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  • #54401

    Demo plz?

    Also found this one where you can dowload the theme you are watching ( but it isn’t for download. (Author doesn’t want that)


    I installed the thing, but it does not show graphics and interface.

    Does it have to the in the same folder as WordPress?

    Help me.


    It can’t find the function get() because no such function exists – unless you’re sure it exists in your wordpress plugins or something? Are you sure that’s the function you want to be calling in that template file on line 127?


    I use aggrss to do syndication of my own website’s RSS feeds to the front page (OncTalk) and I want to be able to do the same thing on my bbPress theme (which is nearly identically to my WordPress theme). I’ve setup integration between the two theme systems, and I know it works becuase all of my WordPress Conditional tags and things I’m using in my bbPress theme are working, but when I put in aggrss, I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get() in /usr/home/josh/domains/ on line 127

    When looking up the code on that, I didn’t seen anything blatantly obvious that would cuase a screw up, but im still a beginner at this.

    This is the code around line 127 from aggrss.php:

    (From line 123-131)

    function aggrss($rssurl,$striptags=false,$num=0) {

    global $lastRSS;

    $lastRSS->CDATA= ($striptags) ? “strip” : “content” ;


    if ($aggr = $lastRSS->Get($rssurl))

    return $aggr;


    return 0;


    Full view of the code can be found here.

    Any help in getting this fixed/solved would be much appreciated.


    Topic: Template Tags

    in forum Themes

    I would like/want to know about all the various template tags there are. For example, I wanted to change the way authors are presented next to their post, but found it impossible without changing core files (and those fairly confusing anyway). It would be nice if there were more template tags like there are in wordpress, so that I could call the_author(), the_author_title(), the_author_website(), the_author_profile() (or some variation with parameter-passed requested details). I’d like something, in other words, that was simple and straightforward to use, where looking over code you could immediately see the function. Maybe it’s implemented but I couldn’t see it?

    If they exist, then at least a list of them would be nice.

    More template tags would be great.


    Hello chrishajer,

    I’m definitely seeing the () error when I look at the source.

    I have installed the latest xampp, wordpress and bbpress locally for testing purposes. My config is as follows:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';

    $bb->wp_home = 'http://localhost';

    $bb->wp_siteurl = 'http://localhost';

    I really don’t think I should be getting this error, so must I configure something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Although it is Turkish but as u see on that page there is no Add New link or when u want to click on Profile u will have an error screen about “Page Not Found” or something like that. I couldnt understand that why i am having this problem.

    Also i cant see the site styled on FireFox2

    Note: I integrated bbpress with wordpress and they are using the same database. WordPress is a sub-directory of an other site of mine and bbpress is a sub-directory of wordpress.


    In reply to: .htaccess/Cookie woes!




    I’ll preface this by saying that I love Ahi Tuna dishes at restaurants. What is it about that huge hunk of raw fish meat that’s only seared to (probably) keep men’s wives from refusing to share a bed with a man who would eat a classic “dry heave” food. So, why do I like it? Well, it’s not the big chunk of meat that draws me in and pleases my palate. It’s the simple glaze that I often find on top; the light, sweet sauce that perfectly compliments the fish. As they say, “The secret’s in the sauce.”

    So, the “sauce” for this problem was the secret, and the sauce ended up being all too simple. Ziyphr first directed my friend and I to wp-settings.php. (He said to check out line 185, but mine was around 151-160). I found the code that called the siteurl and home, both of which would have returned, as that is what I have listed in my admin panel. I thought I needed to modify those to somehow spit out two domains, with the www and sans.

    My friend also informed me that he believed that cookie domains really need two dots, the first before the domain and the second after the domain but before the ‘com’. In my case it would be How to get ‘siteurl’ or ‘home’ to reflect that was a challenging thought.

    One side-note for anyone trying this same thing, DON'T CHANGE YOUR SITE ADDRESS OR HOME ADDRESS TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN \"WWW.MYURL.COM\" OR \"MYURL.COM\" IN THE ADMIN PANEL. Doing so will cause you more headaches than when you meet your mother in law for the first time. (Ok, that was an exaggeration, but only slightly).

