Open your config.php in the bbpress root directory and change the offset. You don’t even have to reinstall anything, that’s just where the forums go to get that value. Changing that value and reuploading that file will fix the problem (same thing happened to me )
Hi there,
I run my blog/site on wordpress and I am really keen to add a forum. I have the option of phpbb or smf or our very own bbpress.
Picture support is my basic requirement. Could you please tell me when will it be added to bbpress? Coz i am all for WP!
And is there anyways, we could have the title of the thread as the url for the thread to make it more SEO friendly with keywords?
Thanks for the help
ergate: I’m doing it manually right now. Assuming I carry on like that, is there a way to include the # posts functionality?
ear1grey: Your plugin looks to be the sort of thing I’m after, but I’m a bit confused about how it works.
First, I believe I’ve added that meta fields as instructed, but nothing seems to be showing in the post.
Also, it’s not clear from the example post on your site if it’s possible to direct users to a particular, pre-existing forum topic.
Thanks for any more help!
Ahh, you’re right! I overrode the keymaster setting with the code mentioned in this other topic and everything’s fine now. Thank you very much for your help!
I had a similar problem. Being an admin in WordPress doesn’t mean you automatically get to be an admin in bbPress. Only the key master you created upon install of bbPress can access the admin. Once that user is in the admin area, you can add your WordPress admin as an admin of bbPress.
Sorry, I don’t have bbpress and wordpress linked. I just know that if I’m not logged into bbpress and I try to access the admin page, it redirects me to the main page
Yes, I can confirm that my bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php plugins are installed in WordPress plugins folder and not in bbPress.
«… As for my bbPress and WordPress Admin username and password is the same for both databases: bbPress was integrated into WordPress MySQL tables during installation and configuration. Consequently, bbPress and WordPress seems to share the same cookies reason when I logged into one as Admin, I’m logged into the other as Admin; the same is true when I’m logout out… »
If my bbPress and WordPress seems to be using the same cookies, it’s because I change my bbPress Admin or Keymaster password to the exact/same WordPress existing password; reality check, the bbPress generated password at Installation will not work when trying to login WordPress.
I’m a newbie to all of this configuration.
bbpress-integration.php has been activated within WordPress plugin window/tab.
Thanks for your patience.
I’m sure that’s plugin-able… I’ve been thinking about it myself
It seems to me that anything that I want in bbpress I can just add in myself. The code isn’t too terribly hard to follow (you HAVE to make it searchable though, or you’ll pull all your hair out in less than 2 hours) and even if the hooks you want aren’t there yet, you can just adjust the core files and at least it’ll work for you (I know, I know, that’s bad )
Tested by creating a new member within bbPress. Then, still login bbPress, I attempt to connect with WordPress, but I get the message «Session has expired». My username automatically fills in the login username space within WordPress. In addition, this new member is not listed under WordPress members.
Stupid question, so forgive me…..bbpress-integration.php plugin is installed in WordPress and not in bbPress?
I do like BBPRESS s simple forum, its fast and clear.
but, i think it will be better if theres a upload image fonction in the next generation~~
its just a suggestion~~
Ok, then I will have to resolve my login issue described over here:
Thanks for your reply.
Mine just works with the bbpress-integration.php plugin. Does you login move over? What I mean is login in WordPress and move over to bbPress and remain logged in as the user you just logged in WordPress as?
If you are integrated with WordPress, you have to delete the user in WordPress. I learned this the hard way.
I normally surf the web with FireFox Mozilla. With Internet Explorer, I realize that my bbPress name overlaps registration and login boxes. How can I reduce font size?
Thanks for your reply.
// What are you going to call me?
$bb->name = ‘Babillard’;
How do I delete/erase members via the Admin section? In the member profil, it seems I can erase a member, but it doesn’t seem to delete this member from the users tab within the Admin.
Thanks in advance for your support.
My bbPress and WordPress Admin username and password is the same for both databases: bbPress was integrated into WordPress MySQL tables during installation and configuration. Consequently, bbPress and WordPress seems to share the same cookies reason when I logged into one as Admin, I’m logged into the other as Admin; the same is true when I’m logout out.
The same is not true, as the above, with a new member registration within bbPress or WordPress. When I’m registered as a new member into one, I’m not registered into the other: the new bbPress registered member is not automatically registered into WordPress and vice versa.
How can I resolve? Thanks for your support.
The WordPress in question:
bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php are installed and configured.
The open source community is working on a standard process to evaluate software.
At ITerating, we’re working with the Business Readiness Rating (BRR) consortium and with users to gather this shared content . We provide an easy interface to post a review using the BRR approach.
It would be great if one of you could take the time to provide feedback on bbPress using this approach. All you need to do is go to and click on “review this product”. The information will be part of the growing database of reviews on the site, in addition of being viewable on the iterating site.
Reviews for other products in the same category as bbPress , such as phpBB have already been posted on the site.
Alina Barbuceanu
Research Analyst
Sorry about having to make a change in functions.php, I just don’t know how else to do it.
You can see it in action at
You can download the file at (link goes to readme which has link to file).
Don’t forget to change your css file in the described fashion. By default (which, I like this) anything that goes beyond the bounds of the author box is hidden.
Well, I wouldn´t try to implement the original K2 livesearch, and search for another solution, e.g. this one at Why? Because the K2 one needs many changes – in my opinion to many changes.
Another Option: The old K2 livesearch used in the early K2 releases.
And another thing: It would be nice to have (if you have bbPress integrated with WP) one search to search all…
It’s a simple one.
It returns the post count of the user.
You can see it in action at (you have to look at an actual topic)
You can download it from (link is instructions how to use it, link at bottom instructions)
Is this something I can submit to bbpress? Or is me mentioning it here the equivalent of submitting it?
Dear talkaboutd,
It looks great. The only recommendation I would make is that the Login and Logout tabs be fused into one. If you are logged in, it shows the word Logout. If you are logged out, it shows the word Login. Anyway, great job.
I think the easiest (& most stable) solution is to use a symlink such as ln -s /path/to/bbpress newname
in the folder where you want the new forum to appear (probably at the top level of your server).
Then, once that’s running, open your config.php
and change $bb->path = '/newname/';
I think that’s all, and you have the advantage of being able to get the symlink working before asking bbpress to use the new path when creating links.
Anyone see any gotchas with that?
O my. Hope you are all right!
I was going to start writting the plugin myself but I quickly found that it was a lot more complex then I thought it would be at first. This is going to be a big help to me and I thank you for your work.
I got back from hospital today… a couple of day and it will be ready and available i hope.