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  • #65345

    You did not set up permalinks on your server, or the server does not support them. Turning them back to none makes the links work again, but you don’t have any sort of permalinks.


    You can download it here: User Photo for bbPress.

    The readme.txt has installation instructions.

    User Photo for bbPress is a modified/simplified/ported version of the original User Photo plugin by Weston Ruster.


    Hey everyone,

    I’m trying to do 3 things.

    1. I want posts inactive longer then a set time to not be propagated to the Latest Discussions on the forum Index.

    2. I want hidden private forums to not show up on the Latest Discussion list unless they would normally be allowed to see it.

    3. I want the forum name to show up in another column in the Latest Discussion list.

    I’m using the Private Forums plug-in, and Latest Discussion is only visible on my site from bbpress/index.

    For 1. I found a plug-in but it’s no longer supported and I couldn’t clean up the Syntax error myself.

    For 2 I can find nothing.

    For 3 using another forum post I’ve already edited my templates to include the extra column and I almost see how to do it myself, but I can’t see where to get the name of the forum from the topic.

    As always, thank you for whatever help you can offer.


    I used this code from the documentation:


    to intigrate bbpress with wordpress, so I could use my current wordpress themes.

    the only problem I have now, is that when I try to access /bbpress/bb-admin I am automatically forwarded to /bbpress and I have no access of the admin screen.

    any ideas?




    Hi Detective, I really like this theme – like I said before definitely one of the best WordPress/BBpress installs I’ve seen.

    Does this theme have the User Photo plugin intergrated into it? I would love to be able to use User Photo within BBpres like you have done at


    In reply to: Simple registration


    I have found the trac website with the ticket for your records:

    Now I am thinking that we can achieve this easily:

    0. create custom field for password (at first do not validate with an extra field)

    1. get the registration function to create the account with the given username

    2. get the password be follow through the function and pass it to a second call

    3. the second call will really call the change-password function and will get the passed user defined password to the change-password.

    4. the end.

    Sounds simple but let’s see where our code is.



    Test Installation:

    Includes readme.txt with examples. It supports english and spanish (es_ES).

    Hope you like it :)

    Suggestions, bug reports, comments and feedback in general are welcomed :)


    I’ll release this plugin tomorrow. Check this profile to see how it looks.


    I made a few changes in the layout. I’ll release the theme tomorrow :)

    Remember it needs some knowledge, because without customization (through plugins) it’s kind of ugly …


    In reply to: A bit of advice needed


    Ah brilliant,

    Thanks so much for the clarification. I was getting the feeling that quite a few things had changed all right. The main development site has had quite a lot of work done so far, but on bbpress all I had really done was set it to use the header and footer from the WP theme.

    It’ll be easy to dump it and start again.

    Actually on that point. In installing the old version I stored the bb_press database tables in this site’s WordPress database, eg:

    | bb_forums              |
    | bb_posts |
    | bb_tagged |
    | bb_tags |
    | bb_topicmeta |
    | bb_topics |
    | wp_comments |
    | wp_ig_caticons |
    | wp_links |
    | wp_options |
    | wp_postmeta |
    | wp_posts |
    | wp_term_relationships |
    | wp_term_taxonomy |
    | wp_terms |
    | wp_usermeta |
    | wp_users |

    Should I delete each of the tables prefixed “bb_” before continuing?




    hi chrishajer

    after your suggestion i tried to think of a diff way so i installed phpbb via fantastico on a different domain iimported the odl database and then looked through phpmyadmin to see if i could find the posts, success! exported as .csv file and now i have all the data and email addresses ;)

    thanks for your help!


    Thanks, benbeltran, for the heads up! I just nominated it for the same categories…


    Hello, as some of you might know already, hands out awards annually to the best open source projects. I’m inviting the community to nominate one of my favorite forums system (and possibly yours too). Of course, bbpress.

    Just Click Here to Nominate BBPress

    I Nominated it for best project and best new project.


    In reply to: A bit of advice needed


    I would install bbPress latest which is and WordPress latest which is 2.5.1. The big change with WordPress 2.5.* and bbpress 0.9.* was with the cookies. If you have only a few test posts, I would just install WordPress fresh (or upgrade your WordPress installation) then install bbPress fresh. Integration is totally different now, no more plugins.

    Good luck.


