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  • #189714
    Robin W

    I’ve just (today) released a new version of my โ€œbbp topic countโ€ plugin with a new shortcode which will show the top X users across the forums.

    I’ll take a quick look to see if I can make this forum specific.

    In the meantime take a look at

    dashboard>settings>bbp topic count>shortcodes to see what it is and how to use it.


    @pascal, thank you very much for your consideration.

    However, I think you should make an effort to upgrade your plugin with the mentioned feature so that the migrated comments to bbpress can be shown under the individual posts by the users.

    I cannot see any reason why we should wait for the permission of the other plugin author?

    Because you are not copying anybody’s codes, you are only creating a similar functionality in your plugin

    Robin W

    Not sure what to advise for best.

    I’m not a bbpress author, so have no direct influence on code.

    However I have 6 plugins that are sub-plugins to bbpress most of which have shortcodes that won’t display correctly under 2.6rc5.

    I have asked the authors to reconsider restricting bbpress – the min file is only 32kb, so won’t affect load times to go on all pages – it is just downloaded once when the site is accessed.

    If they decide to go as is, I will need to duplicate part or all of the bbpress.css file in my plugins, which means that someone using 3 of my plugins will get the same css downloaded 4 times – 3 by me and one by bbpress which is not good ๐Ÿ™‚

    So watch this space.

    if you are deep into coding, you could just enqueue a copy of bbpress.css in your theme, or probably much easier just dump the contents of bbpress.css into your theme’s css – that will fix it.


    Hello Robin, Im using pixiehuge as isuzu. I changed codes like you said in pixiehuge theme (main.css) but my problem not solved yet.

    Here is the my website forum


    In reply to: RKK Login Widget gone?

    Robin W

    I presume Rkk has deleted.

    my styles pack plugin has a shortcode

    [Profile label=’This is the label’] will show

    which will let you add that as a text box beneath the standard bbpress login.

    bbp style pack

    once installed and activated – go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>shortcodes to find what the options are

    Darko Dinic

    Hi dear support,

    we have installed your plugin on our website and apparently it’s not working properly.

    If we use the shortcodes to place it on some page:

    Forum TEST

    It shows list of forums but once you try accessing some forum it shows empty page:

    Muske Carape

    Also, the default forum page is not working:

    We already tried disabling all the plugins to rest assured that plugin conflict is not making some conflict there and it’s still not working.

    WP version 4.9.1.

    Can you please take a look at it and advise?

    Thanks in advance!


    @sarwarc – I just created this very simple plugin to give you access to the user profile link via a shortcode. You can use it in conjunction with the Shortcodes in Menus plugin to add a link to the user’s profile page in your menu.


    In reply to: Feature requests

    Jacob N. Breetvelt

    I think i ggot it:
    Filters ‘bbp_get_topic_content’ and ‘bbp_get_reply_content’. They MUST run after wpautop, so i gave them priority 1000.

    All of my code to get my plugin compatible with bbpress looks now:

    /* We use bbPress */
    // editor bbpress in tinymce mode
    function wppa_enable_visual_editor_in_bbpress( $args = array() ) {
    	if ( wppa_switch( 'photo_on_bbpress' ) ) {
    		$args['tinymce'] = true;
    		$args['teeny'] = false;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'wppa_enable_visual_editor_in_bbpress' );
    // remove insert wp image button
    function wppa_remove_image_button_in_bbpress( $buttons ) {
    	if ( wppa_switch( 'photo_on_bbpress' ) ) {
    		if ( ( $key = array_search( 'image', $buttons ) ) !== false ) {
    			unset( $buttons[$key] );
    	return $buttons ;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_teeny_mce_buttons', 'rew_remove_image_button_in_bbpress' );
    // enable processing shortcodes
    function wppa_enable_shortcodes_in_bbpress( $content ) {
    	if ( wppa_switch( 'photo_on_bbpress' ) ) {
    		$content = do_shortcode( $content );
    	return $content;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_content', 'wppa_enable_shortcodes_in_bbpress', 1000 );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_content', 'wppa_enable_shortcodes_in_bbpress', 1000 );

    Pleas be so kind to review this to see if i did it right or did oversee something.


    In reply to: Feature requests

    Jacob N. Breetvelt

    Thank you, this works great!

    One thing left: i can not find the filter to filter forum posts/replies, so i could do:

    function my_process_shortcodes($content) {
      return do_shortcodes($content);
    add_filter( '...??...', 'my_process_shortcodes' );

    Topic: Feature requests

    in forum Installation
    Jacob N. Breetvelt

    To make it possible for other plugins to add buttons to the editors toolbar, please make it possible to run the wp_editor() for posts/replies with the switches ‘tinymce’ => true and ‘teeny’ => false.

    Also, make it please possible to get the posts/replies passing the ‘the_content’ or at least the ‘do_shortcode’ filter. This would enable other plugins to enter their shortcodes into the posts/replies and get them rendered in the final display of the posts/replies.

    For more information why i ask this, please read this ducumentation page of the plugin wp-photo-album-plus.


    I’m running WP 4.9.1 with the Sport theme and BBPress 2.5.14

    Everything works OK, but I have one user who has persistent problems posting. Every time he attempts to post a message, he gets an error saying, ‘ERROR your topic cannot be created at this time”.