    Once I got that mess sorted out, we tried to hard code in the, replacing

    define('COOKIEPATH', preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', get_settings('home') . '/' ) ); with

    define('COOKIEPATH', '');

    This didn’t work, and all hope was lost. Curiosity getting the best of me, I opened up my preferences panel in Safari and pulled up the list of all my stored cookies to see if there were any similarities/discrepencies between my cookie and other sites’ cookies. This is where I saw my cookie had the value “” under the heading “website” where most other sites were listed as “”, missing the www that seemed to be plaguing me. I decided that was what I needed changed, and when I looked back at the code in wp-settings.php, I discovered that line 160 was unique from the others.

    if ( !defined('COOKIE_DOMAIN') )
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false);

    I decided to change this to this:

    if ( !defined('COOKIE_DOMAIN') )
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    What do you know…I dumped my cookies for my site, refreshed the page, logged in, checked the cookie, and there it was, ‘’. Now for the true test, I got rid of the ‘www’ in the address bar, hit return, and VOILA! I was still logged in. Everything was seamless. I was now the owner of a spiffy wordpress/bbpress integrated site that shared cookies across sites and subdomains. No crazy .htaccess directives, no checking and double checking every last link in my site to reflect my choice of domains.

    This is the way it should be done. I’m quite surprised it was such a simple solution, and that nobody seemed to be aware of how simple the solution is. I hope this is helpful to someone else trying to share cookies across multiple subdomains.


    I like this plugin a great deal, because it works so nicely right off the bat :D

    Since my forum is in a subdomain, I had to change the code a bit (just coded in the location of my forums instead of letting it grab my blog location and adding a path). But a very minor thing to do for a very nice plugin. :)


    hi there,

    thanks for the quick reply. No, I’m not using WordPress. It’s a self-made community system. Actually I’m not the one who programmed it, I’ve just designed and produced all the templates. But I’m also the one who decides what way to go with the forum.

    Has anyone here successfully integrated bbpress into their own website with 3rd party member database etc.?


    Are you using WordPress or WordPress MU for your blogging system? If so then the integration is really easy and simple. I would suggest taking a look at these tutorials:


    Today I am integreating wordpress and bbpress, it’s works fine, but after I set BBLANG to my language(zh_TW), this message below shows up.

    “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /path/to/bbpress/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26”

    Coz StreamReader class has been declared in wordpress, but bbpress will declare it again in ‘bb-settings.php’, this coz the error.

    here is the code in ‘bb-settings.php’

    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘streams.php’);
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘gettext.php’);

    I use class_exists to avoid these two files, ‘streams.php’ and ‘gettext.php’ to be include twice.

    the code came into these:

    if (!class_exists(‘StreamReader’))
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘streams.php’);

    if (!class_exists(‘gettext_reader’))
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘gettext.php’);

    then it works! bbpress came back to normal, but my language file seems not to be loaded.

    After all, I find out, that bbpress uses wordpress function after integrate, so I place my .mo file into /path/to/wordpress/wp-includes/languages/ , then, my language file finally loaded. but ….. here is another problem, the .po of wordpress and bbpress will mess up into one file. but I want my wordpress not to be translated. ><



    I just wanted to say that I just installed bbPress in a subdomain from my forum and got the cookie syncing to work fine.

    Much thank to Trent, who provided half the solution:

    $bb->cookiedomain = '';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    made it so that forum-generated cookies worked for the entire website. I had to go into wordpress root and edit wp-settings.php line 190:

    define(COOKIE_DOMAIN, '');

    I do not understand how it worked previously, as it defined it simply as false (I assume that the browser will automagically substitute the domain that the user is currently on?). However, hardcoding the domain worked for me, and as long as I remember to change this in future upgrades I should be fine.

    I did have troubles, especially logging out, while testing all this, and found that it’s vital to clear your cookies manually as the wordpress/bbpress logouts were clearing different cookies and you could stay logged in despite trying to log out.

    But yeah, I’m all good. :) Thanks guys.


    Ok, this is the solution that worked for me. I did have to add the rewrite rule, as multiviews isn’t working on my server??? (I think I’m running on php4, is that why?) So, for others who want a wal-mart type bb build ;) here’s a recap of what I did:

    I created a page in my bbpress root called contest.php. Inside of that page I put:

    bb_load_template( 'contest.php' );

    I then created my contest.php page with the content I needed (the template)

    The last thing I did was to put these two lines in my .htaccess file IN MY FORUM ROOT FOLDER, (not my wordpress root folder):

    RewriteRule ^contest/$ /forum/contest.php [L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^contest$ /forum/contest.php [L,QSA]

    This basically says that (without the trailing backslash)

    and (with the trailing backslash)

    will both point to the contest.php page in the root forum directory.

    As so1o said, this last part in .htaccess may be unnecessary if you have multiviews enabled (if your .htaccess file in your FORUM directory has this line: “Options +MultiViews”). Maybe someone else can confirm/deny this, as my configuration is different.

