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  • #166955


    I tried installing bbPress, after activation I was redirected to a page which told me “you have insufficient rights”. After a refresh, the plugin was activated but nothing changed in the menu (no formums menu option, also no settings -> forums was added). I tried deactivating -> activating and completely re-installing the plugin, but nothing worked so far.

    I use wordpress 4.3.1 and the latest version bbPress to automated plugin install.

    I’m also using WPML, could that be causing conflicts?


    I’m currently running a store with woocommerce and some other plugins like wpml. I wanted to create a forum for members for the shop, so just people which are registered to the shop can see the forum.

    So far the installation went fine and I created a forum with the private attribute. Members can see the forum BUT keymaster don’t. Which leads to the problem that I, as a keymaster, can’t administrate the forum.

    Is there any solution for that problem?

    Denna Gherlyn


    I’ve a caching(?) problem and I’ve no idea how to solve it.

    I use bbpress on a single website in a multisite wordpress installation with the [bbp-forum-index] bbcode on a custom page as front page.
    Now I realised that then I’m moving topics or deleting some of them the topic- and post-counter as the freshness column doesn’t update. There still seems to be a topic but then clicking on the forum there isn’t.
    My first suspect is the cache but after smashing the F5 button and manually clearing the browser cache it’s still there. Also topics deleted a long time ago are still in the freshness column but not in the topic- and post-counter.
    We’re not using any caching plugins. The only thing that comes near a caching plugin is the plugin wordfence that has a caching option, but that function is disabled. I also deactivated the plugin but nothing changed.

    Now I’m quite confused. Does someone know of any problems with following plugins?

    What I’ve tried:
    – deactivating wordfence
    – use the Twenty Fifteen theme instead of evolve (on a test page same result if I move topics between different main categories or parent forums)

    What I use:
    – WordPress 4.3
    – bbPress 2.5.8
    – evolve theme 3.4.3 with a child theme
    test website:

    These plugins are active together with bbpress (on both the test website and the productive forum):
    – Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.2
    – Redux Framework 3.5.7
    – Wordfence Security 6.0.15
    – WPML Multilingual CMS 3.2.6 (active on multisite but deactivated through the WPML intern deactivation)
    – WP Statistics 9.5.3
    – BuddyPress 2.3.3
    – WP Hide Admin Bar 2.0
    – Orbisius Child Theme Creator 1.2.8



    There should be a vBull importer in bbPress.

    The W3 Total Cache would help optimize bbPress. Of course it is more important to have high performance hardware on your site, use an opcode cache, possibly an object cache (the plugin helps add a backend file), and keeping your database tidy. Page cache can become a little tricky in some situations but it should be fine using w3 total cache with bbPres.

    bbPress is translatable and there are translations for specific langauges.

    bbPress could work in multilingual sites. It might be better to just allow your users to contribute their content in their language though. There is an issue using WPML though.


    I am working on this website, I added this code (below) to have the profile redirect to our dashboard using WPML. The nav however is out of order, and I do not know how to arrange this nav.

    So we have Home | About us | Logout | Profile

    The profile is added by the code in the function.php (below), which means it is not arranged by the menu section on the WP. I have a conditional navigation. So when not login, I got Register | Login only. Once I login I have Home | About us |

    So the logout and the profile are added by the code below. How do I arrange it that the logout will be at the end?

    	add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' );
    function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) {
        if (!is_user_logged_in())
            return $menu;
            $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
            $user=$current_user->user_login ;
            $profilelink = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain( '/dashboard' ) . '">' . __('Profile') . '</a></li>';
            $menu = $menu . $profilelink;
            return $menu;

    Please and thank you,



    When I go to create a group in the front end;

    1) I enter group name and description;
    2) I insert the name and description of the group I want to create
    3) If i press next step, i am faced with a Wp error page asking: β€œSi Γ¨ davvero sicuri di voler far questo?”, clicking on the “riprovare” me page not found.

    The group is not created.

    I installed WordPress 3.8.5 with the theme Avada version 3.6.1 of ThemeFusion.

    The main plugin installed are: bbpress (version 2.5.6), buddypress (version 2.2.1), wpml, GEO my WP (version 2.5 with add-ons: Groups Locator, Xprofile Fields, Post Types Locator and Members Locator) and U BuddyPress Forum Attachment.

    Thanks in advance



    In reply to: Languages in bbPress

    Adri Oosterwijk

    Below the reaction I got from WPML.
    Forgive me but for me it is unthinkable that the most used forum plugin on the net 1,7 million downloads is still not WPML compatible.