    This does not happen with any other users and the problem persists even after I deleted his account and created a new one with a different ID and password.

    This would seem to point to some external cause, originating on his PC, but I can’t figure out what. I did suspect that he was possibly drafting his posts in MS Word and then copy/pasting them into his posts, which could have included MS control codes, a problem I’ve encountered before. However, after getting him to enter text directly in a new post, the same error message appeared.

    This one has me stumped. If anyone has seen anything like it before, or has any ideas about what the cause is, I would be very grateful to hear.


    Hi @louisgeorges

    In fact you can do it ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    1.- Copy the follow code and paste it in functions.php file (If you dont know about functions please read about it before do this):

    //Restrict Topic and Replies Content For No-Registered Users
    function pj_hla_logged_in_topics($have_posts){
    if (!is_user_logged_in()){
    $have_posts = null;
    return $have_posts;
    add_filter('bbp_has_replies', 'pj_hla_logged_in_topics');

    With the above code your visitors (no registered users) will see only the topic title. The code locks topic content and all replies.

    2.- After pasted the code, try open a topic so you will see a bbpress notice about “you dont have access to… etc something like that”. You need to find the file where is that notice, to edit it with anything you want, for example a link to the sign up page (Sorry, I dont remember the file name).

    To show topics titles in your post or other pages you have 4 options:

    1.- Add each URL in your blog post with the same topic title and link it to the topic (hard work but good if you like linkbuilding)

    2.- Default bbpress shortcode: [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] โ€“ Display a single topic. eg. [bbp-single-topic id=4096] ( )

    3.- @robin-w plugin:

    4.- Hire a developer to create a shortcode to show last topics or whatever about topics.

    Hope this can help you!

    Robin W

    brilliant – thanks so much for posting the solution, and yes it looks like if you partner with a page and have multiple shortcodes then you may need to choose what the forum root should show.

    Robin W

    these sortcodes are theme(or other plugin) related, not bbpress.

    what theme are you using?


    Solved! Found an earlier post about a similar problem. I manually edited spam-prevention.php under Mojo Marketplace Plugin to remove all blocked words including breast. Then problem is gone. Strangely, I had uninstalled Mojo Marketplace long time ago and it does not even show up on my Dashboard. Apparently its codes are still there and working.


    I don’t think there is a plugin or existing feature that does this.

    I’m really surprised that this isn’t a common question, as it is a real huge issue that allows spammers a backdoor to register as a user to your site. Very bad. This code will redirect all login and password attempts to a static page on your site which can use the regular bbp login, register, and pass shortcodes.

    You can use this custom code:

    // intercept the Register and Lost your password? links from the standard WP login screen
    define( 'REGISTRATION_URL', '');
    	function custom_redirect_login_register($reg_url) {
    		return home_url( REGISTRATION_URL );
    	 * Redirects visitors to <code>wp-login.php?action=register</code> to
    	 * <code></code>
    	add_action( 'login_form_register', 'custom_catch_register' );
    	function custom_catch_register()
    		wp_redirect( home_url( REGISTRATION_URL ) );
    	 * intercept and
    	add_action( 'login_form_lostpassword', 'custom_filter_option' );
    	add_action( 'login_form_retrievepassword', 'custom_filter_option' );
    	 * Simple wrapper around a call to add_filter to make sure we only
    	 * filter an option on the login page.
    	function custom_filter_option()
    		wp_redirect( home_url( REGISTRATION_URL ) );

    There are articles on how do add custom code to your bbPress installation.

    Note that this is an option provided with my plugin “Weaver for bbPress” which is a fully turn-key solution to creating a bbPress site. I have not created a stand alone version of this option yet.

    Robin W

    As far as I can see your theme author has rewritten some (maybe all) of the theme templates, renaming all the bbpress css codes, to harmonise in with the theme, which effectively neuters my plugin.

    It would take considerable effort to change all that to make the two work.

    I think that is as far as I can help.


    I just try latest version of BBPress, and this problem exist. Is there any fix coming? Codes above didn’t work for me.

    Bharat Karavadra


    I have had to add a space after the https:// to avoid the screen appearing

    If you look at Peter Recks’ posts here:

    There are quotes with text ‘Reconsidering Study, Qualifications & Experience’ with a link to here:
    1) https://

    However, Peter has only put in a link in his post which is not to the link 1 above but to here:
    2) https://

    When I look at the link in admin it appears correctly as link 2

    Why is the link being changed from the 2nd to the 1st on the user side and the title of the page being added?

    And more importantly how do I get it to appear as it as posted, namely link 2.

    Note: no a hrefs or any other shortcodes for links are being used — only the URLs 1 and 2.

    Thank you,


    Robin W

    ok, so you create a page and use shortcodes to achieve this




    Robin W

    ok, so you create a page and use shortcodes to achieve this





    fdarn, i am using shortcodes to embed the forums but it doesn’t show on the core pages either. I have tried removing all of the forum shortcodes from the site and this doesn’t seem to make any difference.


    Sovvyg, Are you maybe using a short code to embed the forum on a different page? I am having the same issue when I use shortcodes.


    I am using bbPress 2.5.13
    I need to use a shortcode to put my forum on a page in wordpress. The shortcode options in bbp style pack will display the topic index but they will not display the Create a New Topic form or Link, like the regular Forum page does. See screenshots for examples.



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