    Hope this helps someone else who needs some custom functionality out of bbpress.



    if you are ok hacking the code.. create a page contest.php in the root forum folder

    add require_once('./bb-load.php'); on the top of the page. and write whatever code you want in the page.. that should create a static page with bbpress functions..

    as far as rewrite is concerned.. im not 100% sure but i think multiviews will automatically translate /contest.php to /contest/. test it and see.



    thanks for the idea. I would probably prefer to do this. However, I have a few bbpress functions being called in the code on the page, and though I could probably dig about and find out how to replace it with wp code, it was not the most pleasant thought. I figured I’d just throw a page up on the bbpress side, and have it resolve at a as is common with wordpress. I found out how to take care of this…I achieved this by adding two lines in the .htaccess file…

    RewriteRule ^contest/$ /forum/contest.php [L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^contest$ /forum/contest.php [L,QSA]

    I’m not trying to start a battle here, but I think your response, Null, might be a bit short-sighted and aggressive. After all, if I feel my software needs a static page, that may just be what it in fact does need.

    I agree with bbolman that this would probably be more efficiently handled by wordpress. However, since bbpress is still in it’s infancy, and it’s not integrated fully yet with wordpress, (this is my way of trying to sound like I’m not a completely right-brained individual), I think it’s fair to say that these decisions aren’t so cut and dried. Anyway, I appreciate the responses all the same, and will post any further findings here…


    In reply to: .htaccess/Cookie woes!



    Thank you so much for your reply. I think this is really the solution that I have been looking for. It just doesn’t make sense to me to only have one subdomain registered in the cookies, and I wasn’t sure how wordpress handled the adding of a subdomain.

    I am still moderately new to php, so I’m not sure I follow the last paragraph in terms of proper form and syntax, and so I’d prefer to ask that “stupid question” rather than sound smart and fail. ;). Can you let me know exactly what you think should go there, in terms of syntax? That would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S. It sounded like you meant to say “You should NOT need to use .htaccess? Just checking to be sure…

    Thanks so much for your help.


    There is an attempt here… Maybe usefull or not.


    Why not just make a wordpress page? People would still be logged in to see it if you have an integrated installation.


    I am currently having a problem where when I log in to wordpress (or bbpress) at, then click a link that is directed to, then I am no longer logged in. (Cookie issues). I am trying to figure out how to define either * (preferably), or if that won’t work then AND

    Give it a shot here:

    and the forum is here:

    PLEASE CREATE ANY ACCOUNTS WITH THE WORD “TEST” AND ANOTHER WORD/NAME IN THE ACCOUNT NAME, unless of course you intend on keeping the account.


    My wordpress options blog url (in the wordpress admin panel) is listed WITH the “www” in front of the domain.. I am digging into mod_rewrite directives, but to be honest, I’m not really grasping it. Right when I think I have it figured out, it throws me. I have been able to get requests going to to redirect to using mod_rewrite in the .htaccess files. However, when I try it out in the forums, ( it just resolves at that address, and doesn’t insert the www. Any ideas?


    I have installed the latest version of bbPress in a sub-directory of my blog ../bb

    Links for template pages generally work and so does the link to the admin and presentation, plugins etc.

    But the links to Add Topic, Forums etc all just take me back to the blog home page. Is this something to with WordPress Integration which I have somehow messed up?

    Any help much appreciated


    This is a forum!!!!!!! Not a CMS or something else……..



    I need to add a custom page to my forum that acts like any other page, but with custom content I have added. It’s actually going to be a “Contest Status” page, where users can check to see if they have completed the steps necessary to enter the contest, and once they have to track the contest’s progress. I know how to create a custom page in wordpress that just points to:

    but I can’t quite wrap my brain around this in bbpress. I want the most elegant, simplest, and most unobtrusive solution I can find. I would love the page to resolve to:

    Is this functionality built in? Is it plugin-able? (I’ve never built a plugin). Is there a simple workaround?

    Any tips or information is greatly appreciated.



    I am not sure that ?page=2 will be followed by search engines. bbPress have a better spiderability then all the other forums and WordPress, it would be a shame to loose so many pages.



    Mod rewrite rules set up for bbPress are OK and are better then the ones WordPress uses. However some tweaking can be done to make things better.

    I’ve tried to put up together a permalinks plugin. I think that I am half way done but I need some help finishing things up.

    The plugin can be downloaded from:

    You can take a look to my test site: (the template is not finished)

    The forum link was changed from:


    The topic link was changed from:


    I need help with creating the pagination mod_rewrite rules (page_2 ). Please let me know if anyone can help with setting up new pagination mod_rewrite rules for this page:

    Thank you,

    Mircea Piturca and Paun Narcis Iulian.

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