbPress first.
Every time I install bbPress, I can get the site to come up but when I click on any of the links (like trying to drill down into a topic), the URL changes but the content is always the homepage. I am able to login to the admin screen, but I can’t ever make any changes within it. I can add new topics and they display, but I can never drill into it so I can read the content or add replies.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
I tried searching the forums for the answer so if I completely missed it if you could point me in the right direction that would help. Any help or advice you can give is appreciated.