    Are you taken actions to WPML to persuade them to shift gear on it?
    Here is the WPML reaction:


    Hello Adri

    Thank you for the Debug infos.

    Unfortunately I can not provide solutions for bbPress in use with WPML and WooCommerce by now.
    The Bridge Plugin isn’t supported at current time.

    Our DEV Team is working on a solution, but this will take time.

    For now the bbPress Plugin is considered as not compatible with WPML and also not compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual.

    I am happy you found a kind of workaround, though I assume you could encounter more issues later on using this plugin at current status of things.

    Regarding your last question, please refer to this DOC:

    Automatic Redirect Based on Browser Language

    The WPML Language Redirection based on browser language will “work” every 24 hours, unless you clean your cache of the browser.

    This is because if you take as example a visitor that has EN as browser language,
    but he wants to see your site in DE,
    he would not be able to see your DE site if WPML would ALWAYS redirect to the browser language.

    So WPML does only redirect the user once, and that cookie expires 24 hours after, or of course if you clean the browsers cache.

    I apologize that I can’t help much regarding the bbPress issues.

    It is in the ToDo list of the DEV Team.

    Thank you


    Adri Oosterwijk

    In my site I use two languages, English an Dutch. It took me a lot of time to get it running but after the install of the bbPress Multilingual plugin it seems fine. I have a translated forum.

    However the content of the topics are nit visible in both languages. Only in English or in Dutch. That depend on the page the topic is created. What I want is 1 forum, shown in the English AND in the Dutch site with the same topics.

    I’m running Worpress 4.1, bbPress 2.5.4, bbPress Multilingual 0.9. The translation is managed by WPML.

    Your advice please.


    In reply to: bbPress not working!?


    yeah WPML and bbPress have some compatiblity issues

    you should also search the WPML forums and post to the WPML forums if you need some support from them.


    In reply to: bbPress not working!?

    Adri Oosterwijk

    I was able to point it down to WPML. When I activate the Multilingual CMS Plugin I see the custom Post Types dissappear. Searching the internet I discovered a bbPress Multilingual bridge plugin. I downloaded this plugin from GitHub an installed it. The Custom Post Types appears as they should.

    From this point on I was very optimistic but….
    It is virtually impossible to show the forum. It comes all down to permalink settings and page settings. When I select my WooCommerce shop page as the static front page (what I want) the forum is not visible. It redirects immediately to the front page. When I select no page as front page the forum appears when clicked on the menu item. Beats me! I’m pulling my hair out. Argggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!


    In reply to: bbPress not working!?

    Adri Oosterwijk

    Thank you for your reply.

    I installed through the wordpress installer ->from the plugins ->add new -> install.
    Second attempt downloaded the zip, upload it to wordpress and activate it.

    No functions added.

    I’m using MAMP (for mac, obviously) with mySql and Apache.
    Because I’m on a mac I never had to bother about drivers etc.

    Other plugins are installing fine, except I had an issue in the last couple of days with the upgrade of WooCommerce in conjunction with the WPML plugin. That is solved. It was permalink related (content showed in English and was invisible in Dutch)

    I have tried to remove the bbPress plugin and try to reinstall it to no avail.

    I’m really puzzled here.


    Sorry but we have already implemented another application to have a forum.

    However, if another customer returns me to ask in the future, I will check if there is a stable solution for the coexistence of bbPres with WPML.

    Thanks anyway.




    there is a workaround toward the bottom.

    and also links for some custom development for this kind of thing if you want to do that.

    Can you think to you some action I can do to get, that these two great plugins works together?

    their site forums im sure shows that they work together , the WPML team says they are working on it , unless i havent found the topic/post that says they already have??


    WPML Support they neglect the issues.
    I think, having WordPress installed “by default” the WPML plugin, bbPress should take this into account and find a solution. Do not you believe it appropriate?


    Thanks Robin W.
    I followed the link and I have read all the support offered on the subject.
    In the end, they provided me a plugin bridge that has partly solved the problem, as I can now see the Administrator menus, but still bringing me back a page 404 clicking on the forums.
    Since WPML support are not likely to do more.
    Can you think to you some action I can do to get, that these two great plugins works together?

    Thanks in advance.

    Robin W

    After performing the tasks assigned by Robin W:

    It is a problem with a plugin, specifically with the “WPML Multilingual CMS (version By OnTheGoSystems”.

    Any idea so they can function simultaneously?

    Again, thanks in advance.

