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  • #1404

    Topic: Navigation Theme

    in forum Themes

    I’ve made my first attempt ever at theme-building by trying to port the Navigation theme for WordPress over to bbPress. You can see it in action on my test setup:

    I’m not entirely happy with the way the forum tables display. It looks ok on a 1024×768 resolution, but they mass to the left a bit too much for my liking on higher resolutions (I use 1280×1024). I’m at a bit of a loss, though, to know how to stretch them out enough to fill out the extra white space to the right. I’d be open for suggestions on how to tweak the stylesheet further.

    I’m also not real crazy about the login form location, but I’m not sure of a better place to put it.

    Everything else seems to look and operate alright. Any suggestions and tips would be greatly appreciated. I’m still figuring out some the latest nuances in stylesheeting (it’s been a few years since I’ve done much site design).

    Trent Adams

    I tested it out as I have the same error! It did fix it and a TRAC ticket needs to be created! Good catch! It was your find chrihajer! You post the ticket!



    Martin, your webserver cannot send emails? Can you upload a file called mailer.php and put this into it: (if you don’t have command line access)

    mail( '', "subject: test", "message: test", 'From:');
    echo "Mail should have been sent, check your inbox";

    Run that from your browser and check your inbox. I’ve never had it fail, so I don’t know what is displayed if the mail command fails. If you have a command line, you can just run the mail command:

    php -r 'mail( '', "subject: test", "message: test", 'From:');'

    If you cannot send email from your server, then the patch you referred to would work, but I suspect that was for an older version (.73 maybe, since the post is so old.) You save that information to a file, call it mail.patch or something. You need a command line to patch the files, so if you don’t have that, you would need to download the files referenced in the patch, patch them locally (built in on Linux and OSX but I think you would need a 3rd party app on Windows.) To patch the files:

    1. cd to the installation directory
    2. run this command:
      patch -p0 < /path/to/mail.patch

    That makes the changes to the files referenced in the patch, and the user registration email will be displayed rather than being emailed.


    Sam Bauers

    All the magic happens in bb_repermalink() in bb-includes/function.php but the real problem here is that get_path() splits by “/” to find out the topic/forum/user id.

    You could plugin to bb_repermalink() and change the value of $permalink that way.

    e.g. if your permalinks were of the form, forum-12, topic-34 etc. (already setup in your .htaccess file)

    You could make the following file…

    function my_pre_permalink() {
    $p = get_path(0);
    $p = split('-', $p);
    $p = $p[1];
    return $p;

    add_action('pre_permalink', 'my_pre_premalink');

    Drop that into your plugins directory and it should work.

    Of course I haven’t tested this, but it should work in theory.


    It’s really annoying and it only happens in my recently updated Ubuntu Edgy … with Firefox 2.0 (ie, it only happens in firefox 2.0 for ubuntu edgy)

    I have no idea whether its something i did wrong with my Avatar adjustments to the style.css or whether “desmond” is just forcing me to take an eyetest.

    It’s annoying.

    oh yeah…if you haven’t noticed i am running 0.80 :)


    Hello. I have a WordPress installation (2.1) at / and then the bbPress installation (0.8) at /forums/. I have followed the instructions: and still no go. The WordPress integration plugin is installed and activated in my WP install and I have defined the bbPress tables (bb_) prefix correctly in the plugin options.

    I have defined the options:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    in my config.php file, but do I need to add anything else? Right now, my WordPress users cannot log into the bbPress install, and the bbPress users cannot log into the WordPress install. Any help would be creatly appreciated.


    I tried writing my own plugin–less functionality, really just a simple filter plugin with some preg_replace’s to get the most basic wiki markup, but even this isn’t working. Can anyone see what might be going awry here? I’ve tested all the regular expressions in a plain PHP file, so I know they’re working; it’s putting it all into a plugin and getting bbPress to use it that seems problematic.

    These parameters specify the functioning of this plugin.
    Edit accordingly for your specific situation.

    $mediawiki_filter_params["wiki"] = "";

    Stop editing; actual plugin functionality follows.

    function filter_mediawikitext($content) {
    global $mediawiki_filter_params;
    // Bold and italic
    $content = preg_replace("|(''''')(.*?)(''''')|",
    "<strong><em>2</em></strong>", $content);
    // Bold
    $content = preg_replace("|(''')(.*?)(''')|",
    "<strong>2</strong>", $content);
    // Italic
    $content = preg_replace("|('')(.*?)('')|",
    "<em>2</em>", $content);

    // LINKS
    // Internal links
    $content = preg_replace("|()(.*?)()|",
    // External links with descriptions
    $content = preg_replace("|([)(.*?) (.*?)(])|",
    "<a>3</a>", $content);
    // External links with no description
    $count = 1;
    $replace = TRUE;
    while ($replace) {
    $before = $content;
    $content = preg_replace("|([)(.*?)(])|",
    $content, 1);
    if ($before==$content) { $replace = FALSE; }

    $content = preg_replace("|(======)(.*?)(======)|",
    "<h6>2</h6>", $content);
    $content = preg_replace("|(=====)(.*?)(=====)|",
    "<h5>2</h5>", $content);
    $content = preg_replace("|(====)(.*?)(====)|",
    "<h4>2</h4>", $content);
    $content = preg_replace("|(===)(.*?)(===)|",
    "<h3>2</h3>", $content);
    $content = preg_replace("|(==)(.*?)(==)|",
    "<h2>2</h2>", $content);

    // RETURN
    return $content;

    add_filter("the_content", "filter_mediawikitext");

    Sam Bauers

    Note -You must assign a category to all forums . Tested assigning only three of my forums at first —- syntax errors. Set them all and no errors.