    If you have direct access to the database with something like phpMyAdmin, you can view the existing posts. Sounds like the phpBB is not running now, otherwise I would just copy the text from there. Without the software running, you’re going to need to view the posts in the database and copy them from there and paste into bbPress. With a small number of posts, I wouldn’t bother with export and import, just copy them and post new at bbPress.


    Hi Guys and Gals

    I have a very small phpbb database but not up and running as many problems i have installed bbpress everything is working fine! (except I forgot about moderation and akismet and within 27 mins of going online it had four spam comments ;) )

    Is there a way I can just see the posts from that phpbb database and then i will copy and paste into my new bbpress installation?

    or is their an easier way? I have xampp runnin locally but tried to move the phpbb files and import the db using phpmyadmin but i get errors.

    Like i said its a v small database and I just need the post text!

    Thanks in advance



    Hi there,

    I started development on a wordpress + bbpress site quite a while back. Development stalled and I’m only coming back to it now.

    I had integrated wp + bbp fairly successfully but I have a feeling upgrading to WP2.5.1 might have broken a lot of that cross compatibility.

    The bbpress installed version is, but essentially it’s an empty forum (a couple of test posts from myself).

    Regarding upgrading to the latest version, I get a feeling I might almost be better off completely wiping the original forum version and starting again – I might run into less problems? I had a look through the trac but couldn’t really work out how much substantial change there has been between current and my older version.

    Any suggestions?

    Is uninstalling and reinstalling reasonably easy?


    hi, detective..

    nice job!! i’m looking forward for the release too.


    In reply to: Simple registration


    This sounds a past issue, yet I would like to add fuel to this thread. Please make me aware if there is already a plug in for this feature. I saw a note of _ck_ requesting this enhancement but I doubt it has gone through over these months yet.

    To txrediakov: I want to enable the user to choose their password, not because of email anymore but because I believe we cannot just deny our users this capability. It is expected in any reasonable website that the user can type her own password.

    To chrishajer: Good information. Now thinking logically: If one can display the password in a window returned after registration I think it could be possible to perform one additional step in the php code to take a password fetched from a custom field in the registration page, then take the bbpress generated password and replace it with the new value.

    However, there is a slight problem. The user can only change her password after she is logged in. Granting the new user access to the account to post right away after registration may pose some kind of security thread to the system and to the accounts of all users. So how could we go about doing this without compromising the security of the system?

    Please you are welcome to contact me as I need to work and solve this issue.



    In reply to: Lost Key Master


    As the code stands at the moment, it is a little too easy to lock yourself out. There may be a cleaner solution, but the following worked for me:

    Try to login to BBPress with the WP admin. If that fails to give admin access to BBPress, the user mappings were either not set, were set at the wrong stage during integration, or were set such that nothing mapped to the Keymaster.

    Backup the database (just in case a bad situation accidentally becomes terminal while you’re trying to fix it).

    Using SQL access to the database (eg PhpMyAdmin), open up bb_topicmeta and delete the last few lines with meta_key starting wp_. That should reset everything, allowing you to get back into BBPress on the old Keymaster account and start again.

    I found the order in which the integration settings were applied was critical. Your mileage may vary, but for me that was:

    1. Edit User role map (ensure Admin is linked to Keymaster), and save.
    2. Add “wp_” under User database table prefix and save.
    3. Hit the User role map button again.
    4. Finally complete the cookie setting and save.


    Well I didn’t break it, I think… =) I’m currently using the latest version Support-Forums plugin (3.0.4), and the latest BBpress (

    On the front page, most topics displays fine, with the status bubble ahead of the topic title, but for certain topics I get this error… this error code replaces where the color bubble would have been.

    Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/blog/public_html/forums/my-plugins/pb–support-forum/support-forum.php on line 657

    help would be much appreciated, thanks!


    I am also very interested in this. I have an install of WPMU and bbPress integrated, and I’d like all logins to go through WP, and redirect to the previously seen page upon login.



    I integrated bbPress with WordPress, soooooo, now bbPress is using WordPress database… that means I have no Key Master nor Administrator for bbPress,

    How can I manually convert my WordPress’ admin to a bbPress’ Key Master?

    So I can change bbPress settings and stuff.

    Please help, thanks!



    in forum Showcase

    WP and BbPress integration…



    i used external stylesheet, images, scripts for both wp & bbp…

    use php include for the sidebar on the bbpress…

    will put the latest discussion on the homepage soon…

    and maybe post a tutorial about it… feel free to subscribe on the feed… there are some interesting insights about web startup even if you’re not from around

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