    Edit for expand: When I activate the plugin WPML, also the menus (Forums, Topics and Replies) disappear.


    Figured out all my issues with bbpress :).

    The culprit was that I had hidden a default language in WPML, which broke in bbpress quite some things.


    In reply to: Create Forum

    Robin W

    There seem tio be issues with wpml and bbpress see

    as an example.

    I’d suggest you try raising a ticket with wpml to see fi there has been a resolution since that post


    In reply to: Create Forum


    I think it is wpml. when I deactivate this plugin, Forum works. One more thing I want to ask is that what is the difference between forum types (Forum and Category). I create a new forum and I choose Forum type. then I create another new one with Category type. I don’t see the difference between appearances of these two forums.

    Stephen Edgar

    I’m going to close this before the “meeee tooooo” post arrive, I noticed on the WPML forums you should now the plugin πŸ™‚


    HI @minutepapillion!

    Is there any way you can send me the plugin? I tried asking WPML (very nicely) and they keep saying it isn’t complete yet (and this is the only issue holding up the launch of my site)


    Thanks so much. I am not an expert in this, so I will wait until Sunday.

    haha im no expert , im just some guy helping out people on here the best i can

    -Login/Register buttons above the forum

    quicksprout has ajax login and its also in a popup window

    so if you want that install wp-modal-login

    after that copy your content-archive-forum.php to your child theme

    and make sure that is has this code inside of it , heres a snippet

    <?php do_action( 'bbp_template_before_forums_index' ); ?>
    	<?php if ( bbp_has_forums() ) : ?>
    	<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    } else { ?>
    <div class="bbp-modal-login"> 
     <?php add_modal_login_button( $login_text = 'Login', $logout_text = 'Logout', $logout_url = 'http://sitename', $show_admin = true ); ?>
    		<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop',     'forums'    ); ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    		<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'feedback', 'no-forums' ); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    style the link to whatever you want with custom css
    here is a template

    .bbp-modal-login a.login.wpml-btn.login-window {
    float: left;

    and like i said you could also do the shortcode version too

    nice round images of members

    i saw your site , and see you already have this

    images for read/unread posts

    if you want the images here

    the whole functionality of the unread posts on their forums is like 2 unread posts plugins from the wordpress plugin respository mixed together

    i cant really help on this

    statistics at the bottom

    this should be the bottom of your content-archive-forum.php

    	<?php do_action( 'bbp_template_after_forums_index' ); ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[bbp-stats]"); ?>

    to style the bbpress statistics shortcode put content-statistics.php into your child theme

    this should be your entire content-statistics.php

     * Statistics Content Part
     * @package bbPress
     * @subpackage Theme
    // Get the statistics
    $stats = bbp_get_statistics(); ?>
    	<?php do_action( 'bbp_before_statistics' ); ?>
    	<div class="bbp-stats">
    	<ul class="bbp_stats">
    	<li> <?php _e( 'Users', 'bbpress' ); ?></dt>
    		<strong><?php echo esc_html( $stats['user_count'] ); ?></strong></li> 
    	<li> <?php _e( 'Topics', 'bbpress' ); ?></dt>
    		<strong><?php echo esc_html( $stats['topic_count'] ); ?></strong></li> 
    	<li> <?php _e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' ); ?></dt>
    		<strong><?php echo esc_html( $stats['reply_count'] ); ?></strong></li> 
    	<?php do_action( 'bbp_after_statistics' ); ?>
    <?php unset( $stats );

    add this for custom css

    .bbp-stats .bbp_stats {
        list-style-type: none;
        display: block;
        text-align: center;
        margin-left: 0px;
        float: none;
    .bbp-stats .bbp_stats li {
        margin: 0;
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 5px;

    β€œNew Thread button”

    this is just a drop link , example of a drop link would be to put #new-post at the end of the url of this topic and you will see that you will end up at the new topic/reply form

    copy content-archive-topic.php into your child theme right now then

    ILL tell you the rest when im done , because right now im having some trouble


    Thanks for your answer Stephen.
    Well, indeed, I got the plugin from WPML (I asked really nicely πŸ™‚ … their support is very good anyway).
    I am in contact with them now.

    Strange thing is that they use the same combo on their site : WPML + BBpress + BBpress-Multilingual plugin. It works fine.


    Hi, I am building a multilingual website using WPML. I also need to attach a forum to the website and I have never used BBpress before. My question before I start is: Should I install BBPress on a sub domain or is there no performance or security gains to be had by doing this? Is it better to add BBpress into the main WP install?

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