    I’ve never experienced this problem, can you recreate and post the error here? You may need to manually remove a forum from a category in the database to recreate it.

    It may have something to do with one of the plugins.


    Great patch thanks. The instructions are clear and precise.


    Note -You must assign a category to all forums . Tested assigning only three of my forums at first —- syntax errors. Set them all and no errors.

    Trent Adams

    That is a good question. I have yet to test it on the most recent version of bbPress. I guess if nothing else you can run it on an install of 0.74 and get it working and then upgrade bbPress to 0.8 afterwards if nothing else. What were the errors?



    Does anybody know if this script is supposed to work with the latest release of bbpress (.8)? I ran into some problems importing some of the tables.

    Thanks, Len


    I’m assuming this path works just as good right?

    /root directory/bb-templates/your-theme/

    That’s what I am doing at the present time, w/o the latest upgrade though of course.. =P I’ll get on updating it here soon.. just wanted to wait until ALL the dang commits were really over lmao.. =P



    Upgraded to the lastest bbPress and find that the display name has stopped working… was using the display-name plugin… for this

    Trent Adams

    I didn’t know you could drop the folder into my-templates as well. Interesting…that might be a better solution! Thanks for the 411. Does it need to be a complete folder then or just changed files? I didn’t even bother testing that out! ?


    Trent Adams

    Most likely today. The release on this support forum is the final real ‘test’ before it becomes a final release. I would imagine after a few tweaks, the STICKY will appear with the release.



    I’m going gently nuts. I have two forums: and The second one (ponohouse) is a new installation of the latest software version. the first one is an older installation–it’s working fine. The installation went fine, I attempted to use the integration features but got an error message (sorry, don’t remember what it was) so I cleaned out the integration data in the config file, deleted the tables in the database, and reinstalled.

    Everything seemed to work fine–I can register as a user, but when I click “see my account” I get a 404 error and when I click on a forum topic I also get file not found.

    I notice that the directory the browser is trying to access is: whereas in the allaluminumtour forum it’s

    Any ideas?

    Trent Adams

    I changed this up a little bit and made it work for the up and coming 0.8 theme. It would be nice to have someone test it again on 0.75 as I don’t have an install anymore, but I think my directions should work. Download is in the first post of this thread or check out the entry on my blog or over at the complete template and plugin blog, Pro Forum



    Null I am using the original logo again. ;)

    Trent Adams

    If it is a real issue, just put a quick test install in a different folder structure. Test it up there and then you can move it to the real site.



    In reply to: 8.0


    God, I hope so.. I’m getting tired of constantly adding the Forum Categories enhancement to the latest SVN trunk files, and then uploading them again lmao.. =P

    I think I’ll just wait now, until .80 is full-blown released, and you’re done doing .80alpha SVN commits hahaha. /Me thinks: dang! It’s planned to go into 1.0 anyway, so.. I guess I’ll have to worry about that transition or whatever then too. Oh well..


    Sam Bauers

    Just until it gets picked up in the plugin directory, here is Visual Support Forums for bbPress.

    This is an extension to the Support Forums plugin and requires it to work, it also needs to be loaded after that plugin, thus the slightly kludgy name.

    The plugin will add cute little dots in front of your topics to indicate their support status, it will also remove the “[closed]” prefix and replace it with a nice little lock icon.

    No configuration is necessary, just drop the files in your plugin directory.

    Trent Adams

    I am not sure how this will work on the localhost as that is not really a domain to define a cookie domain. Can’t be sure without testing it.



    In reply to: My Template Victory


    Trent, agreed… When I started, it mostly mind block… once you open up, it gets pretty easy…

    a test integration:

    ignore all the silly posts and comments… testing a new wp theme and a whole bunch of other stuff for things I am working on…


    okey, I tried that but I cant get it work. I just copied the code you wrote and changed the domain. For the moment I’m testing my forum in my localhost. This is the code I use:

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';

    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';

    $bb->cookiedomain = 'localhost';

    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    I can add that I’m a totally newbie to cookies!



    What did I do? Well simply replace bb_get_location output with: front-page.

    It even doesn’t chance the page id :D

    Perhaps it’s a “dirty” fix, but it works:

    function get_bb_menu() {

    global $bbdb;

    $pemal = get_bb_location();

    $pemal = str_replace('topic-page', 'front-page', $pemal);

    $pemal = str_replace('profile-page', 'front-page', $pemal);

    -normal code goes here-

    Going to do some more testing and then it’s ready for release!


    Thanks guys! I copied the BBP tables over to my WP db, and everything worked out fine — with the added bonus that this plugin now works perfectly. Maybe I missed it, but I think the BBP install instructions should make a point of recommending that BBP be installed in the WP database.

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